Ben omniverse young gwen need a reduction

Ouch. Much back pain for her age.

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>None of this bullshit is on netflix

What the fuck man

She pretty busty than her cousin lucy

She should never have breasts in the first place, what were they thinking?


Lol. Both have the same size. Its just lucy wear a bra and gwen don't.

What's with her lips?

Those are buds. Maybe that was before she was busty in omniverse

Purberty dude. Puberty

And her buds growing bigger

There are 12 year olds with an impressive rack.
I think she just needs proper support

She's 11

She must be an early bloomer

hopefully no jackasses spams this thread with kiddie porn this time to get it nuked by mods

Yes don't!

You mean she's started to grow since age 8? She was flat at 10. That's like a year for her to grow that size

With some girls, it happens that way.
Other girls only reach their full potential at 18.
Maybe she got some hormones?

>tfw this version of Gwen doesn't get any love

Freckles are the best.


My wife was mistaken for 16-18 at age12.

Well, the eyes have it.


She'd be better if she had pupils.

One of my many gripes about Omniverse

Most fans hate her because the pupils, voice, and worst than all.. boobs!.

They look weird with that size.

Not just busty. She much more pointier than lucy

Did she use it to her advantage?


GodDAMN, little girl, go see a doctor immediately with that cold!

You should be more worried about her hands palming the floor while she stands up straight!

What the hell? What kind a girl who don't wearing any bra!

Gwen actually rhymes with Ben

no way

Thai sex slaves go down in price the older they are, so it was probably a disadvantage. The user got a better deal, though.

Derrick j wyatt love drawing boobs on young girls

Kevin rhymes with eleven



10/10 Future Gwen



Check paheal, cuz, she topless in dis

How developed is she?


i remember watching the original series a long ass time ago, then i stopped entirely after he beat galgax or whatever the squid guy was called in omniverse

how many fucking reboots have they had? is there a timeline?



check out user 8985236 on pixiv.





There was nothing there.

>tfw D cup is average here
>tfw early bloomers



Ah yes, the obligatory Gwen thread.

Fuck yeah post more Gwens

gonna need a source

Kevin made that exact joke upon finding out that Gwen's brother is named Ken

best couple


>not liking boobs

DFC is better

Ben's gonna need to get swole as fuck to carry that ass around.

Is there any credence to the rumor the gwen was never meant to be ben's cousin in the early developement of the series?


The series went through a lot of changes user.

b u m p


Oh man, this reminds me of dial-h... now I'm sad.

>no peanuts

yes. the cousin thing was a last second change that's why a lot of situations ended up with super high sexual tension.

My cousin started developing at age 8. It's not entirely abnormal.

That said, breasts are Fucking Magical (tm) and they can grow a ridiculous amount in a year, one cup size up in a year is common as all hell, especially during puberty.

I don't what the fuck was in whatever your cousin was eating because that shit is not normal here.
Hell, I remember vividly half the girls in my grade 7 class being flat as a board. That's 12-13, bruh.

Genetically modified chicken pumped fulla hormones is fucking with the children's hormones. Probably, who knows.

I absolutely remember a girl in 5th grade being stacked. Short and 5thgrade height, but stacked.






Most girls I saw growing up were developed by at least 9 or 10. I remember when I hit puberty I was in the 4th grade (10 yrs old) and girls were already wearing bras and had B to C cups. My mom actually had the misfortune of getting her breasts fully developed by 12. She's like a double D or bigger--so that was hell for her in the '60s. Had a lot of old men trying to look down her shirt and whatnot.

>the feel when storyboard adult Gwen looks fine in Omniverse
so much lost in the final product, don't get me wrong i like OV but it had flaws.

>Don't you know that you should knock before entering a door?

I really wish ESL fucks would just publish their shit in their shitty native language. Stop writing in a language you don't understand -- it really affects the quality of something that relies heavily on dialogue cues to promote a fantasy setting.

because fixxxer is a fucking tease

Did you see that he cancelled this comic because he noticed that it was getting leaked?

Thats why it ended so abruptly. Dangit, it was getting good with the ben and possessed gwen too.

But why on cartoons? The designer of the show can make her flat as board what ever they wish. But they didt. Sigh

>cancelled this comic because he noticed that it was getting leaked

This is why we can't have nice things.

I see you are not good at computor
I'll hand feed you instead

is this the real reason? faggot needs to go on patreon. I'd support him then rather than dump 15 bucks a month out foe like 1 page of the comic

I are good with magic box.
No kyootie red with knoobs their

we needs more Gwen round here


Oh you need to be logged in with 18+ content enabled.
There be 6 quality renderings of maiden fair.

>not posting the best colored version

Wasted quads

There's a better version?

No reboots yet. If the next series airs, that would be the first full reboot.

Fixxer. It's a Charmcaster rape comic, only charmcaster is body swapped with gwen so gwen is the one who gets raped.