Hedonism is the ultimate redpill

Hedonism is the ultimate redpill.
Prove me wrong.

>babbys first try at solving his first existential crisis


learn to spell before coming at me, dickhead

I agree


you gay babby

Indeed, it is

>Here's my opinion. It's correct unless otherwise proven
How about you tell me why you think hedonism is so great

This, hedonism and nihilism seems good when you are 16-23 but it's shit.

Read nietzsch or the bible but stay out of this faggy nonsense.

ur a philistine

If you're a hedonist, why don't you kill yourself? True it won't have many hedons, but the dolors will be severely reduced compared to what you would experience throughout your life.

The opposite is the red pill. It's called suffering,
Suffering results from the ideas that you live by not bieng allowed to continue as a result of bad learning they reaach a climax point or crisis point and then it changes (upgrades if you are aware enough at the time)

You need a nervous breakdown a day to understand this world.

Hedonism is burying your head in the sand while waiting to get fucked in the ass.

Illiterate schizophrenics LEAVE this fucking board!

The redpill is the idea of growing up and understanding the nature of the world.

The nature of this world is that humans, as animals, try to survive as long as possible in order to reproduce.

In order to reproduce a man requires resources and desirable traits.

Impulsively consuming all your resources shows immaturity, a lack of personal responsibility and makes your more over less attractive.

Being less attractive makes you less like to make.

Being less likely to mate denies your animal nature.

This denies redpilling yourself.

Therefore hedonism is not redpill.

False. Stoicism is the ultimate redpill.

ah, to be 16 again
Sup Forums might be more to your tastes

Tell me more based britbong. I need more good ammo like this for my gf's pro-hedonistic arguments

Stoicism should be taught in school, no joke.
Teaches that everything is temporary, you can endure anything for exactly as long as you choose to, and your happiness is your own creation.
(shallow reading i know, but this is babbys first Stoic)

It's the ultimate bluepill. Jews have visited you. But you need selflishness to get things done but why to get things done is the redpill or bluepill, for everyone to be better or just for you? You can do also both. Bluepill is to only to do things for yourself in long term thing.

Hitler wanted to make thing better for many people, thats where he got his power. He saw the cancer of the jewish thinking and the actual effect of that hedonism.

come back in 10 years and tell us how that worked out for you

no. redpill is stoicism you stupid whore.

every freaking teenage liberal embraces hedonism and then ends up in debt with STDs and several addictions.


Unfortunately, not matter the strength of your argument women are more prone to hedonism as they can justify nearly anything to themselves if it makes them feel good.

This is because women have never had to be the one to provide resources to attract a mate. So they can indulge in whatever practises they wish as if there are enough men, someone will still try to provide for her.

If you are intent on keeping this women then try and limit the amount of resources she has access to and allow her to obverse you being resourceful with yours.

It is a fine line to walk because if you seem to stringent then she's likely to find you less attractive and seek another man to leach off of.

Seriously. It's disappointing how its fallen out of popularity in modern times.

does discipline feel good ? if it doesn't why would you do it ? to have a """meaningful""" life ? life's temporary and after that there will be nothing. all you did here is useless, your ideas about the ideal world, etc etc, it's pointless. it's not gonna go anywhere. dream, only if you're gonna make it, only if you're gonna enjoy it.

It's a legit criticism of Hedonism. You dumb ass burgers make the rest of us look bad. You have the internet. Read something other than cuck porn.

You honestly think that liberal socialised education would teach the first lessons required to become a strong person?

How come pleasures are real when our senses are not real?

I'm 22, financially stable and currently in University.

>literal degeneracy is the ultimate red pill
sure thing, buddy

If you're hedonistic then why don't you buy a bunch of heroin and pay someone to shoot you in the head before you come out of the high?


soon soulbroken, you can still be saved, or maybe you just have to walk that path to see the darkness in it and realise more about life later

I think you mean Epicurianism.

The Degeneracy in this thread is off the scales!

Also Taoism/ Teaism is undoubtedly the ultimate red pill.

Perhaps not, but with the way things are going they might teach philosophy and expose them to stoicism.

