One shot at life

>one shot at life
>born portuguese
Very nice

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I know that feel, and it feels fucking great

>one shot at life
>get shot

Stop complaining

give me portuguese gf pls

o lusitANO...

durante sua infância, ele foi forçado a comer fezes de vaca e limpar toalhas

o lusitANO é sujo, feio, gordo e só criou dor em todo o mundo

nunca confie em um lusitANO. poderia salvar sua vida

Glory eh?

>born portuguese
>live in a good place in the Algarve
everything good so far
>average dick
>brown-haired and brown-eyed despite my grandmothers, one who had green eyes and the other blue eyes
I mean, what the FUCK?

Bem bom.

>my grandmothers, one who had green eyes and the other blue eyes
>germanic females got fed prime Lusitanian/Celtiberian beef
a tale as old as time, tbf

>One shot at life
>Born in Spain after 1975

tanto o meu pai como a minha mãe tem olhos uma mistura meio-estranha de verde e castanho, porque caralho foram-me calhar olhos castanho-escuros? puta que pariu

Your language is deadset fucking atrocious.

>one shot at life
>born in Italy after the XVI century

Eu tenho essa mistura nos meus olhos, a tender para o verde. Mas a minha mãe tem os olhos completamente verdes e o meu pai completamente castanhos (mas pessoas do lado dele da senpaiília têm olhos verdes, também).

Os genes dos olhos não são um bom exemplo de recessivo/dominante como é ensinado - são mais como a cor da pele em que normalmente calham na média porque são baseados em 2 ou 3 pares genes distintos.

Se ambos os teus pais têm essa mistura, é provável que possam ter filhos com olhos verdes/azuis, mas a ti calhou-te cocó.

It's literally the traditional language of poets and kings in this peninsula, mate.

My language has rules and follows them for the most part
Yours is an anarchist mess
Go fuck yourself you filthy leb cunt

lol óbvio que os olhos não seguem uma genética simples como a de Mendel, toda a gente sabe isso
só me chateia que PODIA ter tido verde, mas saiu-me o raio do castanho

>My language has rules and follows them for the most part
Is that a good thing? Spanish follows their rules a lot more strictly to the point where it's unambiguous and it sounds/looks like a cheap knock-off language.

Portuguese is almost unambiguous, but we still have a couple of weird shit (homonyms, exceptions like "frequente" having a vocal 'u', etc, etc).

Portuguese was tailored to fit poetry and song, and that's where its beauty lies.

Being an heir of giants is not easy, let's just protect Portugal and our national identity

E qual é o problema de teres os olhos castanhos? é um traço comum dos europeus, milhões têm.

Olhos verdes são os mais raros e portanto mais desejados. Não que sejam funcionalmente superiores, mas são mais bonitos.

Sounds rather unfortunate to be born in such an irrelevant baby-stealer nation actually.

São opiniões user

literally what?

>implying it was a portuguese that stole maddie.

At least we do not live in a third world hellhole like you.

nice relevancy

Verdade, mas é provavelmente a opinião mais comum de que olhos azuis ou verdes são os mais bonitos, até por parecerem pedras-preciosas, uma vez que a cor não vem de pigmentação mas sim de refracção de Raleigh.

calm down pedro its only banter

>Immigants in the capital

What are the odds.

>b-b-but it's the capital!
haha every fucking time

VERY cute bart

It is the capital though. It's a video of Wembley.

Moreover, why are you so hateful? I know you were bullied at school and have a resentment for society, but they're actually nice people.

you do realize I'm not the only one shitting on you right

could be better, could be worse
at least we weren't born shitzilian
otherwise I would've killed myself already

>could be better
name me one country where it's better to live in than Portugal.

Norway and Switzerland
the rest of europe and the anglo countries might have better living standards but have too many fags, sjws, niggers and arabs for my taste

Can you recommend me some good portugese food?, sea food brother!

Almost perfect places, but with shit weather and food, though.

We are on a mid term, not on Norway level but better than eastern europe, and of course much better than the vast majority of the all world.

>one shot at life
>born in United States to European immigrant parents
>speak three languages
>straight white male
>STEM graduate with good engineering job

Life is good lads.

>mid term
There's more to life than money.

Portugal is on the perfect level of wealth to live comfortably and unbothered.

Polvo à Lagareiro is the best.

Freeze octopus (to break down the chewiness) and then grill it and season it with olive oil and garlic.

Serve it with roasted potatoes and migas if you can (kale + corn bread + black eyed beans + olive oil and garlic).

I agree brother

arroz de tamboril is bretty good

bacalhau com batatas

Infelizmente estamos a ser invadidos:

uma vez fui a Lisboa, a um centro comercial e na boa 50% das pessoas lá não eram portuguesas, ou eram das afrca ou da india brasil.


Portuguese girls with daddy issues.