What ever happened to her?

>wasting a pizza
>could have just closed the window
Is she mentally challenged?

She looks like Big Red

You can't do the rational thing.
You gotta show gurl power.

I thought the white highlight in her lower lip area was buck teeth for a minute.

I think the rumors are when Miller came back for more Dark Knight he made them stop using her

It is

She has a sexy mouth

Fuck it is too early for me

Tomasi just dropped that plot point.

>liking fish mouth
By force. She was on the covers and solicitations of The Big Burn, rewrites removed her entirely.

She has to starve herself to prove how much she hates men

>Hipster glasses
>Ear spacers
>Quoting shakespeare for no reason to show how smart she is

Jesus fucking christ.

they ruined my daughterfu what the fuck

Carrie was comparably obnoxious in DKR, just in an alternate-reality 1986 way.

That wasn't for years though. She just disappeared

She was an english tutor specializing in Shakespeare.
I wish Sup Forums would actually read comics.

They were likely having talks about it back then.

Im an English teacher, speciality also Shakespeare and Victorian lit, I dont walk around quoting anything dude. People dont do that.

art is dreadfully amateurish. Why do they even bother printing that shit

ShakeSpere was sexist.

I didnt even know that was Carrie, she just comes across as a shit

>hating Gleason

>eating hot pizza

Disgusting. Cold pizza is where it is at

You've got to be kidding me

It's true, it's way better. But room temp is the best.

I've never understood this cold pizza meme.

I am also an English teacher, but I know how to use punctuation on the internet. Go figure.

you take that back

What is the context of this scene? Why would she drive around eating an entire pizza by herself while quoting Shakespeare then suddenly waste all the pizza on a whim?

Nah, man. It's gotta be hot, but not hot enough to burn your mouth. Like, "This is an enjoyably warm meal," kind of hot, not, "Oh god, I think I have second-degree burns in my mouth," kind of hot.

Nah man try it leftover fridges and then lay it on the table for a few mins.

Maybe she's rehearsing it. Maybe she wants to demonstrate original pronunciation to her students and wants to make sure here accent is right.

No, the part that doesn't make sense is why she rolled her window down before panel 3.

I love fishmouth

Fuck you Carrie's awesome

She's a college student it makes sense for her to be pretentious

She's driving to Wayne monor

She looks like Gwen

>English teacher
>all those mistakes

America , ladies and gents

where did he says he's a an English teacher in America

you nigger

back to Sup Forums with you

I thought she had giant buck teeth in the first panel for a moment.


Its her time of the month.

This angered more than it should. Fucking wasteful.


I quote all the time. Not so much Shakespeare, but I'm not an actor. :)

what the fuck is wrong with that pizza
that doesnt look like cheese or pizza sauce

At least the new art for Squirrel Girl looks better, I'm still not going to read it, but it looks better.

She does.

It looks like it's some sort of pizza butterscotch hybrid food.

>I don't do it, so that means nobody else does either

>Get complemented
>throws hot pizza at the misogynist male
Our soon to be hero ladies and gents

>From Cymbeline by William Shakespeare

Either quote or don't, but don't draw attention to it and don't treat you audience like they're retarded

>free pizza
Yep, definitely marriage material for me.

I will eat cold pizza over reheated pizza.

Not fresh pizza though.

It's basically just a result of pure laziness.

You have very low standards.

>free pizza
Fuck yes, win/win.

You eat pizza hot, then any left overs cold. That's the golden rule

I'll third this.