The relevant application of the word "degeneracy" was practically invented to describe the philosophy of Hedonism. If the first thing that pops into your mind upon hearing "degeneracy" isn't "Hedonism" then you've been spending too much time on Sup Forums.

Nope. Blindly chasing pleasures of the moment only leaves you empty and miserable when it's gone.

Humans were not meant to live by satisfying their whims. We were meant to suppress them when they might cause more harm than good in the future.

That's why we're not all heroin addicts.


gets boring so you do more drastic and dangerous shit constantly until you destroy yourself


if it's not happiness that makes you happy then what ?

Actually Nietzsche is more deep than "DUDE NIHILISM LMAO" but nobody seems to go deeper mostly because is too metaphysical and irrational (sometimes). Nietzsche would spit on those so called nihilists.


I am not even going to say anything else besides that.

All that shines isn't gold.

Considering that the modern education system teaches history yet fails to convey the lessons that lead to the fall of the Roman empire or the rebuilding of post world war one Germany, I think any attempt to teach philosophy would be an exercise in futility

Hedonism without any effort (left-wing liberal) means hipster faggotry or basement dwellerism. Don't work, live like a gypsy and whenever you have problems just consume something (usually drugs or something that makes fat).

Hedonism with an effort (right-wing liberal) means yuppie and douchebagerism. It means be as rude and cunning as possible (in German there is that nice word called "elbow mentality", such as use your elbow to get something), try to swindle anyone who is insight only to get swindled by someone who is bigger. Darwinism as lifestyle.

No, absolutely not, where is the role of daddy government if people are independent? More importantly where would be the jobs for diversity officers and assorted lumpen-intellectuals without a government mandate to "help" people.

But Im allowed to dream arent I?

if you don't give a shit about your society and your own nature, then yes.

ITT: OP tries bait, gets BTFO in first post, then leaves

It's all fine as long as he had fun, right?

Isn't the "Sex and the City" lifestyle great? Bunch of 40 year olds sleeping with anyone they can get and than talk like a 14 year old about having scored on expensive cafes where they spent their earnt money on a $500 dollar brunch.

What a great lifestyle, who doesn't want to be like this?

Damn. I guess I can see the logic in that. It's good to have hope and all that though.

I wouldn't say it feels good exactly.
I just need to be an example of what I believe is right, it's all I can do, I can't go to war with degeneracy and hedonism, there's no battles and conflict like in old times.
Otherwise I'm part of the problem and knowing that I'm not part of something I find ugly.

Correct. When one removes the limitations on scope, one realizes that hedonism is the truth. The hedonist has realized that to care for only those people he designates as "his" is not morally secure, but he has realized also that to care for all people everywhere over all time renders morality useless, as the mere propagation of life creates the necessity of greater suffering. The hedonist, therefore, ceases to value any life save his own, and ceases to value and pleasure and satisfaction and suffering save his own.

I am a nationalist not because I think nationalism is "right" in the broad moral sense. I am a nationalist because people who are not mine are disgusting to me. It is a hedonist's nationalism, and it is the only one that is morally congruent.

"Why doesn't a nice based parthenon want to settle down? Is it because I'm fat?"

Only for a while. It gets boring pretty fast, it isn't fulfilling, it often makes you dependent on something which limits your freedom, you might have regrets and is destructive in general.

>implying it wasn't Roman Catholicism that held together western culture/values

You faggots deserve this degeneracy your countries are getting for abandoning our Lord.

>hedonizm w Polsce

you're wasting your life. you worry about stuffs that are not gonna harm you directly. you care about people that might not gonna care about you. the real purpose of life is to make sure you're satisfied when you're dead. you live only to die again.

Oczywiście. Masa ludzi dalej ma kompleksy względem zachodu i chcą być światowi itp naśladując zachód i organizując np schadzki swingerskie czy inne orgie.

I can only see hedonism working if you were raised to believe it your entire life. Everyone has been raised with some level of morality so guilt and shame always creeps in and and kills the buzz after a while souring the very choice to live just for pleasure.


fucking nigger f33333333 FREE TEA



the opposite of hedonism would be much more boring and exhausting.


The ones who teach you hedonism are always_ the ones who never participate it themselves.

Keep thinking the life has no meaning, while those who think it has meaning will continue controlling you.

