Explain yourselves yellow countries?

explain yourselves yellow countries?

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wtf I love Spain now

*sips pina colada*

an ass lmao

What? It's actually called abacaxi.

Based indoeuropean etymology

Wtf I love England now!

Are they not diferent things?

uhm nope, If i am not wrong abacaxi is the term in Guarani and ananas the term in Tupi

have you ever seen a pineapple?

>an anus

>an anus

>O termo "abacaxi" é oriundo da junção dos termos tupis i'bá (fruto) e ká'ti (recendente, que exala cheiro agradável e intenso),[3] documentado já no início do séc. XIX.
>O termo "ananás" (em português e espanhol) é do guarani e tupi antigo naná,[4] e documentado em português na primeira metade do séc. XVI e em espanhol na segunda (1578), sendo empréstimo do português do Brasil ou da sua língua geral.

Ah yes, the superior British humor

We are and will always be a special snowflake.

>anana colada
It just wouldn't be the same


Aхaхaхaхa пыня)))

>Galicia and the Basques
we need to purge this heresy

>El CastellAno

>swedish comedy

For a truly international and democratic English, ananas is now preferred for pineapple.


Sounds like a child trying to say bananas.

No, more like ah-nah-nahs. The Roman alphabet is a simple system.

>No, more like ah-nah-nahs

Exactly. Sounds like a child trying to say bananas lmao.


>Ananas comes from old Tupi
>Brazil doesnt use Ananas


If you actually cared, you would have had colonies instead of being some irrelevant shithole. Spain and Britain ruled the world and named hundreds if not thousands of new discoveries. Your ancestors sat back and hung rotten fish outside.

You reap what you sow.

> anglo-saxons
> buncha goddamn cux

Britain was a French (German) colony colonized by Danes.

Yeah there might be some basque (Mr. Bean) admixture there.


das rigt

>invade celts
>later get invaded by fellow danes
>later get invaded by Francophone danes
live by the sword, die by the sword

better than Swedes who never tried anything beyond conquering a useless eastern bog.

Not an argument. We're talking about Britain and Spain, not the USA.

Akhshully, abacaxi comes from tupi.

Here we use both Ananá and Piña

ananas sikim

Follow the money. The Swedes also tried some colonizing, but gave up. It was geography and economics.

And now, the whitey is to blame, while the Rothschilds pocketed the money and built our beloved masonic Israel and we all become cuck mutts.

I've never heard piña where the fuck do you live?