The First Law of Thermodynamics states that heat is a form of energy, and thermodynamic processes are therefore subject to the principle of conservation of energy. This means that heat energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can, however, be transferred from one location to another and converted to and from other forms of energy.

> Cannot be created or destroyed

Big Bang theory eternally BTFO forever.

How the fuck will at its recover from this?

> N-n-no goy! Don't believe in God. Only we can have God! Oy Vey Heaven is only for us! Go back to being sheep who believe in the creation of everything from nothing!

Other urls found in this thread: expansion

Are all the athiest heithin Jews in shock?

The expansion of the universe moments after the Big Bang is faster than the speed of light which should be impossible. All of our knowledge of the universe is useless when applied to its creation.

All your knowledge perhaps. Personally I remember Genesis.

First law of Thermodynamics works for closed systems only

Also, thats not how conservation of energy works.

But who needs facts when your'e shitposting

> Yes goyim. There is no truth. Just believe what Shlomo Rothenberg tells you. Science is the reason for the Universe. Not God.

> Laws of thermodynamics only work for muh closed circuit systems. Quit believing in God you dumb cattle, uh I mean goyim, uh I mean gentile. Believe exactly what we tell you to. BTW, wanna give for Israel goyim?

so what do you think we should believe user?

what god is the right god?

I guess when you have all those reactions saved its fun to find a reason to shitpost jew crimes

You are a Jew crime.

> Cannot be created or destroyed

>Big Bang theory eternally BTFO forever.

Because it converted it's form of energy as you stated dumb fuck.

That's like saying how can one atom wipe out thousands of people.

>Big Bang theory eternally BTFO forever.

Not really. The galaxy is still expanding thanks to the big bang. The energy and heat got turned into kinetic energy and motion, as you said so yourself. I believe in God, but just sayin' that you're wrong.

Whatever you feel in your heart

its only theory you fucktard

how rigorous was your chemistry degree from Western Buttfuck Community College

the big bang theory was invented by an theologist and aligns with the creation pretty well...

If you ignore the timeline and the order of events like the earth coming before the sun sure

at least make this fun user


Oh, so you're going to speculate there is something beyond and outside the observable Universe.

I don't suppose you would like to elaborate on what happens to be outside of timespace.

>Tries to disprove astrophysical theory, because muh allah
>Zero equations
>American Flag

I can tell you failed hillariously without even reading your argument

>The expansion of the universe moments after the Big Bang is faster than the speed of light which should be impossible
No, you're just not thinking about it the right way. The idea isn't that the universe exploded faster than the speed of light like a rings in a pond, it's that all points of the universe exploded away from each other at the speed of light. If you and a friend could both run at the speed of light, and ran in exact opposite directions from one another, the distance between you would be growing twice as fast as the speed of light. That's sort of what we think the universe did in the first little while.

The big bang is the centerpiece for major theist philosophical arguments and has been a problem for materialists who preferred an eternal universe before big bang bec
ame onown as the best explaintion....why the hell would it be an anti theist conspiracy?

>taking Genesis seriously

it's a jewish myth from 3000 years ago

>all atheists have to believe and uphold the Big Bang Theory

>energy cannot be destroyed, it just changes form

We learned that in high school. What else is new?

So where did all the energy to create the Universe come from?

Shlomo Shekelstiens ass hole?

You realise a Big Bang is what happens when a black hole swallows to much universe

Why wouldnt jews want you to believe in their fairy tales? It is what they used to control people after all.

>mfw christfags try into science

American flag... check.
Muh creation... check.
Allah Akbar... check.

thread needs more actual butthurt christfags or snackbars

o well

Define "too much."

Because unless there's a fundamental miscommunication between us, "too much" is a statement that there is a maximum amount of matter, antimatter, and/or energy that can be contained within a black hole indefinitely. If that maximum value is crossed, then everything blows up and spreads out and it's no longer a black hole.

Except that is, in scientific terms, fucking retarded. If what I said above is how you think the Big Bang occurred, on the assumption that it did indeed occur, then you are a fucking moron who knows nothing about this topic.

So, we know Energy and Matter can theoretically convert to each other. Two forms of the same thing.