Both extremes will experience dolors and hedons, but with hedonism, well, easy come, easy go.

I much prefer get used to my dolors and learn how to deal with them as well having a smaller but last longing sources of happiness.

hedonizm niszczy zachód

>kompleksy względem zachodu

memy z czasów komunizmu, ojciec w to uwierzył

>organizując np schadzki swingerskie czy inne orgie

takie rzeczy zniszczą Polskę

Hedonism is the basest of behaviors. It consumes what is present and then ceases to be since it does not itself create what it consumes. Balance is the law of all things. Pleasure now means displeasure later.

If your wish is for a form of hedonism that sustains itself you automatically accept that scarce effort must be applied to create that wich is consumed for pleasure. Since effort is scarce, you are bound to make judgments on what is and is not worth effort. To make these judgments you construct for yourself a sense of good and bad, with it right and wrong and thus you gain a moral code.

The only context in which unadulterated hedonism is sustainable is when your surroundings produce enough waste that they do not care you taking that you might live your life only consuming. Unless you are a king, priest or other high-up in social hierarchy however chances are the waste that is available to you is vastly inferior to what is available to those who are not purely hedonistic. This difference between what you have and what you could have is itself a source of displeasure, causing you again to accept calculated displeasure in order to gain greater (and thus judged on) pleasures.

There is no practical hedonism other than the life of Gods and Kings and even maintaining such a position most likely requires displeasure.

There is no pleasure without displeasure, no displeasure without judgment and no judgment without morality. There is no hedonism in the sense that you would practice it.

It feels great. It's hard at the start and there is always a crisis but after than it's the best feeling in the world.

I will always shill for Stoicism.

It is the most based philosophy out there.

Chasing women to get your dick wet or filling some drug dealer's pockets isn't the most fulfilling part of life nor is it the goal of life.

I'm not some old man either, I'm 20.

i can't understand how it's good. who are you pleasing when you're doing it ? and does pleasing them please you ? your pleasure is all that matters in your life.

structure is your base for everything you experience, when you understand this, you will actually crave pain.

grow up.

i'm like a failed hedonist. or failed normie. i have tons of stuffs that i wish i could do, that i wish i could have. shame that self esteem and confidence drown me. i don't feel fulfilled because i still have the huge curiosity about doing drugs, getting laid, partying hard, not caring about anything that sucks. i'm too discipline, out of fear, not out of self realization. maybe you're lucky that you already had all of those, that you're grown tired of it. i'm 23 i'm still curious about the 17 years olds' stuffs.

no i don't understand that. how can anyone crave pain ? i'm tired of it.

Hedonism is the ultimate path to becoming a nobody, contributing nothing to the world and losing your legacy. It is also the path in which you gladly give away your country, your nation and your community to the stronger men. With hedonism you lose everything your ancestors worked for.

It's nihilism, you babby-tier degenerate. If you're going to go subhuman, go all the way.

you can't really """contribute""" anything to the world if you're not Bill Gates or at least a teacher. does """contributing""" to the world give you pleasure anyway ?

>Roman Catholicism
>western culture/values
If anything, you are literally Babylonian filth of Christianity.

Ok, it is difficult to contribute to the whole world but you can contribute to your community. Just by going to work is a contribution itself since you are doing something for someone who can now do something else for the society.

Obviously contributing gives me some pleasure because I enjoy when things are going well and the community around me is healthy.

>maybe you're lucky that you already had all of those: doing drugs, getting laid, partying hard

The thing is, I haven't. I've seen my friends and some family members do it and it's destroyed some of them (a few also died). Now a lot of them are either emotional/psychological wrecks or they're just living crappy lifestyles (washed out with a low-paying job or unhappy marriages).

Don't conform to society's pressure like you must go out and do these things, do your own thing. Get your studies done and get a good paying job, make lots of money, go on vacations, enjoy yourself by learning, go to a church/mosque or whatever to learn more, find a wife, start a family, etc. Those are goals for me.

I'm not telling you to do any of those, but find your own meaningful goals. Hedonism does more damage than good (at least in the long run).

You are idiot and you are wrong. Why? Because i said so faggot.


