Dios mio... el abominacion

dios mio... el abominacion

I'll use this thread to ask a question, because I'm too lazy to make a new one. Why can't Americans handle criticism? They always throw a hissy fit and start calling you a hater. Americans make actual discussion impossible

Because even though we call ourselves the best country in the world, we are actually a pretty bad country, and we are in denial about it.


You are the best country in the world by raw power, just not by living conditions.

el que come en excesivas cantidades...

El amo de los chupacabras...

El niño del diablo...

El monstruo de la obscuridad...

San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y las asechanzas del enemigo. Reprímelo Dios, Te pedimos humildemente, y tú Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, arroja al infierno a Goblino y a otros muttos malignos, que andan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén

el amoroso de Belcebú...

are you kidding me?
Europeans are much worse than people from the US.

You're a bunch of uptight and self-righteous cunts.

It really depends, some countries, like France, are obviously on the same level as the US, however there are many normal, relaxed cunts that don't sperg out. And obviously I mean IRL, because 4can really doesn't paint an accurate picture

l'ominide incognito...


el rito de apareamiento...

another classic


el devorador !!

Het monster des doems...

El vacio eterno...

is this fake rite?

What's that white sauce that he's putting everywhere?

el monstro obscuro...

A besta do norte...

How did raimi get away with this?

¡Se avecina un gran terror!

>white sauce
it's probably a milkshake...

What kinda criticism?
Ive been away for awhile and come back to mutt posting.
