Holy shit I'm so glad I never went to see this trash in cinema

Holy shit I'm so glad I never went to see this trash in cinema.

Complete garbage that failed in every single way.

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Why you think that, friend?

Is any decent torrent for this out yet?

This franchise was already dead by Aliens.

I've never seen the movie but I hate it too. Ridley sold out. Didn't give us the movie we really wanted.

What the fuck is wrong with Scott? It's like he's a director for hire for his own franchise he just doesn't give a fuck. The story does not make any sense and cgi aliens aren't scary

Korean pseudo HD as always.

He's senile. His last good movie was 17 years ago.

I knew when Ridley kept changing the name like anyone gave a fuck

It was in the spirit of Prometheus. The android took the lesson of power from their creators, humans. These Wagner music pieces, favorite composer of Hitler. Now comparing human race with xenomorphs, the androids find former ones better in terms of power and proliferation and decide to help them. End of the story. The moral: every stick has two ends, or, who fights with a sword, ends killed by the very sword.

It felt like Scot wanted to make some new movie, wrote the script and then put in the alins as an afterthought to get sales
Prometheus was actually much better than this

it sure was a movie alright

When will hollywood get tired of shitting on christians? I mean, come on, christianity is a dead religion already.

It wasn't much different in terms of quality from Prometheus in my opinion.
The scientists already acted like absolute retards there until only 1-2 are left which is when they start finding their common sense.
Watching Davids becoming is quite interesting and watching him bamboozling the engineers was quite fun.

It's an okay film, but the first third of the movie was fucking retarded.
>colony ship en route to a 100% secured planet
>find a mystery planet somewhere
>looks good ok let's land because muh faith
>shit starts getting fucked up below
>encounter the most slippery substance in the known universe
>slip-n-slide leads to explosion of landing craft
>Mississippi (in charge of 1953 colonists and 200 embryos) endangers entire mission because MUH WIFE
>eventually all the colonists get DAVID'D because of an avoidable mistake that half of the crew was against to begin with

Oh, and don't forget that they went to this unsecured planet wearing no protective gear. No armored suits, no hazmat suits, not even fucking gas masks.

I'm a pretty chill guy and I could tolerate most of the shit that happened in the film, but the medbay scene was just ridiculous. It's like a parody.

Nah, I'm not taking any chances with unexplored planets like that. And I don't think any trained professionals working for some space company would either.

You fags are stupid. This is absolute kino of the highest level

It's a movie where the audience is expected to suspend disbelief. I just assumed Mother did a scan of the planet and gave the all clear. But seriously though a racoon-sized newly-born penos (pink xenos) that Mississippi's wife could have smashed with anything from medbay plus slippery goo fucked an entire lander. Nope.

The moment she sliped on blood was really fucking comical.

Yeah but there's a reasonable level of suspending disbelief and I felt that their lack of safety precautions was a flagrant crossing of the line. I think the lack of safety precautions was just a vehicle for the director to get people, "infected" and it was a lazy vehicle at that. He didn't want to think of a more complicated but logical so he just cut corners.

>hey James I have a movie for you, but you will be baked for the entire mov-
>and then you're going to be spaced whe-
>and that's pretty much it

He's gone full george lucas

Like I said, I have a pretty big tolerance (4u,) and try to have fun when watching movies but the slippery ship was just too much for me.


What do you think of my film idea?

There were better ways they coulda done it. Maybe David knew that humans would come wearing protective gear so he modified the organisms to be able to punch through it or slip through the filters or some shit.


It's literally not. This is by far one of the worst cinema experiences I've had. I just could not find anything to enjoy out of this apart from that little flashback with the Engineers because I was so looking forward to seeing them but instead we had to get an Alien rip off with such a pathetic 3rd act that felt like it was taken out of Jason X.

Two people who would never panic or make a bad decision in a real life threatening scenario, and who have never slipped over in their lives - especially in a crisis situation. No, that would be unrealistic.

The quarantine of a friend through fear of death. Then changing of one's mind when remembering a weapon is not a "parody". Not that the film is classic, by any stretch of the imagination.

Two people don't just slip in the same puddle of blood within five seconds of each other. One person slipping is in and of itself incredibly unlikely.

They "scanned the planet" for sentient life and (it is implied) biological threats. The spores remain dormant until they come into contact with a suitable host. The movie is telling you that when dormant, the spores/goo are undetectable by the ship's scanning capabilities.

For this reason - the crew's faith in their technology - they land on the planet without any expectation of being infected. This isn't that hard to figure out. I'm surprised people are still confused. How is it 'lazy'? People have overconfidence in predictive technological capabilities all the time.

Now if you're talking the moronic decisions in Prometheus, you've have a point.

Too much faith in technology is still a tremendous oversight. Let's say the technology reveals nothing. Okay, fine. I wear protective gear, and you don't. If the technology was right, well, shit, I'm wearing a few pounds of extra gear for nothing, big deal. If the technology was wrong, well...you die, I live.

Everybody in the movie acts like a 16y old dumb teen when they are suppressed to be a crew of professionals responsible for a ship worth billions and 2k colonists.

