Obama listens to Lose Yourself by Eminem to pump him up for speech

hahaha Obama is the best


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Thank you for BLACKing the record.

Wow he really appeals to me because he listens to contemporary pop music. I totally accept all the horrible things he's done now because he's one of us.

lmao, black politicians are now pandering to white youth. Is it the opposite day now?

>even king nigger admits whities are better rappers


What side of history is this?

he can act as black as he wants,but he'll never be able to get the mayo out of his genes

But that's how all Mulattoes are really.

Jeez guys lighten up he has a very hard job he has done great things for LGBT rights and stopped the war in Iraq and brought accountability to wall street. Not that i expect Drumpf voters to accept that...

Is Obama the whitest president ever?

>take one $25/hr job
>split it into three minimum wage jobs

He seems like a really cool guy. I don't agree with his politics, but I know I would rather have a beer with him than Trump. And I plan on voting for Trump.

>this right wing retard thinks obama somehow magically SPLIT 1 job into 3

95% of Obama job creation has been full time.

How can you be so fucking retarded? You didn't graduate high school did you.

>the same leaf is back to do it for free

Please, I'd like to learn about how Obongo fixed the economy, professor. Please post your 50 image series on the matter.


>I don't know what minimum wage is

What is the criteria for "usually" full time?

Lol this debunked right wing retard talking point?

1. Your screenshot is not true. Pic related.

2, You do realize that 100% of the baby boomers retiring en masse right now are NATIVE BORN



>And I plan on voting for Trump

eat a dick :^)

Minimum wage is jobs that right wing retards aren't even qualified for. You losers would be lucky to have a minimum wage job.

There are millions of good paying jobs out there. The problem is you right wing retards don't have the skills or the education for those jobs. You know that's the truth.

Yeah and he cries during his speeches too.

Full time minimum wage jobs are trash, fuckwit.

The exact same it has been for decades. Pic related. 35 hours or more.

Some more reading on the subject


>inb4 facts

That's all you're qualified for, right wing retard. Try finishing high school.

Outsorcing nasa job to scam-artist elon is not exactly creating jobs. As well as other outsorcing.

>president who admits to listening to rap music

I mean, Christ, even as a 27 year old with a pretty meaningless job I'd be embarrassed to go around telling people I still listen to rap sometimes.

Yes, but what does the "usually" in that mean?

4 out of 5 days? 9 out of 10?

Inb4 Trumpcucks get triggered at the Canadian posting facts


Wanna know how I know you're over 25?

This chart is foolish. It's saying about 58% of these jobs about above minimum wage, they could be making an extra dollar an hour and that could be considered minimum wage.

What is the average salary/wage of those jobs?

Usually like when they're not on vacation. People don't work the exact same hours every week. There's lots of reasons why typically full time workers who usually work full time may not work full time during a given week.

>bsences are defined as instances when persons who usually work 35 or more hours per week worked less than 35 hours during the reference week for one of the following reasons: own illness, injury, or medical problems; childcare problems; other family or personal obligations; civic or military duty; and maternity or paternity leave.

Get it?

I love how I have to explain shit to right wing retards who have clearly never worked a day in their miserable lives.

>Make me king as we move toward a new world order

I really like Obama and Hillary, they seem kinda "hip" and "down" with the younger generation

Why would anyone vote some old fat, white american republican is beyond me. America needs Change, not some "Back to the KKK" old, white males.

First black President of America listening one of the first white pioneers of Rap music? That is just beautiful and clearly tells one truth: American Dream is possible. Black people come presidents and white people become succesful rappers. Beautiful America. Land of opportunities, of freedom eagle. God Bless burgers

doesn't even make sense vlad. anyways we get it, you're taking advantage of right wingers and trump voters hatred for america to help russia.

>It's saying about 58% of these jobs about above minimum wage

No that's not what it's saying. Are you legitimately retarded? Like seriously How can you people be so fucking stupid.

It's saying nearly 60% of new jobs are paying over $25 per hour.

Where did you see minimum wage anywhere on that chart?

> that shit flag

Into the fucking trash


>Obama listens to lose yourself to pump up
>Breivik listened to requiem for a dream to pump up
Interesting, any more famous people's inspirational songs?

OP here's an upboat you unbelievable faggot


CAPPED! Thanks Santiago!

You need to chill the fuck out. I'm actually trying to hear you out, and you're being fucking rude.

You say 60% of new jobs. Do you mean the ones here?

POTUS doesn't truly create jobs, the market creates jobs. If Obama truly created jobs it would have been public sector jobs created by expanding government. If you are just a normal leaf poster you should be ashamed and should kill yourself. If you are Chart Poster meme leaf guy keep on keeping on.

