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Looks good for when you open a jar of mayo, you can just stick the side of your glove into it and swipe it on your sandwich quickly like a ninja

>anything between Italy and Greece (arguably even those two countries)

>got banned for 3 days for posting this

I didn't even question croats being civilized, all I did is post the image only

You thought nazis were bad, but then you meet the Ustaše...

t. serve diaspora

Croatia did nothing wrong.

stop believing communist/jewish lies

Why the autistic border around Montenegro?

Can somebody post the Spurdo version ?

sandzak (that area north of montenegro) population is muslim/bosniak
and by Ustashe ideology, bosniak muslims are muslim Croats

therefore, its "our" land

Ohh i see, i knew about the ustaše ideology, but not about bosniaks being in that area too

yeah we requested those lands from Axis powers, but both Germans and Italians refused

The peak of Croat engineering.

Its a very interesting region
I dont think they even declare themselves as "Bosniak", but muslim Serbs

Those atrocity propaganda-peddling motherfuckers truly will stoop to every low... And of course on bolshevikipedia they depict it as 100% true and factual too, as per usual with all articles related to ww2

I see nothing wrong with it

>killing serbs is only ok if we do it

burgerstan everyone !

Be a good ustaše and support Zvonimir II pls

Unironically this

nuke balkans

He's an sad frog sob. A frog, you hear me


Dalmatia will not fall

Don't you feel a shred of remorse saying this? These are your roots, Mark Jelich

i am a negro

Gib total control over your state and we will give you your ustaše government and some territories in bosnia and slovenia, trust me, it is a good deal

We are the descendants of Kara Boga so you must have our blood in your lineage

Sardinia is the one to unite with Croatia. We could achieve great things

> Civilized
> Good

Brum Brum

I'm glad this meme isn't dead.

What's wrong with that place?
It's like a bizarro version of Western Europe

Most of us are poor and our governments are corrupt as fuck. At least our countries are safe (Croatia's murder rate is 0.87 per 100 000) and beautiful doe.

>What's wrong with that place?
I think being the battleground between Turks and assorted Euros for close to 600 years might have fucked them up a bit

What's that? A croatian knife glove? What is the history behind this?

I wager it was invented by the Jews, since most of the important figures (and the money for campaigns) in the Ustaša regime were Croatian Jews. Not even joking.

We managed the unthinkable. To be led by native Jews, while fraternizing with Muslims, in the aim of killing other Christians

I fucking love this country

my grandfather still thinks jugoslavia exists ahahahah no offence

You sound like a redditor

Your mother is a redditor

That's so silly tho, who would think that thing is any close to being practical in a combat situation, except in a korean mmorpg? Or did they think it's for industrialized throat-slitting?

phew man, don't do him like that

and unironically this

...and then you have UPA.
In a way it's fascinating how many degrees of fucked up are out there.

Worse than ISIS. Even Germans wrote about how sick they were and how traumatized they were after being with them.

Someone explain this to me. It's just a guy holding a knife.

Za dom spremni =U=

It was a tool, used to kill 6 million people in the Croatian Serbocaust

It's called Serbcutter, that alone should explain a lot.

>we build camps to kill all the undesirebles because soldiers would get traumatized after executing entire villages of cnabs
>croats just start murdering everyone with farming tools and cutlery like it's a twisted jackass episode

Topbants desu

ZA DOM!!!!!!

It's a tool to win contests of beheading Serbs.

you gotta reconsider your humanity when even nazis are disgusted with you kek

Croats have always been the resident psychopaths in Europe, way before they gave Himmler PTSD. Cities and towns surrendered to the Austrian Emperor on the condition that Croats didn't enter. Prisoners expected to be castrated and skinned alive if captured by Croats.
> O Herr, beschütze uns vor Hunger, Pest und den Kroaten
That's about it

As if nazis are somekind of evil reincarnate monsters.

It's an agricultural tool used to cut wheat sheafs. Commies probably found them around the Jasenovac concentration camp and started writing fanfic. There's even a story about a guy call Peter Speedy (Petar Brzica) who was supposedy a Jasenovac guard that won a speed killing competition of Serbian prisoners (over a 1000, oy vey) set up by other guards.

