What do you think of Casey Neistat's new CNN partnership?

What do you think of Casey Neistat's new CNN partnership?


more like fakey newstat

>I stop making videos because Trump won
>Keep making videos

Why does this ratfaced little kike keep getting shilled on here?

How about that Samsung. See shit post that isn't Sup Forums related.

this guy looks like a muppet

Why does he wear sunglasses so much?

Does he not realize that it just draws more attention to his massive fucking nose?

Literally who

CNN must die.

Sounds good. CNN is a really good news outlet that triggers autist-right manbabies.

Apologize or I will post your real name and address on Sup Forums

Ugly fucking talentless creep who convinced some people to buy his app that nobody gives a shit about

sorry please don't do this

OK :)

These youtubers say they'll quit youtube for whatever reason like once a month

Jk fuck you!!!

>actually admits the hillary clinton video was kind of stupid
>has a few conservative values

might be okay

*slowly unsheathes katana*


small souled b u g m a n

I just love how this fucker just outed himself as a shill on payroll.

They're truly pathetic.

Damn Americans really are ugly

this man really is weird lookin'.

and this is coming from someone who genuinely looks weird too

Why does he look so much like Eye-gor in Young Frankestein?


Why does he look like Sean Penn but more mongoloid?

The more I watch Casey Neistat's videos, the more I understand the witchhunt against him is just a reddit circlejerk. His political view is actually very nuanced and grounded. I look forward to seeing more of Mr. Neistat's content in the future.

It's basically a vice/vox ripoff

t. CNN shill

The more I watch Casey Neistat's videos, the more I understand the witch hunt against him is just a Reddit circlejerk. His political view is actually very nuanced and grounded. I look forward to seeing more of Mr. Neistat's content in the future.

He's not Jewish. If he were he would have supported Drumpf.

The guy actually lives a really interesting life blah blah, or whatever his shills keep repeating...

Return to reddit.com, cuckold.


What happened to his face?


This nigga looks like satan in human form

any time one of these youtubers start talking to their audience about "media" and "content" it always feels like they're prepping you to get juiced for cash

he never said that

I agree. I'm voting Hillary for this election! Remember to go to the polls citizens of America!

ugly as sin, I can't believe there are people here who defend him

Pokemon Go To The Polls!

this tbqh

This guy was in some car commercial that came on when I was watching TV with my parents, they had no idea who he was and their only comment was that he's got a really ugly face

He lives an interesting life if you're the kind of person who spends hours a day on instagram

The future of fake news is finally here!

This is the ugly ugliest son of a bitch on the planet

>implying ZGLUOMPF is not one of (((them)))

Indeed, I look forward to his further collaborations with Hillary. Together they will take back what was hers, when she runs again in 2020! #hindsightis2020 #hillarytoo

He actually leads a very interesting life so please go like and subscribe and donate to his patreon and vote Democrat
