The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 3: New Mutants (Part 41)

Come, come, we got it all! We got dwarves! We got mermen! We got swanky capes and extensive body hair! Eh?


Now that is one hell of ship if I do say so myself.

I love the way Byrne draws capes.


Would you?






>Hey bub, heard your sales weren't so hot







Just put on some lotion and you'll be fine. Trust me, it works every time. Soft as a baby's butt, you better believe it.


That giant metal fish's face says it all, really.



Lady, you're like the ninehundreth Marvel character who thinks they're a monster.



Now will you PLEASE buy this book, kids?





The Master seems to have a bit of a man crush on Puck.



It's that body hair, man.


You want to touch a doe, Wolvie? ...Alright then, you said it best, none of my flamin' business.







Classic Marvel hero on hero bullshit!




Well, I never woulda seen that one coming

















I'll be honest, Narya, I've seen people here say they'd bang worse things, so...


When's Scrambled Eggs Monster coming back?




I love these blank Byrne panels. One of my favorites is an explosion in his Superman. Cool stuff.






>hunk of the month


So, what are we looking forward to tomorrow?













>call selves Homo Superior
>surprised when people make fun of you








