It's the genes, user!

It's the genes, user!


Other urls found in this thread:

>Studies prove differences of intelligence between races
If you don't believe my MS Paint infographics, you are a blue-pilled normie and should go back reddit.

>The study found that the age when you first have sex is influenced by genes controlling the timing of puberty and physical maturity, as well as genes that contribute to personality types; 25% of variability was seen to be down to genetics.
This is Jewish lies! Jews are at fault for sexual promiscuity. Those kikes took my virgin wife away from me. GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW

>is correct 25% of the time

You could literally guess "age 17" and be more right more often than this test.

This just in! If you're ugly as sin you'll lose your virginity later in life or not at all!

So my parents lost their virginity between 5-7?

That's still significant.

Intelligence is 0.4 to 0.6 heritable. It's

behavior is just an expression of biology, glad your catching up OP

>Either way, whether you're 16 or 40 when you decide to have sex for the first time,


Cool. Well then I'm deciding I want sex now. what next?

You aren't deciding on it, you are still at your computer not going after it.

Have sex.

It takes another person to want sex with you, that is the problem. It takes two people. If it's up to one person, then it's essentially rape.

Get with the times old man it's 9 now

that's not what the number means

some of that 5 minutes into the video

>Don't leave house for months at a time
>Cut off all my friends years ago
>Am a virgin
>Had lots of opportunities when I was younger
>Women literally asking if I want to have sex
>Am still a virgin
>"It's because of genes"
>Nothing to do with never leaving house

There was never any mention of consensual sex, just sex

It probably is, two people in my extended family are forever alones too..

What do you do all day?

>It takes another person to want sex with you

who cares what the other person wants

Nah I'm pretty sure me getting brutally beaten and raped repeatedly by my father from age 3 to 13 is what decided it.


What a fucking retarded article, of course we're genetically pre-disposed to fuck other people.

No fucking shit.

In other news: Water is wet! Cats are not owls! 2+2 does not = 5.

>mfw it took a team of scientists and millions of dollars for reaserch to discover that some people are born Chads

> increasingly realising genes play a role.

No shit, I think you mean they are BREAKING THE CONDITIONING.

>user I did Chad, but I stil love you It was a mistake
>No mistake, you were born as slut.

Now we need simple gene test and id code for sluts. Wana marry? show me you DNA id.
Oh it says here you were fuckin like rabit since 13. No money for you.

>Lift (5x a week)
>Browse Sup Forums
>Contemplate suicide
>Watch politics videos on youtube
>Lift again, but this time it will be a type of single muscle, so bicep or forearms, which I don't do in the other lift
>Browse Sup Forums

Pretty much this. At weekends I'll watch MMA/boxing/football. I don't drink or take drugs.

>having sex early = chad
People among the IQ 130+ group are 3 times more likely to be virgins at age 21 than others. Marriage stability is directly correlated to low nonmarital sex partners and age.

Literally R-K theory; people with bad genes don't value them and breed more