Let's say we have a dollar. We can convert it to 100 pennies. Nothing has been destroyed - we still have the exact same value. Question: what created the dollar?

The statement he is making is that we, in this metaphor, cannot create the dollar. We also cannot create the pennies. (Obviously false IRL, but the metaphor isn't perfect.) The implication, then, is that something not within our control created the dollar.

More exactly, the laws of physics (as we know them) state that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed - only converted. However, it all had to come from SOMEWHERE, or else it wouldn't be here.

The implication is that a force, mechanic, or entity not bound by the laws of physics introduced matter and/or energy, then implemented the laws of physics.

If it cannot be created or destroyed, how does a creator exist?

> tfw you are this dumb

Anybody that says that they are not at least agnostic are ignorant fools who haven't looked past high school physics.

>Cannot be created or destroyed
>thinks this disproves the Big Bang theory and proves... - wait for it - CREATION

>cannot be created or destroyed

but what makes you think god could have created everything then?

Again. I say this in every one of these fucking threads. This debate will rage on until either technology progresses in an unimaginable way or we make contact with extraterrestrial beings who know for sure.

At humanities present technlology level with humanities present knowledge there is only one definite answer: There is no definite proof that god exists. There is also no definite proof that god does not exist.

This is literally a useless argument because neither side has any evidence to support their claim. Hence why arguments over gods existence often turn into emotional shit flinging matches

please guys stop making these threads Believers and Non-Believers alike. This has very little to do with politics and really belongs on /x/

If you on both sides wanted to be constructive you would both pair up and try and actually turn up some proof for gods existence or non existence

>The implication, then, is that something not within our control created the dollar.
Or that the dollar was there eternally, or that the knowledge is beyond our reach.

>The implication is that a force, mechanic, or entity not bound by the laws of physics introduced matter and/or energy, then implemented the laws of physics.
That does not solve shit, it will only created another questions: Whats that force? Where did it came from?

>The expansion of the universe moments after the Big Bang is faster than the speed of light which should be impossible.
no, nigger. but down the burger and let me explain.
nothing can travel through space faster than c, the speed of light, which is about 300,000 km/s, (in american units that's 654,720,000 cubits per second). however, space itself can expand at a rate faster than c.

le omnipotent meme

you are not omnipotent when you can not do the impossible and as far as I remember god has that aspect. It is kind of dumb, but yeah there you go

lazy stupid cop out

why does the universe have to have a beginning or an end. if your creator is beyond human comprehension and understanding, why does there need to be a start

The laws of physics state that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Imagine a video game. The code of the game does not allow you to, in this case, take the dildo next to your character and shove it up your character's butt. However, the laws of physics would allow you to do so in our real universe.

Someone in our universe created the game, and gave it code which allows for certain actions and disallows others, either by rejecting attempts at those actions or by omitting the possibility of those actions.

The Laws of Physics are, I would argue, simply the metaphorical code for our universe. As a result, if a creator exists, there is no need for that creator to be bound by the laws of our universe. Just as you cannot force a dildo up your butt in-game, but can IRL, you cannot create energy IRL, but can in the creator universe.

Holy shit

>but what makes you think god could have created everything then?

Because he's metaphysical, duh

Also you can't "implement" laws of physics. If you do such a thing it just means there is a higher "ruleset" than we are aware of.

>the same guy after all these years


well that is a good question. humans like to think in that way. a lot on how we think about our world is hardwired into us. time is an example for that

Flat earth.


Time is just how humans perceive an additional dimension of space. Is there an end to the other 3 dimensions? A beginning? Why should the fourth be bound as such?

There is a higher ruleset. The ruleset of Christianity.

>that impotent power fantasy


Both ideologies are shit. Stop arguing about fairy tales and theories. Take some truth.

>Atheists believe in theories from their pov
>Christians believe in undeniable fact from their pov

The ruleset of Christianity that offed astronomer saying that Earth revolves around the Sun.

Higher indeed. Heretics and sheet.

That's not what it says. It says that's when the sun and moon became visable

Thats a lower ruleset if anything.

I break it all day long, while I am yet to break rules of physics.

