Pokemon Go accused of racism for having more Poke Stops in white areas

>Urban Institute researchers found an average of 55 PokéStops in majority white neighborhoods and 19 in majority black neighborhoods. The Belleville News-Democrat found that pattern repeated itself in African-American sections of Detroit, Miami and Chicago.

>Similarly, New York boroughs Brooklyn and Queens, both of which have high numbers of Hispanic and black residents, had significantly fewer PokéStops than in Manhattan and white and Asian neighborhoods.

>The Urban Institute says the racial divides in the game amount to redlining — a term used when a community is cut off from essential services based on its racial or ethnic makeup.

>The dearth of PokéStops and Gyms make it tougher for residents of these overlooked communities to participate in the game. They also lose the benefits to gamers that come with a multitude of virtual stops that dispense critical items for free such as Poké Balls, used to catch Pokémon, or egg incubators to grow new monsters.

Is there anything SJWs don't ruin?

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Bumping because this isn't a b8 thread

I bump with you, nigga.

Their poke stop location models are based off of phone usage patterns.

Either blame the phone companies, the satellites, or the niggers for not having phones. It's not the apps fault.

Irrelevant communities produce irrelevant histories.
Irrelevant histories mean no map spot worth poke-stopping.

Who wants pokestops in black areas? They're unsafe!

Pokestops work off of google maps landmarks.
Niggers create or register no landmarks, thus there are no pokestops.

the developer has no control over this
do they seriously think someone payed hundreds of expensive employees to be racist????

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

>luring blacks into white neighborhoods to get arrested


I cross the street when I see black pokemon go players.

And the fact that they don't play Pokemon Go as much as whites do. Whites are more invested in Pokemon Go. Besides there are probably plenty of pokemon in the hood, but who in their right mind wants to go there and get robbed?

Asshole liberals are trying to trick whites into getting robbed

yes, that's their worldview

>Niggers turn literally EVERY SINGLE MAJOR CITY into crime-ridden shitholes

Let nignogs didn't play ingress where all the stops wee imported from and don't have high cell usage density so no pokemon or pokestops for them

>complaining about only having 19 pokestops in your neighborhood

ok but i have to drive at least 2-3 miles to the nearest one. and i'm white. I garuntee you that the only people complaining are fat asses who won't go outside and walk

People are already getting mugged and murdered for being in the wrong place at the wrong time playing this game.

Sending more unsuspecting people into neighborhoods they know nothing about seems like a pretty bad idea.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Well you can't exactly play the game when your phone gets taken from you

>egg incubators come from pokestops
at least do some research before you make your retarded article, mediafags

imagine a world where minorities don't complain about seriously retarded shit and have the media be a willing mouthpiece to their bullshit

maybe its cuz they dont wanna get sued when white ppl walk into da hood for a pokestop and get raped and mugged

>wanting all the pokemon so badly you lie to make the game easier

fucking niggers

>Pokemon Black Version
>no father
>start game broke and in prison

Because everyone really wants to go to a Pokestop in the fucking ghetto.

if they had more poke stops in black neighborhoods more people would get shot and killed

yeah i was wondering ab that i was like wtf?? Ie never gotten an incubator from a pokestop

how do u get more though aside from shekels? is it just leveling up?

>Turns out people don't want to hang out for too long in shitty black areas


my sides

Everyone point and laugh at the shill who doesn't know where he's posting.

While there are black weeaboos, blacks don't play Pokemon to the extent of whites and asians.

>Detroit, Miami and Chicago.
>The most violent cities in the US

Gee, maybe ya think they don't whitey to get robbed and murdered?

This has jews written all over it

he's doing it as part of the meme not bc hes a shill

I think that is spam, I haven't seen spam in a long time

Are we being hacked by chance?

It's because every pokestop is a landmark of some kind. The boarded up crack house doesn't count as a land mark

Really? I live in the middle of nowhere but I sill get them they are bird watching signs

>Urban Institute researchers found an average of 55 PokéStops in majority safe neighborhoods and 19 in majority unsafe neighborhoods
wtf i hate safe neighborhoods now



Pokémon Go: Culturally Enriched Edition

>Pokemon Go
>essential service

this is what we need, let some rich white libfag go into a darkie town looking for faggyballs and get his ass robbed/shot.. reality is the best redpill of them all.

>White people enjoy a game.
>They make Pokestops in their neighborhoods.

Behold: black people destroy anything nice, yet again. White people cannot enjoy anything without being accused of racism. Is it our fault that white nerdy people setup these stops in a previous game by the company?

The fact is that muh racism is a tactic they stole from SJWs to make a facade against "jumping on the bandwagon". I'm not going to let you co-op my Pokeman Go. Go fuck yourself and take your Ratatas with you.


Maybe because there is less relevant shit inside of lesser communities. Much like how there is nothing in rural areas.

>stumbling into Nigville while staring at your new mobile phone
>being a retard wasting time with such brain-rot

>Implying the (((local news networks))) would report about that
they'd either talk about something else or make it look like he was rayciss

ofcourse they wouldnt, but that dumb lib who got his ass knocked out by laughing niggers for no damn reason might finally wake up


>walking around nigger hoods with your phone out, let alone going to nigger hoods in the first place

I sure don't envy the guy who goes into a nigger hood at night trying to catch a night time only Pokemon.

