What does Sup Forums think of GMO's? Should the government allow companies to sell food that's been mutated and shit?

What does Sup Forums think of GMO's? Should the government allow companies to sell food that's been mutated and shit?

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Go find out what a GMO is and how artificial selection works then get back to us, kay?

>food that's been mutated and shit?

you know you couldnt even eat a lot of the food we eat today if it werent "mutated" right?

We're living longer than ever now than we did when all we ate was organic. Plus I like having tomatoes that last longer than a couple of days



>it's a shills respond to each other to create a false consensus thread

>Should the government allow companies to sell food that's been mutated and shit?

As opposed to all those other foods that humans haven't tampered with for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Oh wait. It turns out it's fucking impossible to feed us all that way!

The GMO issue is the pinnacle of first world problems.

Ask people starving in Africa if they'd like us to stop exporting food to them just because it had been selectively bred over time and see what they think.

If I'm liberal on any issue its this one.
I also happen to know that Hill dawg supports GMO.

So no I'm not voting for hillary and I'm sad that this isn't a bi-partisan issue.

Fuck GMO.

there is a clear difference between selecting seeds and fucking with genes
what makes it worse is Monsanto aims to centralize all farming to large industrial, high resource mono crops
It pushes the distance between people and food

>selective breeding
>injecting nano gold particles with DNA strands from other organisms into plant DNA

not the same shit monsanto

And you have proof that doing that results in produce that is harmful to people?

>implying every fruit and vegetable in the grocery store isn't already a GMO as a result of aelective breeding
>believing the marketing memes about GMO free, gluten free, etc.
>being this blue pilled

Okay, then tell me how you feel about bombarding plans with radiation so that they mutate?

Because that's how they used to do it before more modern techniques like using gene guns.

Is your tinfoil hat GMO and cruelty free?

Its a non issue for the most part that people like to complain about but know so very little about it. Just another distraction really.

It doesn't matter it's the consumers choice. I'm mostly against GMO because it could be used as a bioweapon.

>I'm mostly against GMO because it could be used as a bioweapon.

Oh ok you're just memeing.

Back up a minute.

Gluten intolerance is an actual thing. Just because you see dumbass suburbanites going "Oh yeah, I'm gluten-free this week!" doesn't delegitimize people who actually do not produce the necessary enzymes to break it down into digestible chemicals.

> implying the selective breeding that has resulted in everything you eat isn't technically GMO
> buying the vegan/gluten free/GMO free meme
> being this scientifically illiterate

No I'm serious I think that is the reason Russia has banned it.

I don't think they should be doing either
we are very well capable of feeding the world with organic non gmo farming
The biggest issue is food distribution and sovereignty

No, we fucking can't.

As stated previously, EVERY food we eat is genetically modified. At the very least through selective-breeding.

Just about none of the food you eat even remotely resembles the naturally occurring varieties.

Fuck, even carrots being orange is a relatively new thing.

You know less than fuck all about your food.

You are cuck


I literally said "marketing memes" refering specifically to suburbanites that go gluten free as a trend. All marketing is solving a problem you don't have.
Celiac disease is a real thing. Marketing has ruined their ability to seek legitimate accommodation.

>No, we fucking can't.

Alright, enough is enough. Time to explain GMOs in the most TL;DR form as possible:

Scientists genetically engineer the organism and modifies it in a certain way such as resistances to certain disease and pesticides(so that way bugs die but plant won't absorb it), improving taste or size. There is in no way any chemicals involved in this. People are just mad because it sounds like we're steroiding the shit out of them, when really, it's not. It's kind of like selective breeding.

Also, carrots are genetically modified. They used to be purple. We just selectively bred the organism to make it orange. This was back in the fucking 1600s

Depends on what you mean by "legitimate accommodation".

Going to restaurants remains a giant nightmare, even among those that claim they are "gluten friendly". For instance, at "Poutine dare to be fresh" in Mississauga, I've seen a worker take a basket from the "gluten free" side of the fryer, put gluten containing ingredients in it and then swap it to the not "gluten free" side of the fryer, moving the basket that was already on that side to the "gluten free" side. She then had the gall to argue with her customers over the definition of "gluten free". There's no way their food came in under 20 ppm.

>He knows more about the subject than I do and he disagrees with me! I'll just say he's from Reddit!


So it's even worse, you're not even pretending to be retarded


Create pesticide resistant crops that are sprayed with fucktons of pesticide

you eat you eat



No problem with GMOs by themselves. Problem with copyrighted genomes that allow companies like Monsanto gain control over all food production in less than a decade. If you buy Monsanto GMO seed and thay plant has seeds, those new seeds belong to the company.

not an argument

I myself am pro GMO. But I had a Mexican friend who was studying to be a doctor whom I asked on what he thought about GMO's. He said he didn't trust them, saying what if they screwed up or placed in the wrong gene, mutation, etc.?

