Name a bigger Mary Sue in all of tv or movies. I fucking dare you

Name a bigger Mary Sue in all of tv or movies. I fucking dare you.

you might

I remember watching the very first ep of the Stargate tv series with my family because my dad liked the movie, and when she comes on the character's are all "a WOMAN in the military?!" and then the show really preachily went ON AND ON about YES A WOMAN can blah blah blah and me and my family were like "oh c'mooooooon get on with this fucks sake".


the *characters are all

>better pilot of the Falcon than Han Solo
>better at using a light saber than someone actually trained despite learning about the force like half an hour before

Harry Potter is the apex of Mary Sue

that looks like a girl who had a crush on me last year. poor thing, had to let her down.

rey from tfa

yeah, I would agree. really doesn't have to be a woman. Rey is a good contender too, but with Harry, the whole thing is almost that he's DEFINED by his mediocrity, and yet everyone constantly goes on about how special he is for no good reason. Harry Potter is like a book on the philosophy of mediocrity. the villains even are posed as these gifted, well-born elitists (with blonde hair, of course).

It's like punk: the ideology / mutual-support-group of the mediocre and ungifted. "Yay us!"

I don't remember anyone named Rey in the first avenger

>he's DEFINED by his mediocrity
Not really. It's more like he should be mediocre (poor self-control, minimal ambition or appreciation for magic, etc), but inexplicably isn't. After all, he did learn the Patronus charm (something that's supposed to be beyond seventh year DADA students) in third year and ended up teaching a bunch of students the same spell in his fifth year, along with other DADA-related things.

hm. true. generally I thought his abilities weren't supposed to be all that. and that his defeating Voledmort as a baby was actually his parents' love or something.

>the whole thing is almost that he's DEFINED


Harry is a complete average nobody, but not only is he super special and everyone loves him (except the evul bad guise of course) especially his mommy who died and gave him "super magic mother's love power" , he's also the mythical "chosen one" despite having no discernible talent, ambition, or drive

He's a completely passive object and yet still a "hero"

"Mediocrity" doesn't even begin to describe the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

it was mummy's love magic powers

Rowling always wrote the story as a sort of fable for her kid.

he randomly becomes good at "defense against the dark arts" in the 5th book

prior to that he has no talent, the 4th book even makes an explicit point of explaining just how oblivious and dim witted he is.

>gatsby anywhere near high tier
>no The Whale

Always triggers me

"I have an idea"

>Harry is a complete average nobody, but not only is he super special and everyone loves him (except the evul bad guise of course) especially his mommy who died and gave him "super magic mother's love power" , he's also the mythical "chosen one" despite having no discernible talent, ambition, or drive

It's like a parable of progressivism.

Actually, she's the least mary sue of any women in film. She actually looks like she's trained without having boobs all over. There's just this one problem with technology.

Fuck you Carter is a national treasure, she's the physicist and has firearms training. If anyone on the show is Mary Sue it's fucking Daniel "I speak 45 languages and can tell what society we're in based on the window frames" Jackson

>Harry is a complete average nobody, but not only is he super special and everyone loves him (except the evul bad guise of course) especially his mommy who died and gave him "super magic mother's love power" , he's also the mythical "chosen one" despite having no discernible talent, ambition, or drive

The story is like the projecting by a bad, lazy mother on her child; fantasizing that the world make way for her progeny despite being perfectly happy to allow and even encourage said child's utter unremarkableness.

It's like the fan fiction or daydreams of a stupid, selfish mom Mary Sue-ing her own son.

>It's a "the sg1 team goes to a planet where the aliens claim to have a magic power but the team doesn't believe them so they resist but at the end they realize the magic is actually alien technology" episode

She's great but she's not perfect, half the time her plans boil down to "let's blow it up."

She's literally the most intelligent person on the planet, is a doctorate in every scientific field from quantum mechanics to aeronautics and even tells medical doctors what to do. Every episode ends in the last five minutes with her saving the day with technobabble

And she always said she projected most of her traits onto Hermione and her ex-husband onto Ron.

that's why she was so resistant to having a Hermione/Harry couple, because it would be metaphorical incest.

Didn't she once kill a planet by disabling the stargate safety protocols.

Incorrect. The doctor lady is the best doctor in existence and solves all the medical problems. Carter has a doctorate in astrophysics and has an approximate knowledge of basic scientific concepts. Honestly everyone else is stupid and carter just read a book in the last few years and can do hard math in her head.

Yeah OK

Ron is the absolute worst. He reminds me of that stereotypical English type who is perpetually sourfaced and shit-talking on anything remotely different or new or interesting.

