Cont. from:

RoA effectively attacks the Gotti mafia, eliminating both of their Virginia bonuses

Nigcicles land in Maine

Japanese are trapped in the West


Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Fill Montana

fill arkansas

Defend against Japanese Empire. Fill unoccupied Montana.

yo Trump is a fuckign god
fuck off shillary

fill south Carolina spill north Carolina

Fill Iowa.

Spill Illinois.

15T towards building the Maine campfire spills into filling Maine.

any room for me? fellas


3D Pali.

Fill Utah, spill colorado

Retake West Virginia

attack gotti without crossing rivers and spill to fill kentucky.


>9 new posts
sorry nah
do you really want to start now anyway? i mean look at the map

Ill take over Ny as Jimmy

I think NYRAC (Dark Blue) is not responding anymore, OP seems open for people to take his place.

It's newt

Take over the New Yorkers Jimmy

Hi there fella

Ill take over Jew York

Its me you guys waiting to participate on next thread


aw shucks I cant attack Jimmy
Guess I'll have to go back to Alaska once I'm done up here in Maine.
NAP Jimmy?

You can roll

oh im fucking HYPED for this game
cant wait to see what turns out

hopefully it turns into massive war that everyone takes part in

Roll to take Con and Mass
why of course friend


we'll see

Wait, so this guy has all of NYRAC territories?

Jimmy, I had an alliance with the NYRAC before they left, do you want to fill their position as my ally?


Border tension between Corn people and Cascadians. A Cascadian border guard shoots a dog, who crossed over from Corn territory

That's how it works when someone leaves

fill the rest of arkansas
and louisiana
defend if attacked

Defend if attacked. Invade California.

Rolling to fill Illinois.

Fill up maine, give Jimmy the campfire I made last turn.

fill Mass and NH for Jimmy

Sorry, Japs. Break my NAP with the Japs and invade Nevada.

fill south Carolina spill North Carolina

Haha you suck

Jimmy, you want to take the Alliance offer?

Also, damn, almost had those trips.

Spills sail to Washington

you have a -3 bonus this turn


see you are using some references to bulgarian history

of course fella

fill kentucky



I just did ;)


Just keep in mind I'm going to want Ohio.

so he gets negative roll?

where am i supposed to go?

Fill North Dakota

he gets nothing pretty much

to hell


for the americans out there

Want to trade Wyoming for Montana?

I suppose downwards.

Take Virginia, spill into Ohio

you will give me Georgia


I can help you against anyone you need me to, long as I'm not in too much pressure in any other matter (which currently I'm not).

Montana is yours. Want to form an alliance?



ive got a plan

Vermont New Hampshire finish off Massachusetts

NAP for now.

can you break nap or alliance withouth the -10 penalty?
just wondering if theres an official way to do it

I sure hope you don't plan on going my way.

Yes, just break an alliance / NAP on a roll (but don't roll) and wait for the next turn. For NAP you won't get any penalty next turn but for the next 2 turns you will get -10 for alliance.

Marshall jimmy gave an empassioned speech at the fleet reveiw yesterday, where he anticipated the takeover of georgia aboard the JLN (Jimmy's Land Navy) Israel

ah ok i get it
btw i might be AFK for around 10 mins please wait up


Alaskans finish Maine and very quickly head into Washington. Gonna be very hard to get them out now

Rust Cult and Jimmy argue over who gets Ohio, while Gotti just storms in

No. Which is why you should be smart when making NAPs and Alliances

Fill North D spills to South D

Drive the Nigcicles out of Washington.

Remove the """""""Northwestern Front"""""""
Take back the campfire I gave them.

you didnt count my rollfill South Carolina Spill North Carolina

Rolling to fill Illinois.

Spill into Indiana.

On the other note: I assumed the penalties started on the same turn you break something. I suppose it's subjective for the OP though.

His Presidency Jimmy sends a basket in peanuts in respect of this action

Your bonus is 4


Take Kentucky
I rolled for Ohio just as they started talking about Ohio

Attack Gotti

I will hold on this, since Northwestern didn't reply it's not official yet right?

I seriously hope you don't think you'll take Ohio.

take the rest of the neutral in colorado
take the rest of louisiana

Yes you're right

fill Kentucky

I accept the NAP.

So am I wrong on the "attacking" part?

Let's say I have a NAP with BLU and attack RED on the same turn. Would I only get the -10 penalty?

Remembering the strong ARG-U.S. Bonds formed during the cuban missile crisis and 1976
the argentine rebuplic sends you military advisers and station the ARA Operation Condor of the coast of georia to
""""""""""""""represent the interests of the argentine people""""""""""""""""

Yes, you backed off just in time
Too late

His excelency would like to become a fully ally of the chilean people

What? You get no penalty

Now I don't
I'll be gone soon anyways, I'm getting sandwiched between Jimmy and red guy

I forgot to include the part where I break my NAP with BLU on the same turn.

Then yes you get -10 for that turn

Argentina, you mean my exelency (sorry for the flag, i move betwenn the two countries)