There were also tales that Ustaše wear necklaces made of Serbian tongues and that the Big Man himself, Pavelić has a fresh bowl of Serbian eyes on his office table and he offers it as a snack to his viitors.

Honestly, it reminds me of Thirty Years' War propaganda about Croat mercenaries who eat children.

>crots dindu nuffin
I guess they put all those Kroatenkreuze up for fun

That would be the Croats, yes

There's also a guy nicknamed Friar Satan, he was a clergyman that would supposedly take out children's eyes and stuff them into their bellybuttons. He would usually kill after holding Catholic mass, and after killing would sit in a chair and say "Justice is pleased now." He would kill on a daily basis, was against using anaesthesia for surgery on prisoners. Otherwise, while not killing, he was described as very kind and had a soft feminine voice.

Another one is Ljubo Miloš, the Crazy Horseman, who would have fits on rage, get on a horse and then randomly shoot at prisoners. Other guards were afraid of him.

Serious question: Is there any reason for this historic cruelty and sadism?

The what now?

Avar and Gothic genes.

>I saw a group of about 500 prisoners taken to a field. They were first forced to dig a deep pit. After that, the Ustase hit them one by one over the head with sledgehammers, threw them into the pit, filled it back up and threw quicklime over it.

Literally croat cross
>croats are supposed to protect/liberate some place from the enemy
>decide to loot the place instead and kill all the inhabitants like a bunch of niggers
>only survivors were the people that fled before they arrived and put up a cross as a reminder

>Every prisoner was given a rag on which a high number was written. The rag was to be sewn on their sleeves. The Ustase intended to trick the members of the commission (German-Italian-Hungarian) by showing the numbeer of prisoners in the camp in the register. By assigning such high numbers, they intended to give the comission the impression that each registered prisoner was indeed alive.

>Lieutenant Jusic Mujo rode in on a horse, and after him a group of Serbs from Mlaka near Glina entered, about 500 of them. All of them were bound with wire. A larger group of Ustase followed them. When Jusic came to where the prisoners stood, he turned around to face the Ustase and shouted: "Here comes the Red Army, finishe them off!" A terrible scene, a shudder of horro went through the ones who had to watch that, a company of Ustase charging at the victim with their knives drawn. The slaugther began, slitting throats, until the entire road turned into a pile of corpses with streams of warm blood flowing from it.

>The Brick Warehouse - Ustase unloaded their victims there, and then took them one by one to a room near the crematorium, where they would strip victims nked, stun them with a blow to the head and throw them into the furnace.

>They smashed the heads of their victims with blunt objects. they beat them with stakes and iron rods to such extent that their bodies were black and totally mutilated. They drove nails into their bodies, dismembered them, et cetera.

>Prisoners who were separated as "Three Year Prisoners" were thought that they were sentenced by Ustase police to a term of three year in prison. Later on, the inmates understood that the Ustase would kill all "Three Year Prisoners" outright upon their arrival at the new camp.

>Regarding Gypsies from Camp III-C. The commandant of the camp, Matkovic Ivica, decided to deprive them of all food and water and see how long they could survive. He ordered the construction of a large sign outside the camp which read "thypus". This was to intimidate the other prisoners and prevent them from sneaking in food. Witness Kuhada Nikola states the following: "I saw how some prisoners ripped flesh from the corpses of their dead comrades and ate it raw." Upon hearing a report, Matkovic Ivica said: ""Let them eat the corpses, the sooner they will all drop dead. It seems this had been going on too long already."

>Near the end of the Summer of 1942, Luburic noticed the children in the attics of workshops and in the barrack and ordered Ustase to search the whole camp. Over four hundred children were found. Luburic had the children registered and placed in special rooms. He identified several teachers among the inmates in the camp, and ordered them to teach the children to read, write and sing. The little "kindergarten" became the sole joy of the inmates in the camp. Matkovic Ivica ws not satisfied with the results so the Ustase took the children to Gradina in group of 60 to 80 each where the Gypsies killed and buried them.