How do the episodes that take place after summer make sense after the finale? Did Doof have an evil relapse?

How do the episodes that take place after summer make sense after the finale? Did Doof have an evil relapse?

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The Christmas one is probably the only one out of the summer I consider canon.

OWCA needs to justify their budget so Monogram asked Doof to some some evil they can thwart.

It's a few summers

Nah. They addressed it quite a few times.

I forget exactly how the finale ended.

>Doof had a midlife crisis and realized that he needs Perry foiling his evil plans to fill the void in his life
>The many episodes involving time travel and dimension hopping created a second timeline where Doof didn't reform
>The holiday specials took place during the previous year

Door gave up evil and became an OWCA agent in the finale. And the holiday episode couldn't have taken place the previous year because in an earlier episode Monogram told Perry Doof was getting him a vase.

does Doof have the single worst shitty life in animation history?

I still find it bizarre how, in the episode where he had a machine powered by memories, his ex-wife didn't do anything for him. Negative memories fueled his machine and happy memories weakened it. You'd think his ex-wife would cause something.

Did the show ever explore that or touch upon it? They loved each other once. Was his evil the reason for the divorce? Did she know he was evil when she married him?

They're actually quite civil. They just separated for personal reasons.

Doof's own parents didn't bother to show up for his birth. No one else has anything that sad going on.

Doof had a midlife crisis, realized that he needed Perry foiling evil plans to fill the void in his life and left OWCA.

Or what this guy said. What the hell is there even there for OWCA to do without Doof doing something evil everyday?

She never knew he was evil. Seems like they split on pretty amicable terms. The magic just left so they split.

>All the shit Doof has gone through his entire life
>Alternate universe counterpart only lost a toy train. That somehow made him more evil
Doof's had it really rough.

I find it strange that he was "indifferent" to Christmas because it was "always fine" in his family.

Considering how absolutely horrible the rest of his life was, wouldn't that make Christmas wonderful by comparison? If Christmas was a time when things were actually not terrible, shouldn't he fucking love Christmas?

>Parents didn't show up to his birth.
>Was forced to wear girl clothes since his parents expected his brother to be a girl and were left with a bunch of girls clothes
>Father forced him to be a lawn gnome to replace the one that was repossessed.
>Lost his only friend Ballooney because his father wouldn't let him move while he was a lawn gnome
>Disowned by his family for a time and was raised by Ocelots
>Became an artist and his greatest work ever was ruined with his brother spilled food all over it.
>Father refereed to his brother Rodger as Only Son.

Well at least he got to make some neat inventions and have big musical numbers.

Probably another reason Charlene and Heinz got divorced, he could summon attractive women out of thin air.

WAIT A MINUTE, I think I stumbled onto a deeper lore!
What if Charlene was one of the original women he summoned?
>fantasizes about Charlene in all the song number costumes

Keep in mind he's the only man in history to receive alimony. Plus, his father seemed like a cool guy, appreciating the lawn gnome gift in the Father's Day episode. Just trying to toughen him up as a kid. But I think cared more.

>What the hell is there even there for OWCA to do without Doof doing something evil everyday?

There were other evil scientists. A lot of them.

>Recieves the love of his life.
>She leaves him forever
