How do you think David ultimately killed her?

How do you think David ultimately killed her?

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David was anatomically correct, right?
Alone together for so long? You tell me.

stabbed her

She died in the crash and he used her dead body for experiments. Stop forcing this murder meme.

She probably figured out what he was going to do to her. She accepted it and they had a conversation about the cyclical nature of life and death. He looked her in the eyes and choked her unconscious, implanted her with the black liquid or some prototype of a facehugger. He probably dissected her before she regained consciousness as a courtesy so she wouldn't die like the Christian dude.

Are there female androids?

he was decapitated

I'm sure Weyland thought of that

Using her as a test subject for a new line of xenomorphs that could reproduce in more typical animal mating methods.

who fixed him then?

He still had his tongue, though, right??

She did during the travel.

he literally tells you in the movie how he killed her, he forced an embryo down her throat.

I haven't seen the flick, but from what I heard all the awesome stuff with David brutally torturing Shaw happens off screen. Instead of making the most memorable scifi horror movie of our time, Ridley pussied out. He even fucked over Prometheus fans.

she fixed him during the travel. He finished. It's all in the writers interviews.

wow that looked fucking terrible. they really spent no part of their budget for this did they?

That part is not even in the movie itself, dumbo.

Something about her gets me going man. She looked so hot in Prometheus especially in that scene where she less clothing

Reminder that Shaw was effectively the first Xenomorph queen.


user isn't the one who failed to do a Prometheus sequel

why the fuck would she fix him when she was well aware of what he did?

it's the same as Oram shoving his face into the face hugger's pod because david tells him to do so less than 5 minutes after he walked in on david watching as rosenthal gets eaten by an alien. or the fucking ship detecting a foreign creature but not alerting them that david is on the ship and not walter.

>He even fucked over Prometheus fans.
All thirty-eight of us are hopping mad

And then put back together

i know that but it was a featurette that was made by the makers of the movie.

it just looked fucking terrible and they could have spent more time on it.

the ted2023 talk from prometheus was goat.

Touching her pussy.
Licking those soft puffy lips... the clit... one finger in her anus, gently touching the glands... the other grabbing those grapefruits

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