Also, from what I take, liberal freak out more at the stranger aspects of GMO, like inputting fish dna into a plant. Honestly, it does sound a little off putting no?

I'm pro GMO but anti it being sold unlabeled
thanks onigger


No one would buy the crap if it was labelled

Actually this is true. As long as the modified plant is washed after harvested (Which it is, unless you live in some 4th world country) then there will be no trace of pesticides in the plant.

If I were in Monsantos shoes I would make GMOs too.

They are among the most intensely studied foods and have been in widespread use for so long we have an extremely good idea of the risks, despite literal constant fearmongering. Fearmongering not based on people observing adverse health effects and attributing them to GMOs, more based on "muh frankenfood" and declaring that GMOs haven't been studied enough to be declared safe even if they're been studied more than cigarettes.

Roundup however I would not be surprised if it's causing colony collapse disorder which is causing all sorts of environmental consequences.

I vigerously object efforts to label GMOs mostly because I prefer GMOs and know the labelling will make them less popular and less cheap. If organic foods are so superior, why not just label your foods as organic, rather than forcing everybody to label their foods in a certain way.
When a company is forced to label something the implication is that its safety is in question. GMO labelling is policy based on politics rather than science.

Monsanto would destroy the entire environment of the US to save them a cent.

Basically I know big agriculture is business but anti-GMO hippies are literally retarded. If you're anti-GMO, I don't assume you have an inability to read through scientific studies, I KNOW you do.

Fuck honestly living in BC I fucking hate this hippies that munch on organic food so fucking much.

Corn with fish genes in it is fine

Corn with agent orange-resisting genes coated in ludicrous pesticides amd herbicides isn't

We are all the product of genetic mutation.

Whats actually wrong with it?

wow how did we survive this long as a species without GMO

really makes me think

literally nothing wrong with gmo

kill yourself if you believe otherwise

For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that there are traces of 29 different pesticides in the average American’s body. “It’s not realistic to expect we wouldn’t have any pesticides in our bodies in this day and age, but that would be the ideal,” says Crupain. “We just don’t know enough about the health effects.”

yea bro it's not like the mass amounts leech into the water table too or anything

gluten allergy is a thing, gluten intolerance is codeword for being a huge pussy

They test the newly modified before actually giving out the seeds.... why wouldn't they?

Also, putting fish DNA into a plant wouldn't work considering they aren't closely related.

i thought they just blast the dna at each other until they connect

By having a fuckton fewer of us.
Also, you know, malnutrition across the board.
People surviving literally on bread, soup and beer.
Maybe you should do some thinking, dickweed.

Allergic reactions are a very specific problem and actually far less common than, say, coeliac disease.

Even among non-coeliac gluten-intolerance, there are other seriously debilitating disorders like gluten ataxia.

Like have you guys looked at the implications of GMO labelling laws in europe?

Most of you eat GMOs and prefer them.

When the labelling laws came in any product using a small amount of GMOS swapped to non-GMO sources making everything more expensive because companies didn't want to fracture their customer base. Entire supermarkets went non-GMO. People justify this shit with "but muh choice" but that's bullshit, whats being taken away is manufacturers choice to label the packages how they want, for no real benefit when organic foods can simply label themselves organic. Have you guys not read up on the history of the food industry, and especially the dairy industry, and their efforts to relabel their opponents products to sow consumer distrust of them?

Oops, forgot the chart.

gives rats tumors

Won't someone think of all the starving africans ;_;

I look at the health effects of pesticides.

I look at how much effort it would be to hire a literal army of people to maintain organic farms that are less efficient.

I prefer the pesticides. Beyond the consequences you already mentioned they may be fucking up bee populations. Human health might be important but so is human time, I live in a farm town, I see how we're already importing people because nobody wants to work the fields, I don't think the organic crowd really understands that no pesticides means a lot more people doing farming for a living for unproven health benefits.

I love how everyone just jumps on the GMO band wagon.

You realize that the only problem with distribution of agriculture is a monetary one.

You don't seriously enjoy the garbage your government feeds you, r-right?

You don't really want to be controlled like that, do you?

so subversive

that should earn you even more shekels

How could anyone be against this? Golden rice, genetically modified to have Vitamin A.

They'd have to stop buying ALL food unless you buy some bag of tiny shit-raisins for $14.99 from Whole Foods or something.

WTF happened? modern medicine?

>muh nature appeals
Can anyone here name literally one argument for GMOs being bad?

they pay people to promote it on the internet

We can make our food more nutritious, able to grow in more extreme climates or potentially even hypoallergenic.


We're already struggling to feed the world and people want to make shit infinitely harder for the sake of a fucking logical fallacy.


Modern agriculture, modern medicine, colonization, the industrial revolution... All sorts of shit.

