Who would win in a fight?

Who would win in a fight?

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Marxists are only strong in numbers, they are too lazy to work out or work in general.

If tthey use swords - Hemmil, if they use broken botles of vodka - Harmon

Zizek would crush Harmon's Reddit-ideology.

Zizek somehow manages to be less depressed than Harmon. When the odds are even go with who wants it most

*pulls shirt*
and so on and so on

>'zish ish truly the clash of weshtern ideology: vun a complete and utter memetic fachtory, the other a reddit-tier populisht comedian. the only real conflict, ish in decishiding wheech is wheech'

This is a good post.

Is it a war of phlegm or spittle?

10/10 read it in his voice

you have to hear it to believe it

So neither of them would win?

poster here, i think i love you


žižek would fuck him up with his mind waves

Who's the other guy?

Holy fuck you're amazing

What's some essential Zizek kino? All I know from here is that he's a socialist and likes to sniff things.

Literally anything he does is kino but A Pervert's Guide to Ideology is a good start

I have read and listened to him so much I have picked up his small idiosyncrasies in his lisp and accent. Needless to say he's a hack in a lot of ways and he really has no reason to be anything other than a literary critic, he honestly has no business calling himself a philosopher.

Interested to hear why you think he's a hack. Maybe because all his work is derivative of 19th century philosophy? He does seem like more of a performance artist/personality than anything else.

How much coke has Zizek done and how drunk and depressed is Harmon?

Harmon is a beast. Zizzy wouldn't stand a chance.

I think he fills a niche in modern criticism of marxist practice and provides ample criticism of it but seeing that he has no real answers, and his answer to that is that, "My job as a philosopher is not to provide answers, merely agitation," is a sound argument in all of his frameworks, but at the end of the day he hasn't said anything particularly profound to the exception of his (sort of bastardized version of Debord's spectacle) view of everything as ideology.


he makes films not kino


How long until Memezek dissects Ricksh & Morty?

Are there more Dan Harmon nudes?

the one with autism strength

Are we being pedantic now?

Why exactly do you want Dan Harmon nudes?

Just trying to make a life-like Harmon doll to present to him at the yearly upfront.

Oh, that makes sense.

here's Zizek on Rick and Morty.

"it is the absolute pinnacle of western capitalist and consumerist ideological angst. The characters accept they are in a hell, but choose not to leave it— ah, Rick, one of the titular characters of the, ah, work, has the ability to move between dimensions and create worlds in car batteries yet continues to live in the very capitalist system which has created this dissillusion with life and it’s many facets of expression— whether they be through ideological means or authentic, natural expressions which undergo ideological interpretations. If I was to sum up the characterization of all within the series, antiheroes at best, cuckolds at worst."

- Zizek on the shitter in some user's house, 2017.

Audio of transcription.

Bretty good

Where are these pics from?

His Instagram?

His girlfriend's

what a weird looking motherfucker

Say that to my face, not online

Well, if you're Left-Leaning, just listen to Chomsky. He explains Zizek's essentially facile nature just fine.

If you're Right-Leaning, or if you have even a cursory understanding of economic theory, you'll have burst into hysterical, uncontrollable laughter the first time he brought up Marxist theories of Value, which are all empirically false.

Have you read the Sublime Object of Ideology?



Where are the Zizek nudes?

His hard drive. That's user is Dan.

Is that even human body?

>hurr durr basic economics bro
Why do reactionaries love this non-argument?

both pervert's guides

Oh, would you prefer to be humiliated long-form? Provide me with empirical, reproducible evidence for the Labour Theory of Value, or Marx's Law of Value.

Until you can do this, the claims of surplus wealth theft are, in the most scientific of senses, falsified. The entire moral underpinnings of Marxism are refuted and the ideology is laid bare as what it always was--a naked call for theft motivated by impotent jealousy.

But of course you cannot do this because if anyone were capable of providing actual evidence for the LtV, they would've done it a hundred years ago. There is no such evidence because the theory is false. The only working definition of value is market value, meaning that the only value anything has is what you can sell it for, which means that the claims of the mythological porky's "exploitation" are, in the purely empirical sense, debunked utterly and without contest.

Do you hate Google because, deep down, you realize it couldn't have happened without public research, neolib?

t. a retard who thinks he's an economist now because he read some deranged blog post on mises. org