Mouse Guard - Winter 1152 Storytime

I have some free time so here we go.

You can read Fall 1152 here



























Thanks user. I'veonly ever read the first book, so this is great.






































Winter 1152 is seriously one of my favorite comics of all time. The story is perfect, with fantastic art and even a great song as well.

What I love about this book the most is the sense of dread you know the characters are feeling right now. Its a bleak and dire situation, but doesn't need to resort to edge in order to convey it.

I love it so much I have two copies. A uses and slightly work one for me to read anytime, and a clean one with the book cover. I have all the Mouse Guard books, but this one is the only one I have two of.



That's awesome. I'm enjoying this book a lot as well and would buy it if I wasn't a poorfag.



Oh shit!












Bats, c'mon guys don't be assholes like that.















