Don't mind me I'm just the best psychological horror film of the 30 years

Don't mind me I'm just the best psychological horror film of the 30 years

Couldnt agree more

That's not Army Dog

Which ending?

the one where he's going through a box of burnt shit and plays a tape of his daughter talking and his wife hear it confirming that the shit really happened is the only one I liked.

I thought the movie was okay until he "escaped" the room and it was fucking obvious as hell what was actually going on.

yes thats the best one

That's the best ending, and it's the ending they went with in the actual film, theatrically at least, which to me makes it the "true" ending.

i saw the post about this movie on reddit as well!

are you saying it got better or worse afterward?

Well then why don't you go back?

It's only good up until he enters the room. Establishing him as a shitty meme-writer and then Jackson's spooky insistence that the room is fucked up is really well done, but then the movie is an hour of my least favourite actor talking to himself while things go bang.

Jacob's Ladder?

I am impressed that it's possible to have a good movie that consists almost entirely of John Cusack going ham in one small set.

I thought the scene where he starts yelling for help to someone outside the window casually watching TV in his room and the guy gets up and just starts mimicking his moves was creepy as fuck.

It's a really well done scene, agreed.

one of the few decent stephen king adaptions

that's one scary movie, if I ever saw one

I liked the concept and many parts of it, but there's still a few too many scenes I disliked. Worst part was when he crawled through the vents and had that corpse after him.


Should have just been a visual novel instead of a full blown movie.

it was really good until he enters the room and retarded stuff starts happening, until that moment it was really fucking tense

>Se7en is a horror film
Hate this meme.

Samuel L steals the fucking show, he can do creepy so fucking well, all he has to do talk quieter and act more subdued, the man is a natural

>13 year old boys who cant handle a downer ending

Anything cringier than an isolated character talking to themselves?
Makes this and Gravity unwatchable.

I'd like to see you do better in that kind of situation.

Yeah when fucking shit just started popping out it turned boring as shit


>psychological horror
>its a live action versrion of the daffy duck cartoon where bugs is the animator

How many endings are they? the tape from their daughter and him burning in the building and going to heaven?


Fun fact : 1408 equals 13 or 4 in numerology. This number represents death.

Just finished it, not too shabby

>at the store
>"We've only just begun" starts playing.

>clock resets to 60 minutes