Sample size 25x larger than any poll conducted by mainstream media

>sample size 25x larger than any poll conducted by mainstream media
>more representative of geographical voting blocks. Possible they could have gotten people from every district even.
>the 33% sampling for each affiliation is actually a hindrance to Trump because there are more Independents than Democrats or Republicans, and independents vote more in favor of Trump.
>mainstream media has released multiple polls that say the public thinks trump would be better at dealing with terrorism and fixing the economy, which would be in line with him leading in a race where the economy and terrorism are the top two issues
>The only other problem with this poll could be voter enthusiasm, which is unpredictable. Democrat turnout is super low and republican is super high. That points to another underestimation of Trump's lead.

Thoughts? Am I missing somethings? Is this fake? Are these the last, desperate gasps of a Trumplet on suicide watch? Or could Trump actually be winning because the DNC is in shambles and there have been multiple Happenings that red pilled tons of people? I really want you guys to think about this one.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wheres the link?

thanks for destroying the broken record

Nice, now gibe source

Sauce faggot

there is absolutely no evidence this ever happened. just a meme being spread around on twitter. cant wait for the trumpkin tears in 3 months. I'm counting down the days.



I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The primary isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Iowa. Does not having the lead in corn holing central count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the caucus is still on? Trump is still campaigning ight now and they have been the top of the polls for how many months now? He's campaigning againstvone of the worst senators in the Senate who just happen to have a lead because he conned.a bunch of Jesus freaks. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Trump is one of the best fucking businessmen in the nation, he rocked the polls last year and would of won the last debate if Megyn Kelly didn't mediate. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Cruz just dropped a point. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Trump because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking people on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Rick Wilson pls

fucking shill.

Link or get the fuck out

Don't waste our time by not giving a source you dumb faggot

>Inb4 This is not about Trump anymore

So wait is 100 more than 50,000?

The MSM media is less reliable. You know this already.

Thanks for correcting the record though.

Pray outside

Won't someone please think of the children?

pic related. Its you.

Kek wills it

I remember when Romney faggots "unskewed" the polls.

Majority of summer electionfag Sup Forums probably doesn't even recognize this pasta


I TOTALLY just polled A MILLION people right now! And the results are favorable to the candidate I support! CRAZY RIGHT!? Don't let anyone tell you this is fake! MAGA!


>calling home numbers
this sample skewed older

>1,000 in every state
You have to weigh the states based on population, at least

It's true. I've asked around, I'm hard pressed to find a Hilary supporter, even those who dislike trump still hate Hillary. The media is on a payroll and they have an agenda, all they do is lie and spew bullshit at us. Literally 1984 tier at this point.

>cant wait for the trumpkin tears in 3 months.

no matter who wins shouldn't we all be excited about forging a new path for our nation?

it's not a competition to that degree, we all will benefit or lose by the results of policy that is either good for common Americans or bad

I would hope no matter who wins that people will follow up with their representatives and make sure their voice is heard for policies they believe will help them as well as their arguments discussed against policies they feel would be harmful

That poll assumes that all states have the same population and same electorate which is a huge problem though

Except Romney was winning at one point
Then he just threw the election away and got rekt
Kill yourself subhuman kraut

You don't deserve to live.

As opposed to 1000 people across the entire country in who fucking knows where?

Maybe this?

>Small sample size with a higher amount of Democrats compared to Republicans.

>It's a shitty sample size that is meant to represent the population of the United States.

The original source was removed from (((Facebook))). Here is an article from a radical anti-trump site that has the broken link to it. I cannot confirm whether real or fake. Their argument for it being fake sounds believable, but the fact that it is deleted means there is plausible deniability in both directions. If the user deleted it, it is probably fake. If Facebook deleted it, then the Establishment is on suicide watch. I was hoping others had more info on it.


If you look you can actually see that Romney was wonning by a small amount at one point
Thanks for proving me right


They can adjust numbers this to give accurate representation of the entire country anyways.

Also, in America voting is weird (in comparison to Ireland's god tier voting system), I believe it is first past the post.

>you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins

and even more embarrassed when Trumps pulls off some miraculous legislation like cutting farm subsidies, enforcing tariffs, creating jobs, ditching the FED, rebuilding the infrastructure, replacing Obamacare with a single payer option that isn't a fucking handout to big business,
telling TPP to suck a dick, bringing back glass steagall, breaking up monopolies, telling globalists they're fired, telling corrupt politicians they're fired, instituting term limits in congress, restricting pay in congress, cutting military bloat, expanding the congressional health plan to all Americans, making it affordable, 150K bonus from government to newly married couples that are man plus woman to buy a home and start a small business, you know so they will have children and grow the GDP,


It's more accurate if its proportional

This is better than msm polls but needs to account for the fact that Montana and Texas aren't the same size when it comes to population

The only problem with this poll is it gives equal weight to someone living in bumfuck South Dakota as nyc. They should weight the result based on electoral demographics

Sup Forums falls for every bullshit it seems.

i would argue that publishing a poll like this, if false, would actually be in Hillary's favour. if Trump supporters think that he is going to win by a landslide, then they have less of an incentive to go out and vote. conversely, if a Hillary supporter thinks there is a strong chance of winning, they are going to be more likely to go out on election day.

we had something similar with the EU referendum: the opinion in the media was that we were going to stay in, so the Leavers were more motivated to vote. as a result, we got a record turnout and left

I guess I'll just stay at 1HP after all...