>destroyed some of them (a few also died)
would you rather live long but bored, supressed, and depressed or short but happy ?

>Get your studies done and get a good paying job, make lots of money, go on vacations, enjoy yourself by learning, go to a church/mosque or whatever to learn more, find a wife, start a family, etc
but what's the purpose ? i WILL finish my studies, get a job, and be married, because i think that's just what i MUST do. there's no other choice, that's like life rules. it's like doing homework or exam, you just want it to end because you don't actually WANT to do it, you do it because you have no other choice.

>go to a church/mosque
this is what scares me. when religious people tell me about their stuffs, their daily life, it scares me, i will never be able to see the light in following religion. i don't want to get into religion because i don't want to lose the fun in life i don't want to miss out on anything.

how do people find goals anyway ? specifically meaningful goals that make you happy.

It's nothing to understand. It's just this feeling of something greater, of crossing barriers and overcoming yourself that matters. It's the real enlightenment.
Also "pleasure is all that matters in your life" is the good goy manual.

Said caesaropapist

>how do people find goals anyway ? specifically meaningful goals that make you happy.

Look at what you have and think about how you can improve it. The grass is always greener and I'm sure most people living a "hedonism" lifestyle would want a normal one.

>would you rather live long but bored, supressed, and depressed or short but happy ?

I wouldn't say it's boring. I do whatever I want, travel wherever I want, I'm not dependent on drugs and I always have my girlfriend.

>you just want it to end because you don't actually WANT to do it, you do it because you have no other choice.

You shouldn't see those things as a chore, but something to aim for. I would even say that finding a wife and being able to have kids is a blessing.
I guess you really caught the bug for this sex/party shit. Is that even possible over in Indonesia? I thought you guys were really Islamic/Sharia law tier.

> i don't want to get into religion because i don't want to lose the fun in life i don't want to miss out on anything.

For me specifically religion doesn't take away fun, it gives me meaning and a will to live. In churches here priests give sermons/homilies with a lot of solid life advice. Living a religious life has made me better/healthier than I was in my fedora stage. I also found a girlfriend (that I will hopefully marry) with a similar outlook. Whatever floats your boat, religion might not work for you.

>I thought you guys were really Islamic/Sharia law tier.
no we have tons of beerhouses, clubs, and underground """massage""" stuffs in my city, which is known for being fairly islamic.

can't really see your insights as senseful. oh well i guess those years without social life has made my soul stucked in 17 years old. plus the daddy issue.



>no we have tons of beerhouses, clubs, and underground """massage""" stuffs in my city, which is known for being fairly islamic.
>i guess those years without social life has made my soul stucked in 17 years old

If it's going to bother you until you do it, just go do it and see for yourself if it's that fun.

>plus the daddy issue

Are you a girl? If you are, then I can give you advice I gave to my sisters, lol.

"Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame"

Stoicism... Study and follow it. Hedonism is for hyperactive, hormonal teenagers.

I don't think happiness is as important as people make it out to be. Sometimes life is hard, and sometimes it's pretty unpleasant. I think you can live a very fulfilling life if you understand and accept that.

Nah read Aristotle, and the world makes sense.
You must achieve eudaimonia OP.

Yo Sup Forums what's todays -ism?


no i'm a guy.

>just go do it
i wish i could, if not because of all the self consciousness, no friends, and all the /r9k/ tier """illnesses"""

if you can choose the happy path why consciously choose the hard path ?

how new are you

Delayed gratification and hard work leads to a better life in the long run. A true hedonist might, for example: cheat on his wife because a pretty woman is willing to sleep with him, or allow his body to fall into disrepair because junk food, cigarettes and drugs feel good. Do you think someone like that would truly love himself? I prefer the thought of seeing a beautifully sculpted body when I look in the mirror, even though I may not enjoy every second in the gym. I prefer the idea of a wife and children who love me, even if I may on occasion want to sleep with another woman. I prefer having nice things and not having to worry about whether or not I can pay bills, because I worked hard for that right. That's why.

Voluntarism also.

You should have tried it. Regretful inaction is worse than a regretful action
Try it now but dont get hooked.
You're right, we're here only once and nearly every unique experience is worth the try, just for the sake of it.