"Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing."

>"Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing."

W-what age?




>If you don't get into a relationship you don't want, so you can spend money you don't have on a house you can't afford and have kids you're not ready for, you're a danger to society
Nah man, i'm good.

his wife was fucking hot

It's 30.

>having kids
>when Stephen Hawking says we have about 100 years left
Who the h*ck would do such a thing.

Depends on social class. The higher the social class/education level, the later it's acceptable.

early 30's is what he meant




35 for men, 25 for women

I never thought when I watched this the first time that I'd fucking turn into Marty when I was in my early 20's. Dont cheat on your woman, guys.

Yeah, you really got it together, Tyler Durden.

I don't know why this comic is so funny

I honestly think this.

Why is there a 10 year difference

You'll understand once you finish puberty.


Marty is just jealous because he didn't get to turn into Captain Ron. Men past a certain age get to have an adventure anytime they want.

Now look at Martin. He has two kids and a wife. The whole time he has to worry about pirates raping his wife and daughter. Men of a certain age don't have to worry about this.

It's really clever isn't it

This line was Marty revealing just how mentally fucked he had been by the southern white christian american social norms that he blindly accepted.

He never really wanted a family. That never who he really was inside -- it was jut something he did because he was told by his culture that every man should have a wife a mortgage, a car, 2.5 kids and a house in the burbs.

The disconnect between the life he thought was supposed to make him happy and the life that actually made him happy is what almost destroys him.

Deep down, what marty wants is sex, violence, brotherly camaraderie, rewarding work, and to enjoy simple creature comforts like beer and football (or hell even green tea).

You're not supposed to believe this line, you're supposed to recognize it as something that marty is just parroting because he's been trained to.

Based Captain Ron

But that's Morpheus.


After that you're a man child

How Jewish are you exactly?

Sam Hyde said at 25, you are who you will be for the rest of your life and "reinventing yourself" is too little too late.

Yes, and as an MDE fan I too see Sam Hyde as a surrogate father and treat everything he says like gospel :-)

So in that case Sam Hyde will always be some irrelevant loser with a pocket faggy shills

whatever age Leo DiCaprio is

>he had a family

>he was still a massive fuckup bereft of any sort of moral compass

what did he mean by this

maybe personality wise, but 25 is pretty young in terms of career progress,relationships, travel etc.

doesn't surprise though that MDE has such a shitty, jaded outlook though


What did Errol Childress mean by this?

It doesn't count if you're rich as fuck and banging supermodels while vaping and listening to your iPod.

But I have no idea what's going on.

Have I been Jodorowskied?

Jodo's surreal movie about Pepe and Wojack when ?


Is your seed even fertile at that age?

That most people who constantly tell you how morally superior they are usually end up being hypocrites.

fuck that, i'm gonna die alone, childless with no impact on the world or the people around me, it will be as if i was never here

well that's true for people here

Negative impact does not count?