Do you think Kyptonians practice circumcision? Is he cut?

Do you think Kyptonians practice circumcision? Is he cut?

you should first ask if they are born with foreskin

ask Batman ;)

How would he have had a circumcision with the whole planet blowing apart?

Pre-Crisis, maybe, he spent a few years on Krypton as a child. Post, no way, he was born in the birthing matrix on the way to Earth.

Who is to say that Martha and Pa Kent didn't decide to circumcise him as a baby? Most adaptions don't have him getting his powers until around puberty.

He also wasn't immediately as invulnerable or as strong as he was until his late teens/early 20's either.

hygiene is very important on krypton. they knew they only had one chance to cut him

Maybe long ago but it went out of fashion at around the same time as cloning

No that would make him lose his power

He was created by two jews. Of course he's circumcised.

Should have gone out of fashion at the same time indoor plumbing became a thing.

Snip snip

Pretty much this.

Actually looking at him tow the Earth as an adult (let's say 35) and how heavy that is (6.6 quintillion tons) assuming an even growth rate we can infer Superman has gained 6 billion tons of strength PER SECOND since he arrived on Earth.

Why would they? Martha and Johnathon were Christian

most Americans still do it as a non-religious practice

(((They))) have (((their))) hooks in deep

I doubt there's sand niggers in Krypton, so of course he is a whole man.

It's not like it was an inexpensive surgery in either the 1940s or even the 1980s, and they might not have wanted him in a hospital setting - they knew he came on a space ship, after all.

On the other hand ma and pa kent are not jewish.
Then again the thread is about circumcision on krypton so i guess thats irrelevant. So yeah probably practiced on krypton.

He did grow up in an orphange in action 1 though. Did they tend to circumcise?