Hey, you know what this CHILDREN'S CARTOON needs in the last scene of the last episode?

hey, you know what this CHILDREN'S CARTOON needs in the last scene of the last episode?

what the fuck where they thinking?!

Other urls found in this thread:


>what the fuck where they thinking?!

Easy, they weren't thinking

not real OP, step your game up

Fake and gay, but also they murdered several dudes in Korra. I feel like it quit the children's cartoon track sometime in season 3.

You didnt think this was real did you OP?

What doesn't need passionate lesbian tongue kissing?

To this this pairing made no fucking sense and hand no kind of build up or hints. Rather she be forever alone and better for asami.

we all know korra jinorra was the true lesbo pairing

Would've honestly made more sense. Jinora gives a way dykier feel than Asami ever did.

Sometimes you have to be smart enough to do something stupid

Lesbains ARENT just FOR ADULTS user

Please stop making this retarded thread every fucking day.

But passionate heteronormative tongue kissing in a children's cartoon would be a-okay, I take it?
props for the filename

You know, society is fucked already. A few years from now you're gonna be seeing little boys fucking each other's boipussi in the kindergarden bathrooms. 8 years old little girls "transitioning" into xerhood. And we are this close to accepting pedophiles as special snowflakes. So you know what? Fuck it. I don't care wether or not homosexuality in cartoons might confuse kids. I'm just gonna stay here and masturbate to that tongue kissing scene and all of the fanart it spawned.

This fucking thread again

Luckily is just fan fiction, the show was wrong about the pairing, but not because of it being lesbians.

What's the point of this thread?

>Le "knowing gays exist makes kids gay" maymay

Shut up you sex hating cuckold.


Is there supposed to be something wrong with that statement?

The fact that there wasn't actually any passionate lesbian kissing on-screen is the real crime here.

I've seen this exact fucking thread three times in the past six months and still can't figure it out

so it's fake AND gay?

It's the only saving grace of that clusterfuck

Are lesbians even real? It seems more like a meme girls try out so they can be quirky or call attetion to themselve when they're young. I dont recall ever meeting an older dyke, or even a middle ages dyke really, although i know there out there i guess.

>I dont recall ever meeting an older dyke, or even a middle ages dyke really
Because it's been societally unacceptable to be gay up until the past 20 or so years, older people who were told they'd rot in hell for it or that it's an abomination probably aren't going to be too excited about coming out.

>when you hate korra but that hentai game rediculous

I did. And I went through the entire show expecting it to happen, and thought the version I had was censored at the end or something.

Silly user, everyone knows that's how it works. I mean, there'd be no MtF transsexuals if men didn't know women existed, right?

But I know dozens of old gay dudes and lesbianism is way more tolerated.

Did you actually watched the finale?


>First series ends with straight but underage kissing
>fans were fine with that.

Why are there so many pedophiles on Sup Forums?

>no romantic interaction in the entire series prior to the final episode
>character hold hands in the final scene
>creators say they're a couple now


Alright so instead of this tired ass bulshit can we get a LoK cheesecake thread?

I'll start


>get a bunch of praise for being progressive
>pander to the shippers and tumblrinas.
>shock news, so now people know about it.

It was a smart move from a business standpoint. Shit writing and awful character development, but a damn good move.


Wat gaem?



Atleast post non-korrasami cheesecake

Kissing in general is degenerate behavior, and yet you're perfectly okay with it because the media has already made you think it's normal
You're already fucking tainted