Nobody in the fucking movie ever gave any shit about protocols or procedures. That's not how professionals act.

Prometheus had a sense of mystery for a bit. This one was as cliched and stupid as it gets.

The blood slipping was one of the best parts idk what you fags are on about.
When have you ever seen someone slip on a pool of blood? Water on a polishes floor skippy as fuck. When have you ever seen human blood be a fucking hazard in alien? When there's pools of it yea it would be very easy to slip especially if you're freaking out and not concentrating because there's a fucking alien. Theres plenty to criticize but not that.

Dude alien blood is lethal
>the human blood becomes lethal
Ridley is operating on different levels than you. Its also women who slip on it

It's not Star Trek. They don't have the tech to scan the planet perfectly.

And they don't even bother. They have no drones. No second lander in case the first one breaks. Everything in the movie is retarded.

>Two people don't just slip in the same puddle of blood within five seconds of each other.

>One person slipping is in and of itself incredibly unlikely.

LOL. Ever seen someone scared shitless? They bump into things, hit their heads on stupid shit. Fall over. You've clearly had a very limited amount of real-life interaction. A person could be only mildly startled, and they'll fall over if they run on a slippery surface. If you think you're in a situation where you're about to die, the last thing most normal humans'll be thinking of is "oh shit, that puddle I just slipped in".

"slipping is in itself incredibly unlikely"

Now I know you're just hamming it up.

Oh look another pleb can't understand something more complex than Transformers.

They're not fucking toddlers, and I think if I told someone that if they slip they're going to fucking die, they might be inclined to NOT slip.

That's called hindsight faggot. You ever say to yourself don't slip on this sheet of ice in the parking lot, then still slighty slip but catch yourself one time in your life?
>being calm and collective

>Too much faith in technology is still a tremendous oversight.

Yes. Which happens regularly IRL.

No one knows what capabilities they have. Not you, not me. Stop talking out of your ass. If they movie said they 'scanned the planet' for threats/danger, and technology the people have is sophisticated enough to colonize new planets, you take from that what you will.

If they hadn't said anything about scanning, were not on a colonizing mission, and were scientists, then decided to land on an unknown planet without protection (as in Prometheus) then you'd have a point in it being stupid.

You're just making excuses like the old Prometheus fanboys, except from the other angle.

"We scanned the planet, there are no threats" and the virus being dormant until agitated is reason enough for them to venture in unprotected and become infected. It's not "stupid writing" or "lazy", you just weren't paying attention and probably had your phone on or your browser open.

People bungee, skydive, travel in planes, board shuttles, and do all sorts of other dangerous things using tried, trusted, and tested technology or equipment that either fails or misses something its creators or supervisors didn't foresee. Shit happens everyday on familiar and very real scales.

Yet somehow, in a movie, technology familiar to a group of humans, missing something unaccounted for, and that missing unknown variable getting them into shit, is "stupid writing".

Reaching. Again, in Prometheus, yes, it was ridiculously dumb. Not really here.

I just turned it off after the shower scene. What a piece of shit. It fails even as a scary movie. Those CGI aliens are hilarious.

They are not fucking random civilians caught in a bus accident.

They are supposed to be trained professionals. Yet nobody in the fucking movie acts professional even once.

They scanned through the giant storm that was fucking with their systems and comms? They can't communicate through that storm but they can scan for microbes?

Stop defending this shit.

>People bungee, skydive, travel in planes, board shuttles

Nothing of that is dangerous you idiot. Don't compare that to exploring alien planets with responsibility for 2000 sleeping civilians.

It's still kind of fun to see Aliens on the big screen (if someone else is paying), but otherwise yeah the movie is 99% garbage.

yea korean stuttershit is out so best copy till bluray.

true he's coasting on his name at this point. shame when your heroes end up disappointing you quite a bit.

Stick to your capeshit in the future, pleb

That whole scene was intense as fuck. Definitely one of the highlights of the film. I understand why people on here dislike it though, cause they're either contrarians, autists or obsessed with nothing but comic book movies

I heard somewhere that people are saying that this movie retroactively ruined the Alien series or at least the mythos.

I dont care if its cliched or whatever this movie has actually ruined the Alien series. All the movies, even resurrection or those horrible AvP movies at least were entertaining. Hell I would argue that prometheus was a decent movie in its own right but this PEICE OF SHIT HAS MADE THE ALIENS SEEM LIKE A FUCKING B-GRADE SLASHER FLICK MONSTER WORSE THAN ALIENS OR RESURRECTION OR WHO THE FUCK CARES THIS IS AWFUL ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME AN ANDROID ENGINEERED THE FACEHUGGERS THATS FUCKING BULLSHIT FUCK YOU SCOTT YOU RUINED THIS FUCKING FRANCHISE YOU FUCKING BASTARD

The best part is how he made it worse. The original flying mist thing is 100x more effective than facehuggers.

It didn't really shit on Crudup's guy, I thought. He was a good guy who wanted to prove himself and give the crew a happy ending that made their suffering meaningful. He just wasn't cut out for a pragmatic command position because of that soft heart of his.