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he'll be fine

President of the United States of America

I just hope they shot all his scenes for the last Jedi already. Oh Wait... No I don't. Fuck Star Wars

Mark is an american treasure, that needs to be protected

How do you kill a man's career who hasn't been relevant in 30 years?

Mark Hamill is based
>There are people that still suck Trump's cock

imagine triggering every single liberal in hollywood when you're bored and make a tweet.

I envy the POTUS

>Skywalker bants

Imagine being disliked by every based person ever other than Clint Eastwood

Imagine being envied and celebrated exclusively by losers on Sup Forums and fatasses

Poor Trump

>muh russians

old mark is a bit behind the times, they dropped that shit

>every based person
so hollywood actors are based to you?

Some examples? The celebrities who are outspoken about their dislike for trump tend to be retards, johnny depp for example

>trying to make witty Tweet
>playing along with the MSM Russia narrative
This is painful to see. Why is everyone in Hollywood so predictable and suggestible?

Imagine beating hillary clinton in the 2016 election...

That's enough celebration for 2 lifetimes

Poor trump? Nah snowflake, poor you

Not really, no

Heh, that was pretty clever, actually.

Get over yourselves, Trump fags. He's a shit president and a shit human being. You voted for an idiot conman and Russian stooge.

Every tweet by a an actor triggers Sup Forums and necessitates its own thread here. Its great and pathetic.

it's a giant bubble of group affirmation. there's a strain of utopianism in the progressive movement, and these people are all too sheltered to have had that idealism crushed by reality.

He's dead in a week.

please quote every post that replied to you and state: "lol triggered drumpfkins"

I'm waiting


>too Vlad

No, you have to go back.

The President himself is literally under investigation from DOJ appointed counsel for colluding with the Russians, retard.

why did this necessitate a thread?

>Trump makes cringe-worthy tweet
>lol epic! shitposting-n-chief xD

>Some random actor makes equally cringe-worthy tweet in response
>lol u mad!? #triggered. trolled by based daddy trump

Trumptards are really pathetic desu


Nice fake news you got there, did an anonymous source familiar with Trump's way of thinking tell you that?

>every based
top lol

This. Kill all white men.

>First Carrie and now Mark

Why did he have to do it bros? SW8 hasn't even wrapped up filming and now hes gonna be dead.

liberals just need to realize that the appropriate way to behave would be to never question anything we do or say. i think we're obviously owed that much since we won the election.

Stupid strawman, considering Trump is a kike cocksucker.

It's not like Hamill made star wars good. Vader carried the entire OT

>muh Russians
I still don't get it