Why do people say this is boring? One of the most suspenseful and well made horrors of thsi decade

Why do people say this is boring? One of the most suspenseful and well made horrors of thsi decade

I had two very different experiences with this film.

The first time I watched it was alone in the dark with headphones on and there were several times where I actually had to pause the movie and take my headphones off because I thought I was hearing noises inside my house. My heart rate was elevated and I considered at one point whether or not I would be able to finish. Legit terrifying.

The second time was with a group of friends, and it was honestly one of the worst viewing experiences of my life. No one was paying much attention and the pacing made it seem like it was dragging on and on. The sexual transmission aspect made it awkward because we were watching with girls, and I could just tell that everyone was wondering why we were watching it at all and hoping it would be over soon, and it was like they all breathed a collective sigh of relief when it ended.

It was their idea to watch, so no one blamed me or anything, but I went away realizing that the setting in which this film is viewed is essential to whether or not it works.

Good movie, too bad it breaks down on the climax. The whole pool scene doesn't work too well.

That's a great point. My friends liked it but we all watched it separately and individually (I also watched it in the dark). It's definitely not a fun group horror film. If you do watch it in a group everyone has to know going in that it's a "serious" horror film, not a fun one.

i agree. Second time I'm watching and I'm by myself and it's honestly terrifying. I keep looking behind my shoulder.
I liked it the first time watching with a group of friends, but I was the only one that enjoyed it and everyone ended up fucking off before it was over.
I just love classic horror and this pays a great homage with the score and shots

It would have been better if the non-affected couldn't be knocked down or "feel" the entity. Make it seem more like it was in the person's head

did she kill those dudes in the boat?

Yes exactly. I think coming off the coattails of movies like Cabin in the Woods people anticipate that highly rated new-wave horror movies will include crowd pleasing elements, and this film just didn't really have much of that. It was somber in tone, and at points almost jarringly bleak as the characters got more desperate. Over the course of the movie the main protagonist looks more and more used-up and it's not "fun" to watch this transformation with a group of people who are expecting a good time.

Wow too true

You mean did those dudes on the boat kill her pussy?

>The sexual transmission aspect made it awkward because we were watching with girls
This right here is why you're still a virgin dude

Shitty idea and a horrible plot. Can't believe this movie gets so much praise on Sup Forums. Sinister is the best horror of the decade, bar nun.

>Metaphor for herpes is there villain
>Horror kino
Yeah, no

>herpes kills you

Nigga, it follows, and it can if not treated


i wondered why the movies tag line was, "if you swallow it'll follow"

Didn't think it was boring, I was actually really invested during the first half, but ultimately it was disappointing. The movie eventually loses direction and ends up not going anywhere. The last act was a big let down.

>watching the movie alone was scarier than watching it with chattering friends

Gee, no fucking wonder.

>"The sexual transmission aspect made it awkward because we were watching with girls"


Anybody who says it's boring is adduuurrr

It works fine. You're stupid.

Because all horror movies are boring.