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>your country
>do you play league of legends
>If so what is your favorite champion and your rank

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Flag
2. Played it couple of times some years ago but I soon realised how shit and fuck and aids that game is so I stopped playing
3. I remember that I played a champion that flew around and had a sword and the ult was invulnerability for a couple of seconds

1. flag
2. smite
3. janus


Played a lot of times some years ago but I soon realised how shit and fuck and aids that game is so I stopped playing

Silver II max
Mained mid: Viktor, Lux, Ahri

what are some fun games that are better than LoL?

Uninstalled it today after 8 years of planning. AMA

Why uninstall?

you were playing the most boring champion tho

I dislike the update and what they are doing with the game. It got the best things from the dota and throw out the escape elements so it became more about micro skills and careful plays. Modern lol promotes fast one plays that destroys the game. I've been maining tanks and supports all my life and this season is just atrociously bad

>used to play it
>Mordekaiser, highest rank was Diamond 1 60 lp


partly true. But dark harvest and the amount of vamp new runes get you are much worse than lazy designed champ

>eternal silver, Zac

The new rune system definable needs work but I'll take it over what we had

say rank or your opinion does not matter

what's the next game that will replace LOL in popularity?

First of all, checked
LOL was already replaced by PUBG.

pubg is already dead tho

How is it any good? All champs were designed with regards to the old system. New system is pure bullshit.
My highest was plat 5. Haven't played since thresh was nerf so about 3 years. Decided to try it again but didn't enjoy it. I am tank/support main.

And the other one like PUBG where you can dance is replacing it.

Not anymore, stopped by mid-season 3.
Malphite, Cho'gath, Lee Sin. Diamond.
>pubg is already dead tho
I dislike misinformation, not even play it.

Never played it

>where you can dance is replacing it.



dota is better

Fortnite, it's like and ugly PUBG but for some reason it has been getting more and more attention the last months.

t. pierreler1

It's free to play

Anyways I started playing two months ago, I just got placed bronze II

Fav champion is probably nautilus

1. Flag
2. Yes
3. Shaco and Pre-rework Yorick/Urgot
Idk all I ever play is ARAM/TT since I can't stand playing SR

Sadly, yes
Zac silver 3

>i'm actually the highest rank here

1.) United States of America
2.) Used to
3.) Kog’Maw, Gold V

No. I used to play dota, the superior MOBA, but I stopped playing because I no longer have as much time for video games that I used to. I also just got bored of it.

used to
lee, lb, sona, lux sup. Placements put me in gold 5 and I never played ranked again. I was a lot better than my mate who was plat 5 though

Gold 3 / sona mid and evelyn mid pre rework


- Argentina
- Yes
- Veigar / Kassadin / Garen / Nasus / Kindred

I started a week ago
I am leveling to 30 yet to play ranked but I've been playing support characters mostly lulu and I bought karma last night

I want to be shyvana or lee shin jungler though but I'm scared to play it or get flamed.