Do movies make you believe you can out run guns?

do movies make you believe you can out run guns?

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guns can't move you idiot

guns dont even have legs xD

Blacks cant shoot for shit, just stand still


i guess people really do die in 1 hit

>shoot, don't peacock and talk
Someday, niggers might learn this.

What's all the smoke from?

Oh yeah, death is fast. This is why the old saying goes "When seconds matter the police are only minutes away".

The fucking gun


What guns does Sup Forums own?


You can, because there is a human holding it

Modern firearm rounds use smokeless propellants


This is an old video, George Lucas got tired of Disney raiding him like this every day eventually

It's a type of fire suppression system that uses gas so it doesn't fucking ruin all of your merchandise.

When will liberals start campaigning to literally make non-whites exempt from responsibility for committing violent crimes?

smokeless powder just means it has less smoke than blackpowder, all gunpowders give off some amount of smoke.

If the heart is still beating an ambulance can save you, what once would have been murders now have become assault.


What? Do you think just having a heartbeat means there's a high chance to be saved?


yes thats what he said

You are gay as hell.

He'd be wrong. Almost any chest wound with anything bigger than a .22 is almost guaranteed to be fatal.


Internal bleeding is a bitch. High chance of getting blood in the lungs which is pretty much always a death sentence.

They make me believe I can catch a bullet with my bare hands

I used to be an EMT, and believe me, that's fucking retarded.

Hold on I am finding my source.

>tfw not allowed to own any kind of weapon

How do you keep the cassowaries and dingos at bay?

What happens is the hydrostatic shock from the bullet entering your chest will almost always destroy the aorta. Even if it doesn't hit the aorta. This will literally kill you within a minute, tops. There are many cases where people have died in relatively minor car accidents, seemingly unscathed, only for the shock from the collision to have torn the aorta and they bleed out internally.

Really depends on how fast you can get to a hospital

Neither are common where most of the population resides.

No but movies make me believe i can get some pusy

Unless you are literally inside of a hospital it's probably not enough time, even then it's doubtful.

who was in the wrong here?

In Australia, you can't own a weapon? What kind of nonsense is that?

Clearly, the shitheads trying to rob the store at gunpoint.

It's literally a country full of criminals.

Are you fucking retarded?

My nigga is 6'8. I was surprised when I found that out.

but they just wanted to rob it, they didn't shoot first

A country run by old folks. What's worse is people on the news and panel shows acting really shocked every time something bad happens. Not even women are allowed to carry pepper spray.

Penal colony, yeah. Jokes aside, how do you protect yourself, when the criminals obtain black market weapons and use them?


Well the store owner presented his rebuttal and demonstrated that he didn't want to be robbed.

>he used a 1911

I would've rather let myself get robbed than use that antiquated piece of shit.

You don't.

If someone threatens your life at gunpoint in your home or place of business, you and yours are in imminent danger. Kill the intruders. It's no loss to society. Saving, your family, business, and tax payer dollars all at once.

If you protect yourself, the criminal wins.

White society was the real culprit. By oppressing those Did-not Dos for generations, they set them up to have no choice BUT to act out in ways contradicting white social mores, just to attempt to live an adequate quality of life.

To address the real cause of this tragedy, the white man needs to look no further than the mirror.



>Not even women are allowed to carry pepper spray.
That's insane.

but in my country I can only defend myself if I am attacked first and I can't even be too excessive in my defense since excessive defense is a crime too

Every woman should own a gun, I'm surprised feminists don't advocate for this more. The gun is the great equalizer.

>God made all men, but Sam Colt made them all equal

In some states of the Union you actually face harsher penalties if you DON'T kill the intruder, the argument being that if you aren't willing to kill them your life clearly wasn't in danger.

I agree. Criminals almost always prey on those they deem to be most vulnerable. Women should, at the very least, be allowed to carry pepper spray.

They have pacts with Emus. They give them their first born daughters they keep the other animal in check.

I agree to an extent but ownership of a gun should come with mandatory shooting range time. Something similar to the hunter's safety course.

