Could Wonder Woman successfully infiltrate a house protected by Kevin Mcallister and subdue him...

Could Wonder Woman successfully infiltrate a house protected by Kevin Mcallister and subdue him? Assuming Kevin Mcallister has approximately 1 day of prep time

Most likely, his traps wouldn't work on her and she wouldn't have to do much, basically just rip a wall off the house and his entire strategy is fucked.

Criminals have to worry about cops, she doesn't.

Kevin stops by the local hospital and snatches a bunch of babies. He duct tapes them to his body before wonder woman makes her approach. She tears down his door and approaches him, only to find that she is incapable of harming him without killing the babies. Kevin wins.

i wish wonderwoman would subdue my penis :\

Whips your lasso freeing all the babies and knocks Kevin unconscious and as she reels the lasso back all the babies are gently shipped back in her arms for safety.

i don't think WW could beat a paint can on a string, or a slippery set of steps. has any bad guy ever put hot wheels on the floor against her?

she would be completely outmatched

Wonder Woman would be too busy deflecting pellets that weren't even going to hit her anyway to notice the rest of the traps.

The babies were filled with grenades and the pins were connected to Kevin's belt. The babies now explode.

How long does she have to prepare?

>defeat Kevin Mcallister
No, she'd get fucking crushed.

Oh well, Kevin is dead and WW wins.

What if, while escaping from a triad gang, Jackie Chan accidentally broke into Kevin's prepped-up house but wanted no trouble?



but the babies... ww is sad, so kevin wins.

Would she turn into a skeleton?

No Kevin ran away when WW took the babies away. WW is now covered in baby guts. She has deep psychological scars that lead her to a life of hard drugs and prostitution to feed her addiction. Years later Kevin, now a grown man, passes her as she lays in an alley, strung out. He opens up his fly and hands her $5. Kevin wins.


Little does Kevin know Wonder Woman contacted Superman before she arrived and had him prepare to fly around the Earth to go back in time and stop Kevin from even getting the babys

Is the house made of CGI?

No way kevin could say know to letting her in

>has any bad guy ever put hot wheels on the floor against her?
junkie kevin uses broken needles ww would have aids on the first step

No. It's made of the patriarchy.

That's literally all houses.


The ole baby grenade ruse...well played kev

Holy shit, seriously?

Golden Age Kevin McAllister or Modern Era?

Crumpling to the ground in horror, Kevin stands over her and takes 4 hours to kill her with his BB Gun.

I snorted my fucking coffee. I need to see this now, all with grown up kevin
>broken HIV needles instead of hotwheels and ornaments
>giant bottles of piss instead of paint cans
>all the door handles are covered in his shit
>open a door, its a spray bottle filled with his infected blood and semen
>wooden staircase has his coke razors all over it

Hell nah

>Catches Kevin with the lasso of truth
>"Why do you do this?"