Chinese "people" think this is sexy

>Chinese "people" think this is sexy

it....isn't the ruined feet itself ofc but the way they walked and the winced face they made

you don't need to understand

In a hundred years our predecessors will be fucking virtual girls, or sex robots.

Can they even walk?

This got me thinking. In a hundred years do you think that our successors will think we are barbaric that we liked women who get cut open and plastic put into their chests to make their tits bigger?

Ofcourse, that would be haram in future.

not much

We won't achieve time travel in 100 years

only in their own fancy houses
>was considered upper class """beauty"""

I hope that for this.

Women are so weird about heels. They're so convinced it makes them look so different, but men literally do not notice the difference other than the girl is taller

they don't think those toes themselves are sexy, but how women walk with them is

I've noticed women, gay men, and Africans are generally more into footwear than normal men. I've also noticed footwear people tend to care more about height. I've also noticed height people don't think other people feel any different in that regard.

Today when I was waiting for my ride to work a big red diesel pickup with a custom exhaust and a lift on it pulled up and a tiny little man hopped out and ran into the arena across the street then came back out and drove off. Will they ever learn?

>we liked
I don't mate, I find it disgusting and turns me off. Same with botox. Shit like pic can kill me a boner.

It was for that the girls wouldn't escape home because walking with feet like that hurt

Already is like that bud
Most people I know consider fake tits gross

they used to

Pick one

Daily reminder THIS is the kind of thing the cultural revolution was stamping out

yes, also this

>TFW no red guard gf.

That and a long and rich history of art, philosophy, culture and etiquette.

The cultural revolution is responsible for the poor image of Chinese tourists abroad and the general rudeness and uncouth boorishness of Chinese people in general. It's what happens when you have no heritage to fall back on, no sophisticated elite to emulate.

You don't actually believe that do you?

Daily reminder it was a mistake

Criticize Lin, Criticize Confucius


Maybe if you hadn't tried to ruin China with opium they would've learned from you instead of turning to the Soviets.

God bless Mao

Maybe if they had accepted manufactured and finished goods instead of silver for their tea, we wouldn't have had a balance of payments problem and could have been equal trading partners.

maybe if you weren't tea junkies and drank coffee like normal people you wouldn't have had a trade imbalance

>that we liked women
noone likes that though

Old rich sugar dadies sure did.

hehehe, maybe if you guys actually made goods that they wanted they would've accepted those. it's like trump complaining that Japan and Germany don't buy their cars, well make better fucking cars.

I'm not saying the cultural revolution didn't happen moron, I'm saying it didn't cause street shitting. Marble statues don't actually have anything to do with morality, you're probably just Jordan Peterson.

>come on maaan just give me a dimebag for this blender

>oh weak man weak you only take money? come on bro be cool narc

>you were born too soon to buy a robowaifu that trully loves you

I already think its barbaric. Seriously, plastic tits are gross. I like some big natural funbags that actually swing

Even a robot wouldn't love a mexican.

Don't do this to me man. Not tonight.

>long and rich history of art, philosophy, culture and etiquette.

Yeah because your average starving illiterate farmer (98% of Chinese) was so cultured and well-mannered.

I mean there's no real difference now. 98% of Chinese people are completely uncultured and horribly mannered

Hot 2bh

We already do in modernity, so when the caliphate is global (inshallah) what makes you think things will change?

Hence why his claim is retarded

China pre and post 1967 was 99% the same starving illiterate rural bumpkins.

It wasn’t some idyllic utopia.

Time for a little self-crit, teacher.


>people hate the Chinese Communist Party for "destroying" traditional Chinese culture
>OP's pic is exactly the kind of traditional culture they destroyed

Reactionaries and anticommunists are stupid and don't even actually know or care about the things they shill relentlessly?






This is bullshit. It was primarily for fashion and the mother, aunts, and older female cousins were the ones pushing the binding shit onto the girls.
Women didn't run away from brothels, lords or merchants because these people provided food, shelter and often education.
You hear similar historical revisions surrounding the geisha in Japan, trying to paint them as abused women. Really sick and tired of this glorified white knight bullshit because if it isn't from the feminists as an excuse to berate mem, it's from the tradcons as an excuse to berate men for not holding "correct values" and "allowing women" to do this sort of shit. Either way, none care about the truth and the reality is that since the dawn of our species, women have been manipulating their bodies, often seemingly in sadomascistic ways, where their ideals of beauty are mostly compelled into more extreme expressions in competition with other women. Females don't pretty themselves up for men, because they know a man has no standards. They manipulate themselves physically to compete with other women. It is social thing and women who do not conform to the standards set by the top of the pecking order are often ruthlessly rejected not by the men but by the women. Women care far more about what other women of them than of the thoughts of men, because they know deep down, all we really want is pussy, company and someone to give our utility value.

Girls weren't bound to escape home, they were carefully groomed to land a spot in a richer household. These weren't for limiting movement, they were meant as a means to increase social standing.

>poor image of tourists abroad and the general rudeness and uncouth boorishness of the people in general.
Well shit, I had no idea the Chinese cultural revolution occured in Britain as well.

please explain it to me. I am really interested.

Calm down, Zhao

High heels are sexy as fuck though

it has to do with reaction
it forces the female to make the wince of pain and you pity them, their "delicate features" would remind the men of how dainty they are, or something, it was also a sign of wealth, so even if you are not privileged but don't have to work in the field you are expected to get foot bind.

thank you for your explanation.
How do you know such things? Have you been studying chinese history and culture?

Maybe because fake tits and plastic surgery in general are disgusting. They allow ugly people to pass on their genes and ruin the gene pool.

no, self-disgust and alteration (through makeup, surgery, genetic engineer) will be even more prevalent in the future.

kind of
well i forgot where i read it but it was a common description in books about women of that time, a lot of learned people was against it because it doesn't really add to the appeal of women at all, and it made them more into a commodity by handicapping them, i believe foodbind was in the dream of red chambers and the author was against it too and that was 400 years ago.

it's just by then it was so common place that people expected it as commonsense, especially if you were in the smaller landowner class by using it to enhance one's image and things like women's rights were for the super rich with nothing to do, it seems backwards but in medium sized communities being wealthy enough so that the women can get footbind was pretty important back then, not that it means power or anything but more like prestige

also my great grandmother was footbound, my mother remembers her, she couldn't walk at all
the commies had a massive campaign to wipe it out

also the ruling manchu people during qing did not do footbind, they actually hated it and believed women with large foot were more attractive, they tried to wipe footbind out but it was too ingrained in han tradition and failed

I really dislike the look of high heels. I'm quite a bit into legs and it just makes their legs look strained.

>urgery, genetic engineer) will be even more prevalent in the future.
Future is scary