What are the best Marvel/DC TV shows so far, Sup Forums?

What are the best Marvel/DC TV shows so far, Sup Forums?

First few episodes of Season2 Daredevil featuring Punisher.

>DC ranking
Gotham (S1 good, S2 and S3 absolute kino)
Arrow (good, minus S3 and S4)
Flash (gets too repetitive) = Legends of Tomorrow (S2 onwards enjoyable)
-Power Gap-
Supergirl (liberal propaganda)

Daredevil (kino)
Jessica Jones (best villain on the mcu)
Iron Fist (gets better as it goes on)
Luke Cage (WE)
Agents of Shield (enjoyable but pointless)

What's with Superhero TV shows being kino at the first season then turning into shit at the second season

Agents of SHIELD had a really shitty start and had somebody really shitty characters for about 12 episodes or so, but once the Winter Soldier plot kicked off and the HYDRA coup happened it kicked up a gear.

Every season since had gotten better and better.

It started Spy V Spy with the occasional super powered or tech based threat, next minute is ancient civilisations, alien experiments, Inhumans, Then an ancient inhuman god, other planets and dimensions, evil AI dopplegangers, ghost Rider, spell books with demonic powers, the Matrix....

They do a really good job at balancing episode plots with season wide story arc.

It's not the best show ever made but it's a fun ride.

Legion is the only good one.

>Iron Fist over Luke Cage

Your kidding right? Iron Fist is stupid, forced and bad acted, don't even considering how bad written it is, all of this of The Hand shit must to stop

I'm a Iron Fist fag, but you do have a point

Luke Cage went to shit after Cottonmouth died.

Hope the new punisher series is good(hope they go with slavers storyline)

Iron Fist is more consistent in terms of quality

Yeah it's consistent with how fucking awful it is. I'd take a good first act with bad later acts over all acts being garbage.

t. The Hand

t. 99% of people that watched both shows.
Speaking of the Hand, it's funny how everything that has to do with the Hand post S1 Daredevil is hot trash.
Except it's not funny, it's infuriating.

I might get slammed here as people hated it when it came out but Jessica Jones is my favourite netflix MCU shows, best villain, most interesting protagonist and favourite series arc. it feels like the only season that has even semi decent pacing, every other season of the other shows should have been no more than 10 episodes

I agree

>Agents of SHIELD had a really shitty start and had somebody really shitty characters for about 12 episodes or so, but once the Winter Soldier plot kicked off and the HYDRA coup happened it kicked up a gear.
But s02+03 were shit. But damn this season was hnnnnnnng

>Jessica Jones (best villain on the mcu)
And Tennant got off'd. Don't know how they will be able to make a S2 without him. He was literally perfect for the show.

I really enjoyed Mr Hyde. His story was well told and Kyle Maclachlan was amazing. Building up Skye from Le QuiRky Hacker Gurl to a genuine, serious agent and then throwing the inhuman mix in... I feel it was a good development. The only thing about s2 I didn't love was Coulson swapping out "Muh tahiti" mania for "Muh symbols" mania.

S3 was fun. SquidWard was great. That's really all I have to say.

But yes, s4 was hnnnnnnnnngggg

power gap
the rest

The season finale was horrible though.

i somewhat agree with this, especially about the length of each season, S2 of daredevil would have been great if they intertwined the two halves better and trimmed 2-3 eps of run time

The rest is horrid shit.

You're thinking too narrowly
He got his powers amplified, a lot. He controls everything now. Before he died he said "world don't kill me" so he survived.


>DC Shows
Legends of Tomorrow

>Marvel shows
Agents of SHIELD
Agent Carter
Jessica Jones
Luke Cage
Iron Fist

Ranked in order of production AND quality entertainment. All these shows had shaky first episodes then got better in the seasons then went "ehhh?" in the finales. Notice a pattern?

Hopefully Punisher does well, Defenders looks ok, Inhumans looks iffy but watchable and Gifted looks like shitty so far. Don't know what any other DC shows are next.