"Rubbish, wot a kook. Wot a tosser" etc

Aka, the unremarkable, jealous HATER. Who of course in her story then inexplicably marries one of the most ambitious and gifted girls.

Yeah, rilly. I have a lot of admirers. Guess what, attractive people actually browse Sup Forums too. U mad?

Nigga I'm watching it now, astrophysics doesn't mean you suddenly become an expert in aeronautics with the X302, power generation with Naquida, xenotechnology with the gate or how anything else. At least McKay had some kind of character beyond knowitall

Which is ironic because her first husband was a Portuguese drug addict and not a Brit

Right here. Fits every single descriptive completely.

Why's this shitty meme being forced so hard. No one even knows who this is but she looks like someone from CSI or the like



explain more

>Name a bigger Mary Sue in all of tv or movies. I fucking dare you.

That was easy.

>mary sue
>fembot posting on /x/ all the time


What Neckbeard faggot watches the stargate series? It begins and ends with the only worthwhile movie

>makes dumb mistakes constantly
>is always wrong
>emotionally driven with disastrous results

I don't think you know what defines the trope...

They established a wormhole that went through a supernova or something and it caused the star to start dying. The stargates were designed to block connections that would do shit like that, but she disabled the safeties to get a lock. The planet in that solar system they were gating to was about to die because of it. They had to beg the asgard to fix it, but the asgard were all, "Nope, gould treaty, can't do shit because we're busy getting our little gray asses handed to us by the replicators." but then they fixed it anyways when nobody was looking.



Mary Sue doesn't simply mean "you don't like her"

But SG-1 wasn't written to be complex or super deep, so I don't get the issue with a character like Sam??? The other three were pretty Gary Stu-ish in their fields of expertise as well

This honestly. The show is made to be a comfy episodic sci fi show where the characters are fun. You don't watch the A Team or 24 and think "what the fuck why is this elite team so good at their jobs?"

>The other three were pretty Gary Stu-ish in their fields of expertise as well
Not really. The other 3 had obvious character flaws.

Jack was kinda stupid.
Tealc was kinda ruthless and couldn't relate to people.
Daniel was too soft.

Sam doesn't really have a character flaw that I can think of. Best I can come up with is that she's a bit reckless with her plans.

She couldn't keep a boyfriend.

Would you be in a relationship where no matter what, you're always wrong and they are always right?

Mostly because they kept dying.

>he doesn't want his waifu saving the galaxy and possibly infecting him with all kinds of cool space viruses

>and then the show really preachily went ON AND ON about YES A WOMAN can blah blah blah and me and my family were like "oh c'mooooooon get on with this fucks sake".
Not really.
If I recall, Carter came in, Jack said he didn't like that she was joining the team, she went all "FEMINIZIM!" and Jack was like no, I don't like it because you're a scientist and I want soldiers, so she was all like blah, blah my service record and Jack was like, ok then, that's fine then and she was all like yeah I played with Action figures when I was a kid and Ferretti was all like "Oh yeah that was the shit! I had the astronaut ones!"

>she's the least mary sue of any women in film

Carter is an expert on every field of science there is, including alien technology based on science humans don't understand, she's a special forces soldier that can beat up Seals, she has no character flaws whatsoever and she's hot.

Honestly they only made her gender a big deal in like 3 episodes. That one, the one in season one with the sexist primitive mongol people, and way later when the allied jaffa look down on her for being a woman.

>The other three were pretty Gary Stu-ish in their fields of expertise as well

Wrong. The Stu cliche doesn't mean good in their field. It means excellent in every field.

Jack was an excellent soldier and fighter pilot, but dumb at everything else. Carter was both of those things and the smartest scientist in the whole damn galaxy.

Yet Jack was still her superior.

No, she's an expert scientist in EVERYTHING. There is no subject she doesn't figure out instantly or know everything about. It got tiresome later in the show's run.

No not really

Jack wasn't stupid at all. He just didn't care for the nitty gritty details and preferred to leave the sciencing to the scientists.

more experienced in warfare and commanding

Yet another "OP doesn't know what "Mary Sue means" episode. I hate these episodes.

That was a directive from up above and the writers hated having to put those lines in to the pilot and first couple of episodes. In the Children of the Gods recut of the first two episodes they remove those bad faux-feminism lines entirely.

It was dumb to have the "a GIIIIRL SOLDIER!?" thing in the first couple of episodes, but like I said, it was from Showtime I believe, not because the writers wanted that as her character. They moved her on from the girl power thing by like the fourth episode and it never came up again. It was irrelevant that she was a woman after that, she was on the team because she was the smartest person they had, of course she was going to be on the lead team.

