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Ray needs the money.



They kept milking a cow till it bled.
Then it died and they kept milking.
Now they are rubbing the dust that was once bones.


Jumping the shark for money.
Is dinosaurs the official mark of no longer giving a shit? I'd say that its generally the sign.

I actually really liked the third one. Buck saved it.

Milking that teat till it's bone dry

Space is even more so


all three of them have been stuck in hell for 14 years!

Aw shit, Sid was The Pest?

Wasn't it proven that Ice Age makes more money on each movie release?



They've even gotten recent memes (of 3 months ago) to use for marketing purposes that most likely won't even be in the film.

>Diego dies to protect his friends and redeem himself
>lol, jk, not dead anymore
I want to believe Ice Age was a good movie, but what was the point of bringing him back?
God, this is worse than shonen anime.

>How do you do, fellow kids?

Looks like Land Before Time is getting a challenger.

If I wasn't the German Ambassador, would I do this?

Money causes quality decreases

Has anybody ever made a movie with dinosaurs IN space?

Well, the first thing that came to mind was that tongue-in-cheek Doctor Who episode but I don't think that counts.


>first movie in series delivers a good message
>the rest of the movies are filler-tier garbage made for the sole entertainment of children

Why do animated movies always do this?

But Shrek 2 is objectively better than the first

I thought the first was the most boring shit ever. I'm not saying it was the WORST animated movie, everything about it was competent, but definitely the most uninteresting I've ever sat through.

So I can't imagine there are 4 more. No matter how bad they are they must be at least more interesting than the first.

Because of the expanding Russian market. Russia loves Ice Age, they have an expanding middle class. Blue Skys isn't making Ice Age 5 for us. They're making it for Russia. Americans arent going out to see movies as much as they used to. So Hollywood is targeting the Chinese and Russian markets more since that means more money.


Shrek 2 was awesome. Which was a strange case in which the 2nd movie goes on par with the 1st or even surpasses it.

The rest where garbage.

Damn, they didn't even shit those out. Each one is separated by a space of 3+ years, unlike Marvel and Star Wars pushing out a major release yearly.

They bid their time to screw up over the long-term.

>implying that wasn't already Alpha 2 Omega

Oh, come now, aren't you interested in the ongoing adventures of Alpha, Omega, and their cubs?

There are plans for an eight "Alpha and Omega film.

Do these things even pull in a profit?

I think about the only thing I remember from the 2 or 3 Ice Age films I saw were the bits with Scrat. Those were legitimately funny looney toons style shorts. Kind of couldn't care less about the rest of the film.

>Implying the first Alpha and Omega was any good

We're Back, sort of

I'm guessing the A&O movies are so cheap to produce and distribute that any profit is pure profit.


Fuck you. Shrek 2 is the best one.

>Do these things even pull in a profit?

I can't find the article, but there is a really good report done somewhere where a guy basically delves into researching how the fuck these movies get made.

Basically it's an investor scam. Small time production team goes around to, I shit you not, retirement homes, get crowdfunding from a bunch of old people that don't know any better and want to get into the "movie game". Then they literally use the bare minimum of the investment money to produce literally the cheapest, crappiest film they can and pocket the rest of the cash.

It's really scummy and the height of Hollywood jewelry.

TLDR; everytime I move like this gets made, a grandmother somewhere just lost ten grand.

Theyt already did space and Dinosaurs. What will be the setting for the next one?

>Make one of the movies focused on Sid. It tanks the franchise.
You know it's kinda poetic..

They made five of these?

Time travel to live action New York, duh.

The only thing it did was bail water into an already sinking ship

Russia only likes it because the setting reminds them of home.

>They meet a dinosaur
Whaaaaat??? How does that even make sense?

That is freakin horrible!

>We want the Land Before Time audience.

Foreign markets are the only thing that explains it

They actually like dubbed american movies more than domestic products

It was great if you happened to be sexually attracted to dogs.

Squirrel hips made 3 a solid 90%

They realized they didn't have to put in any effort and it would still make bank

Are you surprised that the series declined incrementally with each sequel or that they continued making sequels long after the original had ceased to be relevant?

Well so far it made 126 mil and I don't think it's had a domestic release, right? This is actually killing Ghostbusters internationally

Why the fuck are you people surprised? It's the modern Land before Time but it's making far more money than that series did

>bad furbait
>AND a scam

That rockets A&O past shitty movie into fucktastic act of injustice.

I'm going to see if I can find this article you've mentioned, it sounds like an interesting read.