I'm torn on this point. On the one hand, yes people should prove they aren't retarded. You need to take a test to drive a car so why not a gun? On the other hand, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

I'm all for this. I take it for granted that my dad taught me how to use guns and bows. And, I also took a safety training course. It should be mandatory for anyone who buys and owns firearms.

It shouldn't come with mandatory anything you commie faggots. The Way of the Gun is our birthright.

>muh pavement

Should be part of high school. I took Marksmanship as an elective class in high school and learned everything I needed to know about guns. Three kids got kicked out of the class in the first month, one expelled.

I went on to win State in pistols, rifles, biathlon, and technique-afire. I'm a crack shot.

go shit yourself in a hippie commune

My line of thinking here is that people need to be taught to use it properly if it's going to be an effective defense. Yes, just pulling the gun is probably going to be an effective deterrent but what if a woman actually needs to use it, goes to pull the trigger, and oops, safety is still on.

>Should be part of high school
I learned it in middle-school. Grade 8 in America. It was awesome. It taught you a proper respect and fear of weapons. They don't do that in too many places anymore. Even the small town I grew up in.

I think the point is proper training is a good thing but should not be a requirement for ownership. Government meddling and all that.

Interesting. My high school had archery but that was it. How rural/small were your schools and what year was this? I graduated high school in 2000 so I'm not exactly young.

Agreed but it's still not a good defensive tool if you don't know what you're doing.

2003 graduation, pretty good sized city in the Midwest, large enough that most schools had a shooting team.

And again I agree, I just don't trust the government to decide who is "competent". I'd rather the occasional retard accidental shooter than the government blanket banning tons of people from owning weapons.

Let's make this more on topic. What are your favorite gun scenes in movies?

I'm an old man. This was in 1988, in a town of roughly 7,000 people. In highschool, during hunting season, all the guys had rifles mounted in gunracks in their pickup trucks. No one blinked an eye. There were never threats of violence via guns. Plenty of fistfights, but everyone settled their bullshit like young gentlemen. If you showed up with a pocket knife in that same high school these days, you'd be expelled.

I haven't seen this movie yet. This has piqued my interest.

I think you're thinking too harshly. Similar to the driver's test, you could just retake the course if you fail. Mind you I'm only talking about qualifying to carry, not actual ownership.

it's part of a several-sequence fight scene that is probably the best keano to date.

A little bit. I'm pretty heavy on the libertarian side of things so take that as you will. Not full ancap or any of that stuff, closer to what the Teaparty was supposed to be before assholes like Glenn Beck hijacked the movement.

That's not really that common in Australia, I don't recall the statistics exactly but most black market weapons are used by organised crime against others within organised crime.

Oh baby. Time to fire up them torrents.

So, there's never any robberies or home invasions in cities? I don't believe that.

Wait, are you saying that when you make owning a gun a crime that only criminals will have guns?

Gotcha. My stance is basically that you're more than welcome to own a gun and keep it in your home. However, if you want to be able to carry it in public, you should be required to pass a training/safety course which you are welcome to take as many times as you want until you pass.

I assume there are but the criminals carry knives or baseball bats or whatever.

I can almost agree, then again my state is a Will Issue state when it comes to CCW. So unless you are a felon you get one.

lmao is this seriously from an episode of Bones?

but videogames remind me how fucked I would be against a shooter

>if the heart is still beating
The science checks out

In the communist land you usually call Europe, gun violence is almost unheard of.
Yes there are robberies and whatnot but never at gunpoint, unless maybe we're talking bank heists.
Heck even terrorists prefer to use cars rather than guns this days.

>As long as your heart is still beating, you can't bleed out or go into shock or anything
Okay then.

So when are we going to ban assault vehicles?

>bleed out
>heart stops beating
>go into shock
>heart stops beating
Whats so hard to understand about this?

i hope i get to shoot a nigger one day. thats the reason i carry

about 1 in 6 gunshot wounds die before the ambulance gets there another 1 in 6 die after the ambulance gets you to hospital. so basically u got a 5 in 6 chance of living if the ambulance gets to you when your heart is beating.

I'm not even sure what you're arguing anymore.

From personal experience, it's not as fun in retrospect as you would think it would be.