We've observed quarks phasing in and out of existence, teleporting, etc

If you don't think that has anything to do with the creation of the Universe, you're an ignorant fucktard.

I'm only saying this because OP's bait is dangerous, and people on this board will take this (very old and debunked) argument seriously. Use your fucking heads, retards. There are no invisible men in the sky who love you, and the fact that this belief is appealing should be enough to make you cautious and skeptical.

How much is 125x125? Fuck math my heart tells me it's 100! Uga-booga!

Theories need confirmation. Before it they are just ... theories.

Like existence of God is just a theory.

They offed him because he talked shit on the Pope

That means you're going to hell then, sorry pham

I've always wondered about this /pol. Perhaps you can provide me with some answers, as I am no expert in physics.
The universe is estimated to have a diameter of 93 billion LY. The Big Bang supposedly occurred 13.7 billion years ago. Even if you cut the diameter in half (radius) and assume the universe has expanded equally in all directions from the center point (Big Bang origination point), you still get a universe that has expanded much faster than the speed of light. Maybe I'm just flat out retarded, but I seem to recall that traveling faster than light isn't possible. Someone explain, pls.

>What's that force?
Fuck if I know, man. Call it a God if you want. I do, and I sleep at night just fine.

As for your other comment,
>Or that the dollar was there eternally
Let's drop the dollar metaphor and look at what we're really talking about. You're basically saying that there is a logical and reasonable possibility that the matter and energy in the universe have always existed.

Two parts to this response. 1) Logical nature of eternity. 2) Evidence of the age of the universe.

So, part 1. First, let's establish what Entropy means. Entropy is essentially a measurement of a system's progress towards equilibrium, the point where everything is completely uniform. We do not know the baseline value of entropy for the universe, but we do know it is always increasing, NEVER decreasing. The universe is equilibrium-seeking, we know this from both mathematically-supported theory and extensive experimentation.

If the energy and matter of the universe had "always existed," (meaning they had no beginning, and their existence expanded infinitely backwards through infinite time) then, they would have to either be in equilibrium by now, or else infinite in quantity. We can disprove both of these by looking at our keyboards - in either case, the keyboard would not exist. Equilibrium would put everything as equally-spaced particles (that space could be zero, ie singularity) all at the precise same properties. Nothing would ever be able to change from that equilibrium point because, this being THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, there would be nothing that could act on it. OR we have infinite matter, in which case all of space would be indiscernible. We would exist due to the nature of infinity.

So, obviously, the notion of matter or energy being infinite in either time or spacial quantity is logically discernible bullshit.

Part 2. Evidence of the Age of the Universe: Background Radiation of the Universe. That's it. Part 2 is really more of a corollary.

The expansion is getting faster. It's well observed but there are two possible explanations.

Nah but it's a better explanation than "god" spoke upon the waters and sheeeit.

ITT: stupid crossniggers can't into b-theory of time, conceptualism, or modal realism to answer all these silly questions.

serious question, how come christians/catholics/whatever dont have a name for their god like most religions? They just call him by his title, like doctor or something.

nice bants, dmitri


The tldr is that the speed of light was faster in the beginning.

Honestly there is nothing wrong in thinking that there is a god or some godly force in this world. But thinking that this realisation brings you any further in this world without knowing these forces in detail (that what science is trying to do) is pretty dumb and ignorant.

Yes, he hurt Popes BELIEFS.

Which one? Christians have three.

The concepts of Heaven and Hell break the laws of Thermodynamics uf we assume the immortal soul is real. Only Buddhist reincarnation follows scientific law.

No, you're stupid. What he said: , also Dark Matter.

But that's exactly what I'm saying. If there is a God, then it obeys a higher ruleset (which, for all I know, could be absolutely none, setting God up as the ultimate culmination of Willpower; God thinks, it happens, end of story) than what we are accustomed to. There would be no way for us to know about that ruleset except through conjecture and, if we're really witty, logical argument. That's what we're trying to figure out here, really.

Science says Entropy and Thermodynamics, but conflict with evidence of beginning of universe. Is God a reasonable solution to resolve conflict?

guys, what if god is actually the greatest programmer ever?

