Natasha is 88

>Natasha is 88
>Steve is 95
>Kraven, Chameleon, Mystique, and Wolverine are 100+
>Hercules, Thor, and Doctor Strange are 1000+
Do you think they take advantage of senior discounts?

Wolverine and Herc have to, at least.

Black Widow probably gets annoyed when her age is brought up but'll never show it.

Cap probably has it foisted on him but always pays full price regardless.

Thor likely doesn't know it's a thing.

Can't speak for the others.

Since when are Chameleon, Kraven and Strange that old?

>Natasha is 88
>Kraven and Chameleon are 100+
>Stephen Strange is 1000+

Black Widow's got that super formula in her veins. She's basically a Russian Captain America. She's been alive for ages.

Don't know what the dude's talking about with Kraven and Chameleon though and especially not with Strange.

>Black Widow's got that super formula in her veins. She's basically a Russian Captain America. She's been alive for ages.
When the fuck did this happen.

Hasn't this been a thing for ages now?

No, of course not.
The fuck are you people even talking about.

Kinda they've always been vague about what the red room treatments did to her.

Kraven grew up as Russian nobility, who were run out of Russia in 1917. Chameleon is Kraven's half brother. Strange spent 1000 years fighting a war in another dimension and represses the memories. Natasha basically has the USSR equivalent of the Super Soldier Serum.
The 90's?

Found it, Black Widow Vol. 1, #1

go back to the r/marvelstudios

>Natasha basically has the USSR equivalent of the Super Soldier Serum
>actually thinking this


MCUfags spotted. Fuck off with your poor little Bucky and shitty Age of Quiptron.

Recommended reading for Black Widow?

Notos run is pretty good

happy to help, user

The Name of The Rose is good, so is Noto's run. Samnee's current stuff is fun so far.

Thanks, guys.

Strange fought in the War of the Seven Spheres, which lasted 5000 years in another dimension. He didn't age because ever since his first trip into the Orb of Agamotto where he went through a ritual where he confronted Death herself he's been immune to dying from old age or disease.

But how many writers will remember that?


>Natasha is 88

>She's been alive for ages

Wasn't this basically stealth-retconned in the last run by Edmonson & Noto because mvoie synergy?

I remember her being a world war II veteran still being the case in Name of the Rose.

Strange almost certainly doesn't since his years were earned in another dimension so any ID he uses will be of his "real" age. Wolverine also probably doesn't since I doubt the Canadian government has his real identity on file.

Mystique would because she's a villain and could just make herself look 100 when she wants the discount. Chameleon too.

Not even MCUfags like AoU.

There was an interview with the actual Army veterans affairs department a while ago saying that Steve suits be eligible for all of his back pay, VA benefits, college tuition under GI bill, etc. iirc he donates most of it to charity and takes some night courses to get an AA in commercial design and illustration.

Kraven's all hopped up on secret jungle elixirs and potions, but we can probably subtract the years he was dead from his age.

Chameleon's physiology is also probably all messed up.

>all of his back pay
How much does a Captain earn on a yearly basis? If he was frozen in the 1940s and not unfrozen until the 2000s, that's something like 60-70 years of salary.

I don't think being MIA entitles him to payment.

The only beef I had with book was her fighting off Elektra while injured. I know Natasha is a bad ass but ever since I read Elektra Assassin I don't see her losing to most human opponents.

A few.
In a issue where he shank some other magician with Hitlers gun, the issue basically starts of with him giving no fucks about his half way dying body, because it can't get a infection nor will dying progress in the normal bleeding out way.

Beyond that? Nobody actually remembers.
To the point where Future Strange is often a old man with a shitty Venom looking son

A few different writers remembered the War of the Seven Spheres for some time after it was introduced. Warren Ellis's run at Strange was based on the idea, though he abandoned the series after one issue. But yeah, modern writers seem to have totally forgotten it, along with Strange's immortality and most of his supporting cast.

>>Natasha is 88
Wait, since when?

literally read the thread

She's only 7 years younger than Steve.

Do you think Cap also pays in full when people try to give him a military discount?

>I doubt the Canadian government has his real identity on file.

Well actually...