Trump just said this in regards to a Hilary victory in November: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges...

Trump just said this in regards to a Hilary victory in November: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks," he then added.
"Though the second amendment folks, maybe there is, I don't know...

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Seriously what the fuck is he doing?

Does his campaign just sit around a table every friday and think of the dumbest shit he can say?

lmao @ the faggots on Sup Forums thinking people who are anti-trump posting are paid to do so. Nah. He's not going to win and he only has the support of ignorant fags

It's almost like this is one of the main reasons Americans have guns in the first place.

Might as well throw out the constitution and go back to absolute monarchy though I guess, because we all know that's the only way to make progress.

>Seriously what the fuck is he doing?

Crashing the Republican Party
with no survivors.

>muh ignorant supporters
>ignore hillary's emails!

This has to be staged. He's just a joke candidate never intended to win, one that would make Hillary look good, so they really went out there with their pick. He starts getting supporters. They need him to crash and burn, so they have him say dumb things.

>the sole purpose of the 2nd amendment is to retain the ability to act in defiance of tyranny
>somebody suggests that the 2nd amendment be used in defiance of tyranny
>people flip their shit

wow is he actually downs or is that just his supporters?

Donald Trump, historic friend of the Clintons, is running against Hillary to divide traditional Republican base, corral as much of the populist vote as possible after sending Hillary's traditional opposition into disarray, then just as he's on the cusp of taking the presidency away from the next step in the Clinton Dynasty, throwing it by sabotaging his own campaign, guaranteeing the Clinton presidency

Mark my words.

I don't understand why people are surprised, it's been like this forever.

I guess they though Trump was a master strategist and he was going to "pivot" to not being an asshat.

Proof again that people just use Trump as a screen to project their desires on.


>people think the second amendment only means the right to bare arms
>people forget about the part about uprising against tyrannical rule

If you think he was inciting murder you're probably a fucking retard

That's what the 2nd amendment is for tho.....

conservatives are doing to trump what liberals did to obama in 2008. massive projection and unrealistic expectations.

Pretty much everyone understands this. Anyone saying they don't is just receiving a 5 cent deposit.

It's all part of the plan.

He's the republican nominee

He can say whatever he wants. He'll still get 40% of the vote no matter what.

Because that is how stupid republicans are.

He can slam Muslims, Hispanics, Jews and blacks. He can attack dead soldiers parents, POWs. He can ask Russia to conduct espionage or tell gun nuts to kill Clinton

Let's not forget Mitt Romney attacking the disabled m, veterans and retirees with his 47% speech

And still getting the republican disabled, retiree and veteran vote

Republicans are that fucking stupid. Welcome to America

What exactly is wrong with what he said? He wants the second amendment folks to vote against Hitler who wants to take their guns away.

It's no biggie shill. he literally didnt say anything

>not getting the second amendment.

well no wonder you fags are always on about gun control you think its about hunting.

>tyrannical rule
>democratically elected leader

Ohh so him calling for a rebellion against the USA isn't that bad. Because yah know the civil war wasn't that bad

Jesus you fucks are stupid

You're not wrong, but it's also not something you fucking say while you're running a campaign, (even if Shillary implied that she was thinking about JFK'ing Obama in 2008,) especially when your opponent is self-destructing and the press is attacking you as crazy.

Fuck off shill

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Fuck off you faggot, this isn't your hugbox go back to r/the_donald

He's right you know.

In what way is Hillary democratically elected, she has no support in the real world she is constantly propped up by the media and the current democrat government is blocking a criminal investigation and all of the largest multi-national banks and foreign governments are supporting her.

democratically elected.

i think he is a plant for hillary honestly

>Paki '''''banter''''''

But that's why we have 2a.

You don't think a president attempting to stack the SC with ideologues is worth a revolution?

His would be using the second amendment in support of tyranny.

>He can ask Russia to conduct espionage or tell gun nuts to kill Clinton
Your trying too hard shill.

>Use your guns to defend your rights
Based, I dont care if Trump speaks the basic truth and it makes cucks mad

>calling for a rebellion

He didn't even fucking do that. What he said could mean a ton of different things.

>republicans uniting to block scotus appointments
>states doing like colorado did with weed and nullifying future federal laws about guns(like montana and alaska have)

You CTR faggots are getting increasingly desperate and finding smaller and smaller things to attack Trump over.

>not knowing the purpose of the 2nd amendment

I am reaching a point where I can't tell if it's retards or shills.

>In what way is Hillary democratically elected

Well see if she wins the democratic election, I hope your following me, she will be democratically elected to lead your country


oh yeah I'm sure he wasn't subtly implying that it's time for one of his retard supporters to go and shoot up some democratic opposition before he gets fucking wrecked in november

This is a non issue like every other non issue.
I started this campaign full of so much piss and vinegar and being afraid of every little scandalous thing Trump said, but it's fine, he's fine, Hillary can't even walk up steps without help and has some kind of confirmed brain problem. just show up and vote for Donnie T and its fine, no-one cares.

Stalin, Ceausecu even Mao was democratically elected.

>when she becomes dictator, you need to rise up

this is wrong, how ?

they didnt even get to amendment 3 before they figured out everyone needs guns for this exact reason!


>democratically elected

I agree with you two. It's the only explanation. Even Bush wouldn't fuck this up.

