Thing 2011

Actually that bad?

Or just failed to live up to the original mastapiece (which wasn't highly thought of in it's day)?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's more like failed potential. They had practical Thing effects already made and the studio made them use CGI instead.

It never should have been made in the first place, because who gives a shit what happened to the Swedish (Norwegian) base? It's supposed to be a mystery that makes the audience conjure up scenarios and images, getting them nervous and uneasy before the team even recovers the Thing from the ice. Making a movie about it basically says, "No, your imagination is wrong. THIS is how it happened."

But if it had to happen, then it should at least be a homage to the original and use real prosthetics and animations. Which it tried to do, but producers didn't like them because they thought the audience (meaning, their own retarded selves) wouldn't appreciate the practical stuff since they were used to CGI, so they cut it all out.

So you get a generic, unneeded prequel that didn't even have the balls to give us gallons of fake blood and molding wax like we wanted.

>forced woman


Mary Elizabeth Winstead brings down the quality of another movie.

The movie was serviceable but the incredible practical effects they just covered up with shitty CGI will always piss me off

Based flip

It's an alright movie, just an exceedingly poor sequel to one of the best horror movies ever made.

you guys know they dispelled the whole "studio forced them to use CGI at the last minute" myth right
they had plenty of practical effects and puppets but a lot of the blood and gore work was already CGI, they gradually began expanding the use of CGI and rendered a few of the major puppets obsolete because they looked too cheesy and 80s. The final version (CGI replacing puppets) is identical in terms of continuity and they didn't have to reshoot anything, except pixeling out the Alien Pilot and removing his monologue because it was too pedantic and expository rather than the horror focus they were looking for

>It's supposed to be a mystery

that's the problem, there is no mystery. We pretty know much know exactly what happened and how it ended already.

we know the general sequence of events, but it's downright implausible that the whole norwegian base had to basically speak English the whole film, and the only reason the two Norwegians at the start of the 1982 film didn't speak English was because "well then why didn't they speak English?"

yes, its terrible, stay away, dont believe in anyway its redeamable , its =so fucking bad in everyway possible

>one of the best horror movies ever made.
It angers me that people don't say this enough.

just watch the face merging scene on youtube, its the only good part of the movie

It's really not good. Set up is alright but it quickly becomes garbage and horribly cliche. The ending sequence in the alien ship was also a pretty obvious rip off of the X Files movie.

You mean the 1982 movie? Because there's nothing special about that piece of shit. No wonder it only received negative reviews upon release. And the special effects are dated now.

The effects haven't aged a day and it's one of the best movies ever. You're just wrong.

Stupid fanfic


it probably would've been better off as a sequel, but even then the 1982 film didn't need a prequel or a sequel

it's only worth watching for mew

It wasn't the worst thing ever, but the overuse of CG was its downfall.
I'm not talking about the whole replacement thing, but certain scenes that would've benefitted and looked far more fucked up if they'd gone practical.
Like the one guys body splitting open. That would've been cool as fuck, but its ruined by all the CG spaghetti flying out of him.
I understand using it here and there to spruce things up, but it should be something that compliments a scene, not used as a crutch.

The CGI looks terrible, and it tells a story nobody cares about. Other than that, average horror movie.

Literally all they had to do was keep the practical effects. Test audiences complained it looked too much like an 80s movie so the studio added the CGI effects. Which makes no sense because the movie had a low budget to begin with.

It didn't need a good cast or story. All it needed to be serviceable was the practical effects The Thing was famous for.

It was simply 'meh'

Never managed to recreate the tension of 'who is the thing ?' that the original did, the special effects were BAD compared to the original which is insane given that this came out in 2011 and was a remake of a 1982 movie.

Overall it's just a poor rehash of a great horror flick, not shit, just very mediocre.

It's worth a watch and nothing more. The director purposely changed elements to suit retcon things he didn't like about JCs version.

Watching it now.

Effects are fine.
Characters are terrible (Mary Elizabeth Winstead is supposed to be the relateable one and the leader?)
Dialogue is terrible
Group dynamic just has nothing on the '82

It's worth watching for chubby MEW.

>chubby MEW
There's a mew that isn't chubby?

Yeah, it's bad.

>hey, lets do exactly the same thing the previous film did
>except, lets not do it exactly the same way, but slightly worse
>for example: instead of the blood test, they check their teeth for fillings

the whole time I was watching it I was just thinking of how Carpenter did it better.

It's too brightly lit even if you accept CGI is the norm now.

It is terrible. Compare it to all films or none, in the end it will not matter.

I enjoyed it. They defiantly don't have the fear factor like the first.
>bought a husky
>she stares at me for reason
>Barks at fire
She makes me want Kurt around

What do you guys think of the original 50s movie?

Never seen it but heard it was garbage.

i enjoyed it
i would of preferred the practical effects and did away with that tetris computer in the end. but still good.

It was okay. I only thought it was garbage after I found out they made INCREDIBLY real and terrifying practical effects for the film, and then did CGI over ALL of it in post, making it look like shit. Like, look at this and try not to shit yourself.

at 32 seconds that face is so real I don't even think I could have filmed the scene.

>helicopter thing practicals > helicopter thing cgi

Really ticked me off to find that out.

Doesn't change anything. Who cares who ruined the visuals, point is they were botched.

Do you faggots not know films made before the 80s exist?

Most people ar the base didn't speak English

It's decent. Most retards in this thread don't know shit about movies.

*tips fedora*

The special effects team that did this went on and got a crowdfunded movie made called Harbinger Down... which is essentially The Thing but on a boat in the Arctic and they did all practical effects.

It was not great.

This is my go-to point if someone recommends it.

It's peak Mew chub.

I think they don't.

Anyway, TTFAW was great, but is ultimately too different to compare it to TT and TT2011.

Howard Hawks was great though. His dialogues and characters were always great.

Decent is the word. It's very average. Not bad, but nothing memorable either except for it being tied to the Thing franchise. It was... innofensive. Like one of those durprisingly not shitty straight-to-dvd horror flicks we get sometimes.

Studio fucking ruined it with pointless cgi, to mask the practical effects.
It could of been a brilliant film.
It's just a pretty good one instead.

The main problem is that it never really does even remotely new or interesting with the formula. It's just another round of an alien taken over people in an isolated outpost in the snow.

The puppets looked real and horrifying.
They even CGI'd the body inside the bug thing.
Those CGI faggots fucked it out of spite because they weren't happy that their pixel shit was being BTFO by the real deal.

They better release a version of the film with the practical stuff.

this, it's fucking pointless