Dosnt it work the same as ingress though? These places are tied to monuments and landmarks, of course there are more in white neighbourhoods, what have the blacks achieved that warrants a landmark or monuments>?

my sides

Everyone point and laugh at the newfag who doesn't know where he's posting.

thats the exact reason but liberals prefer to endlessly perform mental gymnastics to fit their narrative

Aren't the pokestops from some other game they made? Didn't they make a site to request to move/add pokestops? Instead of whining and complaining why don't they take action and request more stops by adding landmarks?

Come on Thugchu, lez go beat sum crackas

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

People have already been mugged and shit while playing that stupid game, why the fuck would they want more people to get BLACKED?

>Get your phone ready
>Gotta catch em... fast.

They should put mewtwo right in the centre of Detroit, like some kind of final boss battle, the danger will only add to the excitement it will feel like you are really in a videogame fighting for your life

This is the obvious answer. No one wants to go to Nigger Town. Every other community will some kind of art other than graffiti or a local landmark worth visiting


I went to a pokestop in a black area once

It's funny because when it first came out there were no stops nearby, they recently added one, which is just some graffiti on an old house. Living Rural has its disadvantages.

The pokestops were created by the players of Ingress. People had to go out and actually take pictures of those locations.

What this says is that people didn't want to hang out too long around black people. You have to be a retarded sheltered moron to go into black neighborhoods and start walking around with your phone going BLEEP BLOOP POKEMON CAUGHT PIKA PIKA. You'll get your ass kicked and your phone stolen.

Another thing is that the devs of the game probably rejected a lot of locations because they were dirty. If you take a photo of some statue that has been absolutely destroyed they are not going to approve it.

Racism didn't do this. Black people did this. Maybe if they didn't fucking ATTACK PEOPLE ALL THE TIME and destroy historical monuments they'd have more pokestops, but who cares? It's not like Pokemon go is a huge hit with thugs. Some of them like this kind of shit, but it's not like there's a huge demographic.

she hides the bruises well...

The last time I went to New York, they had this brochure in the hotel. It was like
>Puerto Rican neighborhood
>Come visit! Restaurants, dancing, historical sites!

>Asian neighborhood
>Come visit! Restaurants, markets, historical sites.

>Irish neighborhood
>Come visit! Pubs, historical sites!

>Black neighborhood
>Travel to this neighborhood is not advised. Be careful and avoid at night.

Why aren't they doing what everyone else is doing?

>The dearth of PokéStops and Gyms make it tougher for residents of these overlooked communities to participate in the game. They also lose the benefits to gamers that come with a multitude of virtual stops that dispense critical items for free such as Poké Balls, used to catch Pokémon, or egg incubators to grow new monsters
Kek! Holy shit that's hilarious.

>young black kids don't have access to essential services and items which their white counterparts do: such as pokéballs and pokéstops
>this is the legacy of slavery

Wtf, I hate Trump now

Apparently the nearest landmark to my home is (or maybe was by now) a barn with an ad for chewing tobacco painted on one side.

you posted the exact same thing earlier

this shilling aint a meme

He keeps posting this
And it's in the wrong thread

fucking morons don't know how ingress works. How many people do they think would actually walk around detroit with their smart phones out and not get jumped?

they should put the rarest pokemon in the most dangerous hood. make it like stealing treasure from a dragon's lair. you have to fight giga-nigger to get the pokemon.

And the kind of black people who would play pokemon go, or any other such thing, are mostly homebodies or know not to be wandering around in their neighborhood with their phone out while losing awareness.
Because that's how you get your ass beat and get your phone ganked in the blink of an eye.

I make 30-80 stops a day for work.
I go into people's yards, homes, businesses.
White people are absolutely no threat to me and only on a few occasions in 6 years have I had even the least hint of it, and they weren't about to leave their own yard to do it.
Blacks on the other hands, constantly try to stare me down, size me up, shit talk me when they're in groups.
The white people in these neighborhoods don't give me shit, even though they're just as poor, otherwise they wouldn't live in fucking nig-ville.

I don't have any trouble in trailer courts.
I don't have any trouble in any type of rundown shithole that's full of whites, Hispanics, Asians or anything else.
Just blacks.
Always blacks.

And the thing is, I'm a nice guy.
I smile, I'm polite, I don't look like a bitch but I'm not overtly aggressive.
The white people I meet like me, most black women like me, old black people mostly like me.
Most black men age 8-58, do not fucking like me and they make it obvious.

Fuck black people.
It's getting to tire me out to not put them in their fucking place.
Unfortunately, I have my company logo on my truck and on my shirt/road vest and I don't need to get fired from a job making as much as any 10 of them get in welfare just because I let them rile me up.

Did I say 'fuck black people'?

In case I forgot, fuck those stupid animal niggers.

>The Urban Institute says the racial divides in the game amount to redlining — a term used when a community is cut off from essential services based on its racial or ethnic makeup.

Really? A fucking game is an ESSENTIAL service now?

Pokestops are landmarks

Negro areas have less landmarks because they destroy everything and dont pay tax

That's exactly what they think.

That's the joke.