I gotta stop drinking. For my daughter

I gotta stop drinking. For my daughter.
>1 month later
Alright I only drink some nights, but I'm starting to stop
>2 months later
I'm back on the wagon..fuck I need to quit already.
>3 months later
Dude I got so shitfaced last night

Does this faggot have no self control?

he's a retard from boston with anger problems who probably gets free drinks at any club he does shows at

He's Irish.

his daughter isn't his

he literally wouldnt shut up about having a kid
>no pictures anywhere

he stops drinking and remembers his daughter is a negroid

>stop drinking
>remember how he got cucked out of his dog
>remember how he got cucked out of his drums
>remember how the celtics got cucked out of free agents
>remember how he got cucked literally
Hmm... wonder why he keeps drinking?

Do you have the version of this where it's all angery facebook reaccs


>no pictures anywhere
...online or in print media.

Because he's not some california celeb that is going to put his kid out in the limelight. Likely just wants to give the kid a shot at a normal childhood.

He said he's doing home pours, which means he's getting hammered. Which, is the worst possible thing he could be doing if his marriage is that fucked up. And, it obviously is, if he went back to drinking after all this time.

>got to stop drinking for the good of my mongrel spawn

he clearly doesnt drink you guys are buying his bs to tell stories


Why would rich celebs go for a pleb substance like alcohol. Can't Bill afford some heroin or cocain?

god his wife is so fucking ugly and stupid. he cleans up really well, makes no sense.

>my daughter

he's actually got self control. he'll stop within the next 2-3 months just wait. but only for a month or two

i have become........comfortably nia

Well look who's here! The lovely Nia everybody!

Literally who?

>self control
pick one, they are alcoholic because they cant do shit about it, they are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to humans.

"On the wagon" means to quit drinking. It stems from the water wagon used to quench fires, and the expression is often used as "on the water wagon" outside English speaking countries

hitting noises
Crashing noises

>no pictures anywhere
here you go senpai

If I wasn't a lazy fuck I would shop his face into this poster.