Taran! How could you say I'm not a Disney Princess?!

Taran! How could you say I'm not a Disney Princess?!

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Because only die hard fans know your movie because it made less money than the Care Bears Movie, and because little girls who buy these shitty toys would shit their pants and cry if they ever watched Black Cauldron.

Do people actually hate this movie?

literally a random pheasant

This movie scared the shit out me as a kid but I still loved it.

Bluray when

the atmosphere was pretty dark but it wasn't enough to scare me as a child. Its really something you can only appreciate with time

It's not a bad movie, it's actually really fun to watch, but it's still one of Disney's lesser quality films, story-wise.

That and Gurgi probably makes everyone want to kill themselves when he's on screen.


I don't understand why it flopped.
If it had been released as violent as originally intended, and parents found out and refused to allowed their kids to see it, well that would make sense.

I remember being okay with Gurgi on screen, but later when I read the books as a child I quickly learned that the two weren't very similar at all.

The film's Horned King was one of my favorite villains as a kid because he was "badass".

Director's Cut blu-ray when?

Because it was a time where animation was losing respect from adult audiences, and it came out at the same time that the Care Bears movie did, that popular brand recognition earned it more money.

I just noticed that the skeletons that jump on the soldiers look significantly cartoonier than the ones that appear before and after.
Re-animated scene?

>Re-animated scene?

I know this probably wasn't intentional, but I lol'd nonetheless.

The books were almost religious texts for me growing up in Wales. It's a shame that we never got to see more of the series because it gets seriously comfy, particularly the third and fourth books. I reread them every few years. Also this film gave me a serious thing for brown haired boys x blonde haired girls.

Taran was one of the cuter Disney boys and we'll never have that grand influx of tumblr art
Nearly typed porn instead
What a world we live in. At least there's 10+ years worth of cult classic art on the internet.

I loved this movie as a kid. The horned king was scary as shit and there aren't enough Disney movies for boys. We get fucked watching princess shit with female main characters when as a kid I wanted to watch some sword and sorcery stuff.

She was my first waifu.

>dat voice



It's really just not that great a film. It's a spectacle film like Alice in Wonderland, where any characterization takes a backseat to a parade of sequences, but that formula was already stale by the year it came out.

Tartan doesn't really develop as a character, the princess and the bard are just kinda there, and things just kinda happen to them as they stumble around for an hour and a half. The only character with any real agency is the villain.

Also, the voice acting is pretty awful.


>Disney will continously remake films they got right the first time instead of correcting the mistakes of their past.

Chronicles of Prydain were GOAT books.

It's just disappointing is all
funny thing is, if you read the book, even the goddamn neverending story becomes disappointingly bad, and that movie is tits awesome. It's just the book is that much better.

sad how you have to have a severe disfigurement and/or chromosomal disorder to be an animated protagonist now.

It was a compliment! What, you WANT to be one of those corporate shills?