>Being this retarded

He fucking sugested in his quite confusing speaking style that 2nd amendment people might be able to defend their rights by using their rights.

He nowhere declared insurrection you Penta NIGGER

You arent following

our ruling class is so corrupt that we really dont have a democratic choice.

The closest thing we have had to a real choice and Trump and look how the powers that be, Democrat, Republican, big business, governments all line up against him



I like it honestly. Brought the banter and will move the narrative past the mudshit

To keep fucking up like this after being rebuked by literally everyone, and having your own poll ratings plummet... you must be a plant.

>No source
>Thread full of shills
>Correct the Record in full damage control mode

Im so happy that USA will be corrupt and progressive like us.

And in time, interracial.

Yeah, this. Why shouldn't we just make a play to take this shit over? If even half the military comes on our side, it's over for the shills.

At least 20-30% of the people in this country supporting Trump are red pilled. That's enough to start massive civil disobedience and call on military to join if they rig/steal this election by having libfag media attack dog Trump nonstop.

Is this board overrun by shills or what?

Where is the fucking source?

What the fuck is wrong with him seriously

>0.05 Shmeckles have been deposited in your account, good goy.


What if

Guys hold on

Guys seriously

What if

What if he meant that people defending 2A
Would challenge Hillary Clinton politically
Who is anti-gun



Think about it for a second

What if

That's not true.

So the American people are too dumb to vote?

It's a combination:

-Real paid CTR shills.

-Voluntary Johnson shills pretending to back Clinton/bash Trump, hoping we will flake off and vote for their cuck.

-Apolitical trolls just trolling for kicks by claiming they support Hillary.

>guys nothing wrong about civil unrest!

that's it man.
I can't keep defending him, why is he so retarded? He is stunning himself and he has to do is not say stupid shit. Meanwhile hillary is sitting back and watching him hang himself.

I'm voting 3rd party

>Trump can't win now because he said something inflammatory, says increasingly nervous man for the nth time

The american people are only allowed to vote for the right choices.

Is there a pepe plane meme with donald in the cock pit and republican wojak outside?

If not, there ought to be.

He said it. Who really but whiney progressives give a single shit though

Yes they wer. They got into office following a democratic vote.

It's just that there was none else on the ballot.

>this is one of the main reasons Americans have guns
To kill the candidates we don't like? This may be allowed in Australia, but in the civilized world it is frowned upon.

Shills pls kys

>It's almost like this is one of the main reasons Americans have guns in the first place.

This. Trump's just pointing out an American solution to a socialist problem.

this is a fucking joke, they throw at you every little reason overblown to massive proportions by the media and yet there's a whole SHITTON of legitimate reason to not vote her, wonder which way her polling numbers will go after people get to read the Clinton Cash graphic novel.

Wont be long before heĀ“ll start taking pictures with mexican babies now

Much like how a comma causes endless butthurt among liberals, trump has deployed it in carefully choosing his words.

"Though the second amendment folks", he can so very easily say that he meant the NRA lobby will be useful in potentially stopping Hillary from choosing whatever gun grabber judges she likes.

Most people who hate hillary harbor a secret hope that she dies, this isn't going to be a bad thing no matter how the liberal media tries to play it.

>Ameritards are finally realizing that Trump doesn't stand a chance against the Clinton-Bush cabal

Took you long enough

To overthrow governments which no longer serve the people.
Come on nigger even I know the constitution better than you

He did say it. But it wasn't what the main stream media is spinning.

He just sayid that even if Liberals hold the Justice court positions there might be a way to fight it.

At this point though I uniroincally want death squads to shoot liberals.

I had enough of this forced stupid hysteria.

Aaaaaah, I see....

124759595D CHESS




wow it's fucking nothing dot jpeg

explain to me how this is a big deal

>him calling for a rebellion against the USA isn't bad
One of our founding didn't think so

LMAO all the faith, effort, and money that this board put into Drumpf

All to hand Hillary a supermajority and the White House

It isn't.

It's forced hysteria ala ban the mudshits or Trump abortion stance.

People will not remember in two weeks.

*founding fathers

all of our founders

with this attitude of yours, they don't.

By saying this, you are suggesting he is actually down syndrome-level retarded and are still supporting him.

Congratulations on your down syndrome.

You ready for the inevitable failed assassination attempt on Hillary by a Trump-suporter Sup Forums?

> and money
This isn't r/sanders

Ha ha, somebody make this.

I'm laughing at all the foreigners that don't understand that is exactly as the amendment is written

>0.005 Schmeclkes have been deposited into your account, bad shillpost goy

>Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...
like this?

>money and effort

sweet summer child

Good for him

>actually defending the Constitution

I don't understand why all of you shills are so mad about someone telling the people that they do in fact hold the power of this nation.

Seems to me statements like that are what the American people need to hear right about now.

Trump shilling is the same as Hillary shilling

You people are so fucking stupid. He's been running the same play for over a year and you're still surprised by it. It's like playing football against retards, same play again and again.

He made it easy by laying it out in his book but you still don't get it. Fucking morons.

On any issue he starts from the most extreme position and negotiates from there. The left freaks out like children and end up looking even more extreme leaving him in the strongest position and setting the terms. By the time he's sworn in he'll have a mandate to do anu thing he wants.

They should have been hearing it for that last 60 years but the jew yoke around their necks prevented it.