>What is the average salary/wage of those jobs?

ask and ye shall receive

60% of new jobs are paying over $25 per hour.

I mean the ones here.

Private sector crashes under Republicans.
Thrives under Democrats.

Yeah we get it.

>You need to chill the fuck out. I'm actually trying to hear you out, and you're being fucking rude.

Fair enough. That's a legit criticism. I'm not saying you specifically but you have to realize I've dealt with right wing retardation that shouldn't even be humanly possible. I'm talking off the charts autism.

So to be clear, you are suggesting that about 8.5 million new jobs that pay over 50k a year were added during the Obama presidency.

If that is the case, then why has median household income gone down. And why has benefit usage gone up.

Like here

Ththththrhththththe the the....


-t. Obama writing his own speech

The leaf can autistically post as many charts as he wants. Yea, the economy has been *slowly* increasing since the crash. Doesn't change the fact that liberal policies caused the crash. You forced banks to give out mortgages to niggers that couldn't afford them or else the bank would be deemed racist.

legal Latinos living in border states should be the most concerned because they are the most directly affected by illegals

>still manages to double the national debt while creating 14.6 mil. jobs

that's a pretty impressive performance indeed, mr leaf

First of all Obama job creation has been 15M. No of course not 60% of ALL those jobs are over $25 per hour.

> then why has median household income gone down. And why has benefit usage gone up.

Because you may be too young to remember but Bush crashed the economy. The Great Republican Recession was the worst Republican Recession since The Great Republican Depression.

Are you an unemployed Trump voter? I can tell.

Don't fall for the real median household income right wing retard meme. First of all the last data point is Jan 1 2014.

Second of all you have 10,000 baby boomers retiring everyday. Which means they drop overall MEDIAN household income. You have to look at individual wages which are actually doing quite well.

Why does it seem like you guys don't want to accept any good news about your own country and you just want to desperately try to find ways to shit on it?

>Changes in median income reflect several trends: the aging of the population, changing patterns in work and schooling, and the evolving makeup of the American family, as well as long- and short-term trends in the economy itself. For instance, the retirement of the Baby Boom generation should push down overall median income, as more persons enter lower-income retirement.


> doesn't even make sense
Makes actually perfect sense. Outsource NASA to "private" business[, that only works with governmental contracts], force people to change job from NASA to spaceX, without changing anything else. Add a ton of jobs to work as space-X↔NASA proxy. For materials research and delivery, for secrecy checkups, for paper flow, for budgeting, etc.
That`s an exemplary(!) precedent of obamas "job creation".

Also mask builds now "superfactory" to manufacture outdated battery tech for obsolete car tech, that will undermine hydrogen power cells.

Are there some new high-paying jobs? Of course. They just made in spire of obongo policies of taxing people`s health and inflating debt 3 times of a bush one.

You're that stupid fucking leaf who doesn't understand economics, right? I've seen you in these threads a lot.

BTW, what's to say that a Democratic POTUS didn't create the conditions for a job crash when a Republican POTUS takes over?

Your graph doesn't show shit and you'd know this if your fucking skull wasn't full of maple syrup and chink semen.


>The leaf can autistically post as many charts as he wants.

but facts aren't going to stop right wing retards from lying about and shitting on their own country that they hate more than anything.

> Doesn't change the fact that liberal policies caused the crash.



George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.

Right wing retards are the biggest fucking DINDUS on the planet. It's not even close.

non-resident jobs. holy fuck how dense can you be? hey it says "jobs"!

What do you do for a living?

Lol. Republicans call it the Obama economy.

Republicans shit on the Obama economy for 7 years. Then suddenly try to take credit for it. I don't even think right wing retards will fall for this level of autism.

This is how you fix race relations. Wtf I love Obama now and I'm going to go listen to lose yourself

>BTW, what's to say that a Democratic POTUS didn't create the conditions for a job crash when a Republican POTUS takes over?

You do realize Bush handed Obama the worst Republican Recession since The Great Republican Depression right.

It's like you're all 5 year old downies.

Reminder. Make Sup Forums a better place. Ignore a leaf today.

One post a time, we can end a leaf's crime.

More like Democrats allow bail out bad business practice, and ride on the coattails of the hardwork the superior republicans did. The Republicans are always mopping up the messes that Democrats create, as soon as prosperity begins to roll in, we elect a Democrat to try out more retarded 'progressive' policy.

Those are American jobs actually. Trump's foreign workers aren't counted there.