It's happening.

This pasta needs updated.

Romney never had a following, not even on Sup Forums, that remotely compared to Trump. No huge rallies, no charisma, etc. He was the HRC or Kerry of his time, whose sole credential was "lol I'm not the other guy."

That's the point of pastas,
They don't get updated. Sometimes it gets an edit to add to the joke, but not a factual change

You could though,but it lose part of the humor

What makes me furious is that people are now waking up to it. Why couldnt people have waken up when ron paul was running

>Romney winning twice in graph

What are you trying to prove user?

"muh feefees" ≠ facts

Hope you $2 a day is worth it fucking shill

>33 % republican
>33% dem
but is that accurate, isn't there more dems registered?

There's absolutely no evidence the other polls happened either.

i think all the polls oversampling democrats that show hillary on top are just preparation for the people, these oversampled polls will later go off for election and one will project "hillary wins" and soon all others follow no matter the actual votes.. and people will say makes sense its similar to the polls. Or maybe i am paranoid lel

>approved by

I'm going to have to question the impartiality of this poll.

>1000 people in Montana
>1000 people in South Dakota
>1000 people in California
>1000 people in New York
>Better poll

This is worse than the 44% Democrat polls.

In the past, poll numbers were more often correct in predicting the candidate to win.
In the past, poll number weren't as highly scrutinized as they are today.

Why is this election any different from past elections?
Is it because the Democrats have controlled the narrative so well that they know if they publish skewed polls in favor of their candidate it will ultimately lead to more voters because people will less likely side with the "loser" candidate?
Why are there so many new polls today?

Guys I called 10 000 people in each state, Trump is leading with 83%. Trust me, you can believe I actually did this because I said so on the internet.

Stop lying faggot, I called every single person in the country and Trump is winning 100% even Hillary is voting for him.

>no matter who wins shouldn't we all be excited about forging a new path for our nation?

If Hillary wins I'll be excited to obtain foreign citizenship and a foreign passport to leave this fucking shit hole.

The USSC, moar immigration, dindu riots, bribes-for-trade-deals, moar Arab "springs", even more fucked up health care, even more timid and cucked republicans in CONgress, the end of the 2nd Amendment, the erosion of the 1st Amendment...

This country is dead and gone if she wins the election.

And I have no intention of being here when the Federal government goes full Weimar because they can't sell treasuries and can't cut the budget. Over the years many people have put this at sometime in the late 2020's or early 2030's. Karl Denninger recently took a look at the rate of growth in SS and Medicare spending and the implosion could occur within 4-5 years.

IF FedGov dissolves in a peaceful manner similar to the Soviet Union and the states go their own way, maybe I would return to Texas, Idaho, Montana, etc. But there's no guarantee of that.

America is in far more danger than anyone realizes. But minorities and womynz are too God damn self absorbed and mathematically illiterate to see it.

Technically calling all of the listed numbers is still heavily biased. Land lines are owned by old people. Liberals under 30 can't receive calls from their parent's house, and Mexicans and niggers use Obamaphones.

I have access to cell phones, I am the omnipotent poller, do not argue with me.

I for one am SICK of media bias, which is why I get all my news from

As much as I would like to believe it, there is no way Trump is ahead 67% to 19%. This jpg is bullshit.

The MSM polls ARE fucked up, which is why they swing so hard day-to-day. But at this point the spread is too large to ignore. If the election were held today fucking Felony Cunt would win.

Trump needs to do something to regain momentum. I can't begin to express how important the debates are. But he can't wait until the debates. Something needs to change if he is going to win.

Contrary to the HillShills from CTR(TM), he CAN still win. But I'll admit I'm fucking worried at this point.

God willing, #HillarysHealth will reveal something huge, too large for the MSM to ignore. Or Assange really does have an email that will sink her. Or she will just seize/stroke out on the campaign trail. (God, if you can hear me, I humbly ask for #3, though any would do.)

niggers, spics, democrats dont own homes.

I took a poll:

> German Shepherds will need a new name within 20 years.

1. Kebab Canine 87%
2. Nationalistic Bloodhound 13%

Source: 200 fucking Muslims.

Have fun, cocksucker.

But we should totally believe the pollsters.

Well we all should know by now that the polls are rigged by msm
We saw it with kasich kruz bernie and all the others

That said, i belive this poll is rigged too
I would love it to be the truth but healthy doubt would be recommended

>no evidence that Hillary is open rigging a system (DNC, primaries, emailgate)
>stating "facts"

Just because you say "I am not a shill" doesn't mean you are not a shill and the fact that you are concerned about being perceived that way shows you have something to worry about