Yeah, you're right. I guess I just meant to say that the other three were pretty damn good at their jobs in their own right, they succeed far more often than they fail. But again I don't really see the point in criticizing how Sam was written considering what the aim of SG-1 and Atlantis was. Though the ways Rodney outsmarted the Ancients of all people was ridiculous.

The big problem with Carter is they never really developed her much, she was just "the smart one who solves the problems", she herself was kinda boring.

Daniel had an ongoing story throughout, with his search for his wife and then the special Goa'uld child stuff, etc. He was always doing something, basically, and it helped that his actor wanted to be killed off once he felt his character wasn't going anywhere any more, which actually led to, well, his character going somewhere since it started his whole Ancient storyline. Plus he gradually became more badass, it's funny to see him in the first season with his floppy hat and handgun with just basic firearms training to get by, generally just being the diplomat. By the end of the show he's a fully trained soldier armed with a p-90 like the rest of the team, mowing down bad guys.

Teal'c had a few ongoing stories with his family and past, and he already had a great character as the stoic Spock type, plus he evolved over the show to be more human like. He was an easy character to like.

Jack didn't have as much in the way of ongoing storylines, but it was Richard Dean Anderson, he had all the charisma and best lines, he was always entertaining no matter what.

Carter was...there. She solved problems in the third act of the episode. That's kinda it.

They did it a bit in the first season, then never did it again and only made fun of that time. She was a Mary Sue throughout though. I nearly punched my monitor when she put Ba'al on his arse.

Only in literally the first four episodes. It's in the pilot and then the dopey free the women episode with Shang Tsung, and then they pretty much drop the feminist part of her.

>It was dumb to have the "a GIIIIRL SOLDIER!?" thing in the first couple of episodes
Except it really wasn't. It was 97 and that was still kind of the attitude back then, Xena was still very much a niche show and it wasn't quite full on "gurl power" as it was in it's later seasons and Buffy was in it's infancy. Those eps were dumb in SG1 but Carter's main flaw was definitely supposed to be that she was the girl.

She's a beautiful busty Aryan woman who's an expert fighter pilot, engineer, physicist, medic, hand-to-hand fighter, special forces commando and military commander.


It was completely unfitting for a military show like that. It's fine for Buffy or something but the lines they gave her were really bad and out of place given the rest of the show.

Amanda Carter is pretty based. She's not a Mary Sue at all. If anything, Daniel Jackson would be more of the Mary Sue. He's a fucking gun-wielding archeologist who suddenly becomes this gun-wielding bad-ass. Bitch please!

>It was completely unfitting for a military show like that.
Every other episode Jack literally told Hammond or someone higher up to "kiss his ass" or to "go to hell."

>Amanda Carter
Glad you know so much about Stargate: Deep Space Nine.

I bet I know more than you. Btw: TNG is my shit you cuck.

Samantha ....fuck you I'm drunk you ass!

>Stargate: Deep Space Nine
I'd watch that.

I wouldn't. fucking lame


Daniel wasn't a mary sure he just had bad power creep.

>He's a fucking gun-wielding archeologist who suddenly becomes this gun-wielding bad-ass. Bitch please!

Don't forget the time he becomes a God.


>ex looked like her with black hair

That episode was pretty cool desu. He was like an evil roided up Steven Jobs.

My sister in law looks exactly like her. It's weird. She's not a sci-fi fan at all but this huge stuck up religious freak. She actually got offended when I made a comparison. I wish tv programs were real life sometimes.

and when based Baal told her she is a human female and then she punched him before Adria arrives. way to go girl.

>to them I am '''the'''' girl
she says this in the episode where women saves the day and get promoted at the end

Boy did this show have a plethora of qts

You know it took years for me to break through the fog of my own autism on this subject but now I can offer this advice to you: People don't like being told they look like tv or movie characters. Unless the comparison is really outlandish it tends to come off as creepy or insulting. What finally broke me of the habit was telling my wife's friends that they looked like Jeff and Haley from American Dad. They got so butthurt they stopped hanging out with us. They did look like Jeff and Haley though.

Where's the SGA doctor that was in Firefly too?

How is saying someone looks like a tv character autistic? Who made you king of social acceptable practices? Shut up.

This is probably the worst Mary Sue that has ever existed. She was such a clever girl that she was able to hack the land of Oz with a windows 8 tablet.


In an SGA grid, maybe.



yeah she is a great titty monster and she claimed to be a feminist.
She said that some minor producer on SG1 wanted her to wear sexy cloth, but she said she was a confident strong womyn and she was ready to leave the show if this happenned.
Then the major producers came in and said Sam must wear military cloths


>>Stargate: Deep Space Nine
>I'd watch that

Agreed. We had Stargate: Farscape. What characters would you write for Andrew Robinson, Mark Aliamo and Jeffrey Combs?