Does the future frighten you?

Is the world getting worse every day?

Are you worried about tomorrow?

Is there anything we can do to make it better?

Other urls found in this thread:

I havent been active on Sup Forums for almost 2 years until last month. What's with that picture of a painting? It wasnt there before.

Shit's fucked.



> 1.75 beer

I live in rural area. My nearest town is 55 miles away. I'm not worried. My neighbors are well aware to what happened. And will work together when SHTF.

the new owner like posting pictures with no relevance to play with us

>steel reserve

As long as Hiroshima doesn't post his secret signal message on the home page of Sup Forums (forget what it's called, there's a technical term for it), I think everything will be okay


This place fucking sucks, and it's not really all that fun to be a human being in the 21st century. I would have been fine with being born 40 years earlier.


I don't fit in with the future. The more I go on, the more I want to isolate myself from the world.

The dream life is living in the middle of nowhere on a huge plot of land.

the fuc OP

Not if the Altleft come in and fix the SJW, Nationalist, far right, religious, libertarian, and communist problems.

What is this fuckin shill shit?

can someone explain ti to me?

Same thread, picture is the same, but the picture has a different filename. WTF is this shit!??

Looks like cancer.

It's getting better in day-to-day, we're just getting better connected, so the good goes over our head as we get used to it, and we see the bad from a wider and wider area. Clean water, food, access to power, and a health care system limited only by our buying power is something unheard of.

I'll be worried if Hillary wins. More global involvement, more criminals, weaker government acting on the whim of businesses.

The only negatives is that the connections mean that the corrupt and evil have a wider sphere of influence. Just learn to not take everything at face value and realize you vote with your wallet.

African aid was a mistake

hard times

One keyboard is Swedish and the other isn't.

we need another plague.

I wouldn't say the world is getting worse, but we live in interesting times.

Everything is changing, technology is morphing every aspect of our lives in ways that were never imagined. Nearly every human being in a semi-developed country has access to a worldwide information network in the palm of their hand, for a modest pittance.

We are more connected than ever, yet more aware of our inherent loneliness. We are the most advanced generation yet, but we still struggle to fulfill basic needs. We are the most gifted and educated generation yet, with the most opportunity to shape the future of any before us, yet none are more pessimistic and cynical about our potential than we ourselves.

I disagree that we live in a time of despair. I believe we live in a time of great opportunity, where the knowledge to reshape ourselves, educate ourselves in any subject, is just a few taps away. We only need find the strength to reach for it.

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor."

Truly, I believe we live in among the best of times. We just have to allow ourselves to believe it.

>Steel Reserve

Strictly IPAs

t. Nu-Male

>Does the future frighten you?




I'm just sad it's going to be decades longer before the muslims take over here. Virtually all of my female relatives could use a good beating, and I'm not willing to get married unless I am allowed to physically hurt my wife if she starts nagging me. Hurry up, Muhammads, I'm dying over here.

>Is the world getting worse every day?
No, it was already a swag of shit back then: nuclear war, cold war, shit like that. And no internet.
>Are you worried about tomorrow?
Sure, I hate to die.
>Is there anything we can do to make it better?
Provide enough booze and great books.

Nuke Africa is the solution

When Asia reaches the same bourgeois comfort as the West, the 1% will magically make Africa a fucking economic miracle.
Hint: China's already moving its factories to Africa.

Piss off, Frog.

Piss off, Frog.

There is a huge market for alphas now, just try and make money and you'll be a kang

I'm in awe from your arguments.

I'm in awe of your trucks.

You realize that all the Daesh attacks combined since 2015 have killed less people than one German A320 crash caused by a depressive pilot, right ?

You know you're a alcoholic when you drink Steel beer.

Try "Eye of the Hawk" 9.0% $10 a six pack. Quality beer.


>steel reserve

>you are statistically less likely to be killed by X than Y, so why are you mad about being killed by Y?

>being afraid of the future
>not being entertained by the failing of the west
what? is it only funny when it happens to the frogs?

>steel reserve

What the fuck man

Nickel is that you?

Warrant canary?

yeah considering I might enlist soon.
War coming with china over the south china sea conflict, that doesn't pair well with the budget cuts on the armed forces that the Clintons will impose. Russia/China/Iran/etc all increasing military budgets and research and training and here we are cutting ours. Funny how this board doesn't discuss the south china sea at all because of this sideshow bullshit with turkey, isis etc all that bullshit and the elections. do some research people, not talking conspiracy but this is real shit going down and its not looking good.

>Does the future frighten you?
No, only a coward would be so pussy that he'd be afraid of the future we have before us now.
>Is the world getting worse every day?
Not for me. People should do something about their life if they are in a bad place and life is getting worse for them every day.
>Are you worried about tomorrow?
>Is there anything we can do to make it better?
Yeah, vote for Trump, do your best, exercise, eat healthy, don't do drugs, only help people who need help, do not absorb leftist culture/ideas, become extremely conservative, and just be happy.