Kill Six Billion Demons

“A man who strikes without thought can cut God.”
-Meti’s Sword Manual


nth for thorn knights a best

I mean look at Juggernaut Star

is he the most METAL thing in the multiverse?

arguably so

I imagine that angel sounds and walks a lot like this guy

>tfw you're too stupid to understand this webcomic

>too stupid
what do you mean user


edgy sharp knights are best angels

>Abaddon says his canon voice is like a monster truck rally announcer
best character

I can't follow the world building, it's too heavy and complicated.

I think that's the point. You only really need to understand the broad strokes, the fine details are mostly decorative.

Shit is getting real and I am loving it.

>the tumblr fanfic writer character is wearing a sans jacket

Abbadon described her style here as "a weird punk librarian thing". I dig it. The big coat and stockings/miniskirt reminds me of Japanese fashion from the early 2000s.

Juggsy is best girl

>how many layers of royalty are you on Allison
>I dunno, like 5 or 6 my murderhobo
>You are like a little godling, watch this

>Abbadon literally makes Coldsteel The Angel
>edgy as fuck skellington who hates everything and covered in spikes
>it works flawlessly
>everyone fucking loves it

you know you're good at character creation when you can pull this shit off
She looks like Noodle from the Gorillaz in this one, LOVE IT.

So all of the demon color types have their specialties right? I'm trying to remember what they are

>Pallid: being dumb shits because they have too many names? What else?
>Blue: Masters of The Art and always look like cute little girls
>Red: Stronk as fuck warriors
>Green: Something about being creepy and slimy
>Yellow: Financiers, money hoarders, embezzlers
>Ebon: Very powerful at everything

>hey kid
>whatcha think about death NOW?

Shit is poppin'.

I want to go on noodle-filled murder hobo adventures with Maya