Hot Fuzz

Anyone else find this overrated? The first half was great with loads of clever gags and Wright's fun editing. But then it dissolves into endless, generic shootouts and awkward story turns. Why did the police crew suddenly join Angel? Why was the bit with Danny "dying" in the end tacked on?

the entire movie is a play on modern action movies or "dick flicks", with the first half relying on clever gags and visual humor that progresses pretty slowly, then the second half turning into this relentless shootout with all out action even including people jumping sideways shooting guns in slow motion and doing stupid shit they do in "action movies"

i do agree with the danny dying part at the end in the explosion, i thought that was pretty pointless

>the entire movie is a play on modern action movies or "dick flicks"

Oh Edgar Wright is such a god damn GENIUS! His movies are like, parodies! xDDD LOL

You have to watch it multiple times to fully enjoy it

what are you getting at here

Yarp, this is true.

This film is rated higher in America than it is in the UK. It's a mediocre movie. Shaun of the Dead was better.

this tbqh

shaun of the dead>hot fuzz>the world's end

>Huge cast of high-profile British actors
>Fun action, perfectly directed
>Parody/Homage of all action flicks
>Genuinely funny
>Requires multiple watches to catch everything

It's underrated if anything.

>british """comedy""""

Farmer's mums

>thinking this is the right order

But that's what they are user

never realized that guy played pompey from rome

>Anyone else find this overrated?
Too gay and british desu.
>It's underrated if anything.
for (YOU)

>dissolves into endless, generic shootouts and awkward story turns
The shootouts were purposely overblown mockery of Hollywood action shootouts, like in the film names you see at the bottom of your pic. I don't think it's accurate to call them "generic," and they were purposely endless, again, to mock Hollywood.

palpable insecurity. You're being defensive instead of just gracefully learning about something you missed. He's not a genius, but it's an entertaining movie.

>But then it dissolves into endless, generic shootouts and awkward story turns.
That is the whole point of the movies. I mean, look at your picture! What did you expect?

He actually might be a genius. He has an Autistic memory of films. It's one thing to watch over 5000 movies (which I'm sure he has), but he actually remembers everything about it: character names, actors, director, year of release, studio, context in which the film was made, any sequels or reboots, similar films. It's quite unbelievable. He's even better than QT in that regard

It's my least favourite.


the thing is these movies are considered unfunny trash in britain
you, the american, only find them funny because of the zany accents and lingo
spaced/shaun of dead/hot fuzz/worlds end are to britain what big mama's house is to america and viced-versa

>Hot Fuzz

Edgar Wright's Empire Strikes Back.

Please stop this pasta

>the thing is these movies are considered unfunny trash in britain

no they arent

Don't post British flicks on the 4th of July, thanks.

if anything this movie is better than most British comedy trash

go back to watching mrs browns boys you faggot