>based clinton
>guy who brings in 100 mil of coke a month through his state
>causing crime to fucking skyrocket
no, fuck you



LOL. You have it ass backwards right wing retard. You do realize Bush handed Obama the worst Republican Recession since The Great Republican Depression

Based Bill Clinton left Bush one of the best economies in American history. 3.9% unemployment, a thriving economy, a $315 BILLION annual budget surplus, the national debt set to be paid off within 10 years, the highest labor participation rate in American history, and no wars.

Within 8 years, George Bush and the Republicans left America on its knees.

This is why Republicans can't be trusted with the economy. No matter how good a situation they inherit, they'll fuck it all up and blame Democrats.

>First of all Obama job creation has been 15M. No of course not 60% of ALL those jobs are over $25 per hour.
Here it says 14.4 jobs were made and
here it says that 60% are above average (which is about 50k a year)
60% of 14.4 is about 8.5 million.

So that is what I'm asking. Are you suggesting that 8.5 million private sector jobs paying over 50k a year were introduced? And still my follow up question stands of if that is the case then why has food stamp usage gone up, and why has median income still gone down?


How do you feed your family on $0.25 per post, leaf?

I think the main flaw in your logic is that you think Presidents are dictators and kings. You have no understanding of our political system and it makes everything you post so easily dismissed, people reply to you at this point out of charity and tradition. I think you should get a job and stop trying to seize the means of production.

Last I saw here in my state, the foreign workers are at democratic supported businesses. Comcast went from the #1 tech support company and scaled down to an overwhelming majority of non-resident employees. You can walk in any call center or place of business here and its full of non-residents and its an all blue state.

just stop.

>Based Bill Clinton left Bush one of the best economies in American history. 3.9% unemployment, a thriving economy, a $315 BILLION annual budget surplus, the national debt set to be paid off within 10 years, the highest labor participation rate in American history, and no wars.

He also handed him two bubbles set to burst

OMFG so you're saying you're still too fucking retarded to understand this chart?

It's a pretty straightforward chart. Why are you too fucking retarded to understand it?

I stated quite clearly.

>It's saying nearly 60% of new jobs are paying over $25 per hour.

Pretty straightforward

>This chart is foolish. It's saying about 58% of these jobs about above minimum wage,

Can you please explain where the fuck did you get minimum wage from this chart?

Can you explain this.

quite well

It's always a fucking leaf. Every single time.

>I think the main flaw in your logic is that you think Presidents are dictators and kings.

You're actually describing these right wing retards who think "king obongo" completely destroyed their lives when it's more likely them not finishing high school that was the problem.


Explains all the drug money and deaths surrounding Clintons, and gives you insight that they will do anything to get into high political positions to make the most corrupt deals they can

Guys like Trump who bring in foreign workers instead of hiring Americans are definitely a big problem. You won't get any argument from me on this.

>no matter how good a situation Democrats leave Republicans, Republicans will completely fuck it all up and blame Democrats.

Every fucking time.

Obama summed it up beautifully


I don't understand what you're spurging out about.

Saying 8.5 million jobs that pay over 50k a year were made plus about 6 million jobs that pay minimum wage up to about 50k a year were made would be proper interpretation of your chart.

>Can you please explain where the fuck did you get minimum wage from this chart?

I literally dropped this remark after you pointed it out like a complete faggot the first time. Holy shit what is wrong with you.

More like Bush handed Obama a war time economy, one which Obama continued to this day and wrecked the average Americans purchasing power through government and corporate welfare. Compare a dollar to the 90's to today and you'll see where you fucked up.

also How many times do people have to point out the truth before you admit you're wrong?

thanks republican congress

Putin is our greatest ally behind Japan

Be careful. The Clintons might get you next.

Republicans call it the Obama economy.

Trump is Putin's best chance at taking America down.

> cancel requirement for niggers to seek jobs if they want welfare, they cancel their unemployment office appointments, that ruins job market and future of economy, because there is no more cheap labour for startups and small businesses
> hey, goyims, I fixed your unemployment!

False vladimir.

From what I've seen on Sup Forums, right wing retards are by far the most autistic assburgered segment of the American population.

> trump and putin are gays!

nope it was the republican economy

Assad is sweaty
Nice weak
Bombs are ready
There's ISIS in Libya already
Armed the Saudis


Republicans call it the Obama economy. You're just mad vlad because Obama crippled your economy. Trump is your attempt at revenge.

Our friend is helping us against the globalists

LOL i g2g guys it was fun BTFO you right wing retards as always ill be back on later k.

nope, republicans did that

> why drumpf is putin (who is literally hitler btw) plant surrounded by doom and gloom racist bigot and literally hitler?