Cast the upcoming show

Cast the upcoming show.

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Two unlikable cunts that teen girls can project onto and weak-wrested boys can fawn over.

Here is where I cast it.

Juno girl and girl from John Wick 2 there done

Those are traps my new friend.

How is Max unlikeable?

KStew and Lily James...also Idris Elba as Kate.

You're waifu a shit.

She is not, which makes the idea of making a prequel with Chloe and a sequel without Max absolute stupid in ways that can barely be comprehended.

Awkward cringeworthy cuck degenerate-enabler

Dumb mobile posting coward

Stop making this thread, there is no tv show

My so-called life is pretty close.

It shouldn't be done in live action at all. The story should be heavily restructured and animated a la Tintin with the game's voice actors reprising their roles.

Into the ocean


A prequel with Chloe is a completely respectable idea because she is an interesting and nuanced character. Fight me.

Bad dialogue, basic bitch interests, weak, and every single fucking phrase she said has an upward inflection.

Like everything she said was a question? Like the way you're reading this right now? Like a retarded teenage girl?

Fuck i hate that shit.


>guns are bad and I think the people I don't like should have them
>shoots a guys dog after they broke onto his property

shouldn't* plus all the other selfish shit from them both

Will the screenplay be written by Diablo Cody?

Its a literal cuck simulation.

I don't get why people keep bringing this up. Chloe said that only she should have a gun in episode 1, when she was at her most immature, when her character development was at its offset. As the story progressed, no doubt her simplistic worldview from episode 1 changed.
I'm serious, are you mentally retarded? Does your brain work?

>le funny cuck meme
Not really. Warren gets rejected, but that's not really cucking, and he's not even one of the main characters. Are rejection and cucking the same thing to you? Is everything cucking? Are you retarded? The answer to that last question, at least, is yes.

how did she mature? post video proof so I can see it I literally don't know what you are talking about with her maturing?

I want to FUCK Kate Marsh

i didn't know gay people use Sup Forums


I don't recall any moments later in the game that showed her maturing with specific regard to guns, but in general, she grew up a lot. This was most obvious in two instances. First, if you saved Kate, then in episode 4, Chloe will give a short monologue essentially acknowledging that she isn't the center of the wold, apologizing for trying to prevent Max from answering Kate's call in episode 2, and generally empathizing with Kate. Second, she very obviously lays it all out at the end of episode 5, recognizing how selfish she's been and immediately offering up her life to stop the tornado. And there were plenty of changes beyond those two; episode 4 Chloe is a very different character than episode 1 Chloe.

She's a slut, I'm sure she'd be up for it.