>it's just a pricing problem, we could all have organic food as long as we paid 50 dollars per pound!
>the higher efficiency and lower prices of GMO plants is a bad thing!
>i'm literally a retard!

why did you say all these things

>You realize that the only problem with distribution of agriculture is a monetary one.

Some of us worked food service and know the "if we fed everybody efficiently we could feed the world" thing is a meme.

Food waste is inevitable. At every point in the supply chain. Completely avoiding food waste would cost way more than not accepting some of it.

You know what's a bandwagon? People jumping on organic, pesticide free, GMO foods. Strictly speaking to I admit there are less potential health risks to them? Sure. However, we're talking about a product with health benefits so unproven and vague their supporters can't say "they reduce your chance of cancer by 20%", they have to say "They make you healthy mannn". Then they propose we completely phase out GMOs in favor of organic foods, nessecitating the use of far more land raising the price of real estate, and requiring the use of far more labor as everybody has to do farming as a living. We're talking about millions and millions of people here. We're talking about putting millions and millions of people to work for a benefit which seems mostly bullshit.

Pesticides, GMOs, and monoculture have all sorts of environmental harms. They're very fucking efficient though. There is a reason we don't have feudal societies where serfs have their own farms anymore, societies like that got crushed in favor of more efficient ones.

>Lol I'm not being controlled like you sheeple

Says the guy paying an arm and a leg to buy organic food from hippies saying ITS GOOD FOR YOU MANG. What an independant rebel you are.

They're fine. More likely going to improve what's available, not degrade it.

GMO works pretty much like in the picture

artificial selection is choosing the best looking from a batch of natural tomatos

Please someone, ive never heard a single logic based argument against them

I'm against GMOs as they are currently used.

The last thing society needs is another potato famine, which is what is going to happen if GM companies have their way. They buy up all the traditional seed companies t force farmers to buy their modified stuff. Then they used their patents to force the farmers to follow ridiculous rules or risk lawsuits they can't afford. So now farmers only grow one type of crop, never save seeds and limit production to fit the patent rules. They are just asking for future crop shortages.

And I see few GMO companies engineering their plants to do anything helpful. Most just seem to be designed to pull in more profits from pesticide sells and patent trolling. That's not gonna help end world hunger.

We need to influence public opinion...I know, let's shitpost on a Taiwanese crochet based discussion forum!

I'm really tryin my best here, but I can't find an argument.

This is legitimate there are pro-GMO shills. They are known for denouncing their opponents as "conspiracy therorists" to discredit them. Which is hilarious because while I didn't use the exact same wording I've basically done the same thing as somebody shilling for free.

Which makes me wonder maybe I should counter shill and stop shilling for GMOs for free.

On the other hand I'm pretty confident in my opinion and looked through scientific reserach instead of listening to other peoples opinions. I actually really did spend time researching this, more than I research most things.

Hrm... I do hate shills, but I also hate hippies...

more realistic question

should government and corporations collude with each other to shield from regulations and inspection

He is arguing because the pro-GMO side has paid shills on this side, and I actually agree with this and I'm Pro-GMO, we should oppose GMOs because we're on Sup Forums and we generally hate people that fuck with social media.

I know perfectly well what he's trying to say, I'm saying it's meaningless.

That's what the Republican Party is all about.

If you actually want to fuck these companies, just make it so that they can't patent DNA.

Best of both worlds.

It is a weak argument but it is still an argument.

Honestly he really made me think. I'm considering maybe not shilling for GMO companies for free anymore, even though I really agree with them, just because I really really fucking hate shills that much.

we are all the product of chemicals.

what's wrong with chemical plant nearby?

>We're already struggling to feed the world

the most stupid struggle ever. or let's put it another way, this shouldn't be a concern for western white men - the explosion in population is more of a threat.

not the gmo itself but the creation of herbicide resistant food ect promotes the use of toxins to tend to our food that the consumer inevitably ends up eating. Also gmo is such a vague fucking term that people keep arguing over you could modify apples to be position again or you could do the opposite and make rhubarb edible raw; it depends entirely on the specific genetic mutation. This over simplification of arguments everyone has become accustomed to is so stupid... so I wrote out a list of things that you guys can answer as a good thing or a bad thing (pro tip both answers are wrong)
death: good thing or bad thing?
life: good thing or bad thing?
fire: good thing or bad thing?
swords: good thing or bad thing?
gmo: good thing or bad thing?
fire ants: good thing or bad thing?
wind: good thing or bad thing?
metallurgy: good thing or bad thing?

>implying chemicals and toxins are the same thing
analogy taken though

I don't think the dna of the tomato is going to have any effect on the digestive process.
The dna's gonna be made of the same stuff it always was: adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. The order there in isn't going to make a difference.

yeah no shit. But something tells me how that order of that dna instructs the plants cells to grow might make a difference

Reminder that GMOs are non-kosher.
Just something to think about.