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This is the writer's first comic ever correct?


>Your Waifu is shit

no idea user, google seems to think so



I think I recall that DC grabbed her from The 100 tv show and this is her first time writing a comic.

Also Babs has awful manface here.




>Babs formed the Birds of Prey only with Dinah

Man, it still sucks that the characters have this fake, didn't-happen-anywhere history instead of their real, actual one.



Didn't a judge recently rule on if fingerprint lock phones are protected? Like a cop doesn't need a warrant to make you use a fingerprint lock on a phone unlike passworded devices.




They all look like jews.


Thats it. Remember kids, buy comics that you like. Support the industry. Please.

>first couple panels
>that awful rendition of the Batgirl outfit
why? is this purposely bad to try and make me like the new outfit?

>grabbed them
Two sisters are writing.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey - Rebirth 01 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth).

How old Babs is, again?

Who's Frankie?

Very interesting vibes from these pages, in the context of Batman #3 having similar themes with the character Gotham.

these faces man

>her face in the last panel

my sides are in gone forever

Babs's bisexual disabled PoC friend.

So the general background of the Dixon-era BoP is now canon and the terrible New 52 version is ignored.

Probably the best way to go about it if we must settle for Babsgirl.

>kitty figurine
I don't like what this hints at for the villain.

All the faces were fucking terrible for some reason when they were close ups. Hell Babs face on Pg 19 looks incomplete. The rest of the art looks okay but the person can't draw faces well at all.

>it's a weeaboo
truly the most villainous creature of all

Canary is written much worse here than in Green Arrow.

>Two sisters are writing.

Come on DC, you couldn't just call it Birds of Prey?


say what you like about the previous batgirl but babs tarr draws nice people

Try to get some Skwad songs, Will.

gotta get that Batgirl money.

No shit, CW writers.

Birds of Prey doesn't have the same name recognition as the Batfamily... and DC's trying to bring along the fans of the Burnside era

Squirrel Batgirl?

she was like 26, then the new52 happened and shes gotten continually younger the longer its gone on
at this point, she pretty much had to start being batgirl at the oldest of 15

Blame Omega Men -- a genuinely decent series that actually did get good advertisements. It nonetheless was ignored, primarily because no one knew it was a Green Lantern series.

but WhOoOoOoOoooo could it beeeeeee?!

>mfw Felicity is the villian
>she's some crazy fangirl
>has delusions of her fighting crime and having romances with capes


Joker's Daughter.

As someone that's literally never read a Batgirl or Birds of Prey before I thought it was pretty fucking good. Only problem was some of the face were god awful at times.

Well, that retcon did not long. In your face.

Honestly, straight up, not even trying to troll -- I think it's Felicity Smoak.

I don't *want* it to be her, obviously. But with this and what we saw in Green Arrow #2, I...I think it's her.

Well these writers are from the CW.

nah, its totes jim jr. he has double amnesia and didn't remember his sister

Wait what did they retcon I'm pretty sure batgirl 1 for new 52 had joker shooting her to.
Did they change the shirt or something.

When will they address the fact that Earth-2 Helena Wayne already did the whole "Huntress" stick, costume and all, in the Prime-Earth/Earth-0 universe, all while she lived under Helena Bertinelli's identity during the time Bertinelli was believed dead and working for Spyral as Matron?

>Gotham is not built with the disabled in mind.
This auctualy gets me thinking it would make a lot of sense that wheelchair access in gotham would be shit but Bruce's father was a doctor wasent he I would assume he made efforts to fix that.

It's probably a bit of a hodgepodge.

And yes it is pretty ironic.

It was like Batgirl 48 or 49, where the writers suggested that the TKJ memory was false and didn't actually happen to her.

But that's a boring name why not something exciting like justice league of America's vibe.

Oh wow that retcon did not last long at all then.

Was it ever really an official retcon? I had the impression they were trying to psych out the readers more than anything and bungled the execution.

No way. Percy fucking promised no Felicity.

Robin's butt in last panel

Never. Don't expect consistency like that from books under Doyle

She won't show up in Green Arrow. But this is a different book under a different editorial office. Percy's opinions mean shit here

Yeah but having her be the one to contact Digg would mean she was in Green Arrow as well.

Why not despite how much she was fucked in the show she is still a character in the comics isent she.

Then again it's probably for the best the fans of her would go batshit about the small size of her role if she appeared.

The only way I'd be happy for her to be in the comics again is if she's the fake Oracle villian and is killed at the end of the arc.

I think the worst part of this slap a popular character or teams name on the book thing is it hurts when there's auctualy a good reason to have a name like that.
Hal Jordan and the green lantern corps Is called that because it's centered on hal Jordan not because there using hal to sell it.

Problem is if you dident know that you would think there just pulling more of this shit.

pocky panda

>Is called that because it's centered on hal Jordan not because there using hal to sell it.
Judging from this issue the series main is Batgirl though. So it's no different than Hal.

I seem to recall Cam Stewart mentioning in some interview they intended that scene as a way for future writers to ignore The Killing Joke. It was not a real retcon, but they hoped it would serve as a basis for a de facto one.

Turns out the editorial doesn't agree.

Cam Stewart is the worst.


No she and Dick are in their early 20s. Both stated to be 21 when Grayson started and not much more time has passed.

Yep, Birds of Prey's still shit.

Eh it could turn out either way we will have to wait and see.
Green lantern corps might change to I guess but that's unlikely at least for a couple arcs.

But this issue was fine. and even then you've gotta remember that this was just a Rebirth oneshot and most of them were only ok but almost every series has been great since the proper issues got started. Even Justice League #1 was good, which is saying something since it's Rebirth issue was by far the worst so far.

My fuckup. She is 24.

wow... first rebirth issue with Babs, and already we flashback to that scene... again.

Is this gonna be Simone's run 2.0, where this scene is forced into every 2 issues of every arc?

The Rebirth one-shots are basically #0 issues to catch up casuals on continuity. They have to tell people what's still canon.

>that Batgirl suit
>that floppy looking Dickbutt
I hate this art.

>palm trees and marshmallows are my triggers

>Barbara is in Japan in her solo
>BG&BOP takes place after the first arc of BG solo
>New villainous oracle has Japanese merchendise on his/her desk
>Knows all about Barbara, and is here to mess with her mind.

It's probably that brand new life long friend "Kai" Barbara meets in Japan in Batgirl Rebirth #1.

In short, we have yet another re-imagining of the TKJ scene like we've seen a gazillion times over already in the first years of the new 52... and the plot seems like a complete copy of the ones Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher wrote for both their arcs in the Burnside run.

...Great start!

Any place with a bunch of historic buildings is going to be a nightmare for wheelchair users.

I'm not a Birds of Prey expert by any means but didn't it originally start with just Barbra and Dinah?

Yeah, that's how actual triggers work.

Metropolis probably has plenty of wheelchair access.

I know, but after years of dealing with tumblr I can't help but giggle

I bet tumblr will complain because it's to silly or something.
Or maybe I'm just jaded and have grown to expect the worst.

The sticky notes behind her in that middle panel don't help Babs in not looking like an insane homeless woman.

Even outside of the faces the action feels kind of stiff.


Mixing up your companies, Helena