Why did both Hulk movies bomb?

Why did both Hulk movies bomb?

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Why does he have asian hair in the first one

Both terrible for their own reasons.

They were still lacking the adult appeal the popular "superhero" movies had.


First hulk was good, you just didn't get it

Why does he have asian eyes in the second one?

Ang Lee's Hulk sucked

When Incredible Hulk came out people still remembered Ang Lee's Hulk

Hulk was a think piece from Ang Lee, with its unique style that ultimately failed with the masses

The Incredible Hulk was pretty good but I think people didn't care too much because the 2002 movie left such a bad taste in their mouth that they didn't even want another Hulk movie

As strong as the hulk is, he just can't carry a movie by himself

Hulk is just a boring superhero. How can you make an interesting movie about a guy that turns indestructible and breaks shit when he's mad?

>"i make a comic book movie. People will rike it if I keep leminding them

With a romance subplot, of course

Incredible Hulk was decent

He's the comedic sidekick, not the leading star.


People try to make DEEP Hulk movies when we just want to see Bruce Banner get chased by the government a bit before losing control, beating up another super weapon let loose against him, and ALMOST hurting someone he cares about before running away.

It's not that hard, but hollywood can't handle it for some reason. They might as well do smart Hulk and let Tony shoot him into space so we can have World War Hulk.

Why is he Asian now?

mostly this


Because diversity sells (protip: it really doesn't)

Ang Lee's Hulk is underrated, slow burning kino that plebs discarded because it wasn't the capeshit they expected it to be.

the other one just sucked

I love both movies for different reasons but it seems that general audiences only like Hulk in small doses. Can't wait to see him in Thor 3!!!FACT!!!

Because marvel knows fuck all what to do with bruce banner and cho was just sitting around doing nothing. Rule 1 of marvel is that they can't write hulk stories for shit. There is a reason planet and world war hulk are his biggest stories, and they aren't that great.

hulk needs to be black

I really enjoyed Incredible Hulk. The final fight was a bit dull, but the fight with the military at the university was great.

A huge green dude is plain uncool and silly. Also hooga booga, people will settle for King Kong instead.

Pretty much this.