Spirituality is entirely lost in the western world. You will never find greater meaning in something within the realm of science. If there is true freedom and greatness, we must look within ourselves and where our experience fits in to the universe. Thinking about creation of the material universe is a waste of time in a spiritual sense, it does not concern us.

are you referring to jesus? because he isnt a god, at least I dont think so. who is the third?

>religious dumbasses blatantly scrolling past actual answers to their retarded/poorly aged questions

There is no hope for you people. You're no better than fucking towelheads yelling ALLAHU ACKBAR at their stupid rock. The only difference is the setting you were born in. It's that same weak intellect that herds extremists into terrorist training camps.

Buddhist Reincarnation does not, in my limited understanding, follow when we consider the nature of Entropy.

except when matter meets antimatter and becomes nothing.

fuck you.

I just like to shitpost with vague anti-atheist statements in Christianity threads. Yeah I agree with that.

I'm not in charge of the Pope. I don't even follow the Pope.

Never heard of this. Mind elaborating a bit?

Why the fuck am I posting on here? I need sleep. I need to go work out in the morning, write porn in the afternoon, and play overwatch in the evening tomorrow.

Very busy. Much important. Wow.

wtf I hate atheism now

What do you mean "And?" expansion

>not understanding that reaching maximum entropy means nirvana

> Atheists BTFO

> Allah created the universe and sent a message down to Mohammad (pbuh)

> Subpanallah

It's all the same god

The father, the son, and the holy spirit, which are all 1 God. Jesus is the Son.

This is actually a valid theory, and the only one that holds weight. The universe is but a simulation created by alien scientists to understand their own Universe. Rick and Morty did something like that iirc.

His official name is Yahweh, which translates into 'I am' (iirc). But they just call him 'God' because he's supposed to be the 'one true God.'

>So where did all the energy to create the Universe come from?
What energy?

When you account for all of the energy (heat, mass, velocity...) and all of the negative energy (gravitational potential between objects) the sum total energy within the universe is zero.

The universe as we know it has a total energy of zero. No violation of the conservation of mass/energy.

Now within any subset region of space you can have a local imbalance between positive and negative energy, but that's just taking a system and looking at a single part of it.

Oh shit. Check out Mr. I know everything even more than most mainstream scientists

Killyourself you dumb bitch.

You're going to hell.

>Science doesn't know what caused the big bang
>Therefore everything in this one book written by desert jews 4000 years ago is correct

I'm not well versed in Buddhism, but if an immortal soul exists, it can't be created from nothing and then sent to heaved or hell. If it exists, it bring recycled again and again is the only concept that adheres to the laws of Thermodynamics.

We have never observed a maximum entropy for any system.

Entropy tends to converge on maximum for a limited system, but never reaches it.

So, I guess that means, in that other guy's beliefs, it is impossible to reach Nirvana. His religion is pointless and there is no perfection attainable by him or anyone/anything he reincarnates into.

You faggots just want answers spoonfed to you.

There's a reason people get so angry at you. If you want to have even the slightest understanding of what science has uncovered, you have to put in your hours like the rest of us.

To every ignorant cocksucking religious faggot in this thread: your children deserve to die painfully, as a warning to the rest of humanity that religion is a cancer on society and it is a burden. At best, religion is not necessary in the 21st century and your kind will be gone within 1000 years, that I can promise you.

But big black bang theory doesn't state anything was created, just converted in form.

Are you feeling okay user?

>The father, the son, and the holy spirit
but those arent names, they are just more titles

science admits when it doesn't know something, and keeps researching it
religion just nods, winks and says "god did that"

See my post from two seconds after yours:

So that means God didn't create it either

>the only one that holds weight.
It's just more speculation. Where did the programmer come from etc. It's functionally no different than being created by a god or a race of gods outside our universe. Let's face it: we hit a knowledge barrier when it comes to asking what came before our universe. There is no way of obtaining information about things outside our universe.

so he came down in man form as his own son to sacrifice himself to himself to change the laws that he created in the first place and get all the credit for saving people from a hell that he created but still lets people go to sometimes

Did i get that right?