Repeat after me - TOP. SHELF. PUSSY

repeat after me - TOP. SHELF. PUSSY.

>hillary's bastard

no thanks

Webster is looking thin these daze


>This is a 10/10 in pineapple land

Even Scots pussy is less hideous.

she would be most beautiful woman in croatia. we'd make her a princess.

Bullshit. Croat women are pretty decent. Throw me a bone here lad I'm dealing with Scot, Welsh and Anglo girls.

Remind me to never go to Croatia then.

She has nothing on Ivanka

Why does she have that jew face? None of their parents are.


she's had the best plastic surgery the clinton foundation can buy, and she's still fugly

one of her parents has it

dude I was just in the UK for a holiday and both Scottish and Irish girls are gorgeous, you guys have it good

>she's had the best plastic surgery the clinton foundation can buy, and she's still fugly
This. Her body is about 50% plastic at this point, and that was just to make her a 5.5/10. She was hideous, and anyone that winds up reproducing with her is in for a shock.

Repeat after me:
Bottom smelly tuna cunt.


Lad you're wrong. I'm Scottish and you're wrong. Our best (along with the Anglos, Welsh and Irish) are the best but our average is the worst in Europe.

Face like a dog!

I don't blame Daddy for wanting to fuck her.

> Cohen
fuck this gay earth

suit yourself m8, I was stunned by how many good looking women I saw in Scotland and Ireland when I was there. maybe it's because I'm hugely biased and love girls with freckles, but still

Dough-level pussy

wtf that is not top shelf boys, thats like a 6.5 or a 7 at best ffs

There is no way she is Bill's child.
Or Hillary's for that matter, but especially Bill.
He was one handsome motherfucker and Hillary was from ugly in her younger years.

Fuck off and die, shitposting filth

U wot

>racist alt-right forum
>maybe they will realize that they are on the wrong side of history

Come on, be a little more subtle than that, user.

she's a solid 7 I'd say