Ice Age

So is part six going to feature time travel or dimension hopping?

My money on mega evolution

How about resetting time?

Modern New York or go home.

this is probably one of the worst reviewed big budget animated film I've ever seen

And it's still gonna beat Ghostbusters


It's actually gonna circle all the way back around to the start of the series and be about human hunters again.

We're probably at the point in the timeline that the baby would be an adult or nearing it.....what a hell of a life that must've been.

In the hood.

it's going to be about the internet, like WIR2.

>13% a-fucking-gain
Jews aren't even trying anymore, they have already figured out they can just keep milking shit without effort

It's gonna be a road trip or a summer camp/vacation island

Ay, mega evolution isn't a bad concept. Just executed poorly.

So this is the power of the ghostbusters killer?

Ice Age was always unfunny, what's the problem?

I think the next movie will end as the start of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I thought this was the last one

>Baby from the first movie shows up as an adult with his own family
>The animals remember him, but he doesn't remember them
>He hunts for Manny's family to feed his own

Since part 3 they've talked about them being frozen solid and thawed out into the modern human world. They think this would end the series.

They're wrong. you can easily milk a franchise in a new time period. 6 7 and 8 will be in modern times.

But is it better or worse than Alpha and Omega???

>implying Humans still exist in the Ice Age Canon

It is.

Let this be the end of the franchise.

>there's also another madagascar coming

The last one was actually far better than it had any right to be but... Just let the series die, you completed the story last time.

>yfw by this point so few people care about the franchise that the director and animators go completely insane and get away with producing a damning indictment of the animated CG film industry and mankind in which Manny and his friends are slaughtered by the child they once raised but not before Manny mortally wounds him and the light of recognition only glimmers in both of their eyes when they lie slowly bleeding out and their corpses are swallowed by nature to become fossils

Frozen completely and then rethawed in the future. Its fairly obvious