That episode with the panda rapefugee

>that episode with the panda rapefugee

I don't remember that one. Describe it.

Isn't it that episode where that piece of shit raccoon dicks the ginger around for shits and giggles while disguised as a panda?

If memory serves
>new panda kid in school
>he's an asshole or something, not sure
>everyone wants to hit him in dodgeball
>Adam is a cuck and defends him because he's endangered
>turns out he's actually a FUCKING RACCOON MALE in disguise
>is an acceptable target and gets expelled or something

I always thought as a kid that the moneky had the hots for Adam.

Yeah, that one.

He had to protect him because Pixie Frog would separate ginger and monkey until 8th grade

And he did

Was this the last good CN show? It was made in 2005, the last good year ever

No, We Bare Bears is


nigga what?

Gym Partner was on the same level as Squirrel Boy, had a few decent moments, but overall bad.

Besides, didn't that Symbiotic Titan show happen after this? That show was alright, better than MGPAM at least.

Did anyone ever buy the Zoo school musical episode?

>but overall bad.
nah nigga fuck you

just say you didn't like it

MGPAM is bad bro.

It certainly wasn't 'good'. You mighta been 12 when you saw it so you think it's better than it was, but I dare you to go back and watch it now and see if you can watch 2 episodes in a row without wanting to do something better with your time.

Billy and Mandy still holds up.

Gym Partner and Squirrel Boy were both good shows.

Man, I forgot My Gym Partner's a Monkey was a thing. It sucked.

>Gym Partner was on the same level as Squirrel Boy
not even close, it was Lazlo tier

go fuck yourself

I knew you couldn't do it.

MGPAM is bad. You don't have to admit it, but you know deep down it is.

Hell no

stunning argument

Did all of you idiots forget how this was one of those "MC gets shit on every time" shows

if not, you're looking through rose tinted glasses

As a kid, I didn't like this show. I only watched it at times because there was nothing better.

so... decent at best and completely forgettable?

>That episode where Adam wears a gorilla suit while working at a Car Dealership
>This triggers Windsor and he starts wearing a humansuit to spite him

This was good show,sadly it had a bad start and it left a bad taste in many people.But I remember it being hilarious from season 2 onwards