So, if people doesn't like you/better than you at something, that mean they're just haters who you should ignore?

So, if people doesn't like you/better than you at something, that mean they're just haters who you should ignore?
Good lord, this episode is like anti-drug psa and any bad South Park episode mixed together

>it's a Sup Forums defends an unequivocal asshole episode

well, duh, it's not very good
Yeah, I'm a two-dimensional asshole, but that doesn't mean professionals who get money for what they're storyboarding can write two-dimensional assholes!

>So, if people doesn't like you/better than you at something, that mean they're just haters who you should ignore?

>So, if people doesn't like you/better than you at something, that mean they're just haters who you should ignore?
>if people doesn't like you
>/better than you

Uh? I don't think you actually watched this episode nor Alone Together.

The issue isn't Kevin not liking Stevonnie or being better than her. At all.

I think you should actually watch something before complaining about it.

It wasn't really about Kevin, but how Steven...a kid who had nothing but love for everyone...doesn't understand how to deal with not liking someone. It almost ruined one of the best things in his life before he came to grips with it.

But I agree with too. It wasn't handled well. I chalk it up do the 11 minute format.

look rape apologist, he raped stevonie, so he got off light, he should have been thrown in jail just for being a straight white cis male.

Sometimes, jerk who just enjoy being jerk are real too.

SU has a lot of complex character. This allow them to have more 2 dimensional character if only for the reason that those kind of person actually exist and can be fun to write too.

the problem is what they haven't used rape as a plot point, they've used allegory for rape as a plot point

Why would Greg go to jail?

Who are you trying to b8 sweetie

>it turns out Stevenhas been holding a grudge over some one shot character that appeared for 40 seconds in a span of months.
That makes even less sense.

There is no allegory. Kevin is the literal representation of people being too forth coming and not taking an hint at being told NO several time. You don't need a rapist to ruin a good time. Sometimes a jerk will suffice.

And the way Stevonnie handle Kevin in the hand is the way you handle Jerk. You should definitely not Handle Rapist by just Ignoring them ans saying it doesn't matter with a smile to them afterward. At least I think so.

Kevin represent general asshole who think they are better than everyone, not Rapists.

>white cis male.
Is Kevin Argentinian?

What was the point of this episode? Other than to make some retarded statement about assholes and "muh rape culture"?

someone can ruin you day in less than 40 seconds.

Plus it was her first Fusion time with Connie and Kevin made sure to make himself remembered.

>and "muh rape culture"?
It's not about rape see

>What was the point of this episode?
That you shouldn't let asshole ruin your day and Affect your decisions.

He's the only human in the show who is objectively an asshole.

Okay but how did it advance the plot in any way? Usually the filler episodes have at least some tiny bits of relevant stuff in them, this one just seemed completely unnecessary.

I don't know what y'all niggas are on about. I'm all about believing in Steven, but I thought Beach City Drift was fun as hell with a clear yet natural feeling message.

It further explored Connie and Steven's relationship and their fusion.

It's also a kind of tying up episode, a conclusion to alone Together. Tying up the events of Alone together.

Also, cool racing and beautiful scenery.

Character building, Steven learning how to not let his anger get the best out of him.

It established that Ronaldo is no longer the worst.

episode was boring as fuck, there were a few good moments(like the stepped on something line and response was pretty good) but overall it didn't connect to me at all. Sometimes it's hard being a CIS white male.

I didn't expect them animating Stevonnie actually shifting hears, pulling the parking break, and then drifting. I figured it would just be
>turn key
>go forward really fast
> finish line
With the music, it was a fun as heck episode.

I liked the vistas, the dynamic depth of field shot, and the cars taking that turn as seen through a mirror.

Was Peridot autistic


>Amy talking right to Peridot's face
>Peridot ignoring her and retreating into her obsession with a singular object
>only forced out of her obsession when the object is physically ripped from her grasp
>freaks out because her object is gone
Literally yes.

>So, if people doesn't like you/better than you at something, that mean they're just haters who you should ignore?

Of they're just a-holes and not apporting anything useful why should you pay attention to them? It's a waste of their talent.

>This episode is shit because it paints someone bad who is also A MAAAAAAAAAAAAALE

Geez why don't you just marry Marty and Kevin at the same time OP.

What was the point of Beach City Drift? The point was that you shouldn't let yourself obsess over the existence of assholes. Also racing.

I liked it too, just ignore pointless assholes and don't let them fuck your mood.

That's an advice several anons should take to improve their experience in Sup Forums.

Believe it or not some people are assholes simply because they want to be, and the best thing to do is ignore these types of people and deprive them of enjoying your reaction to their assholeness.

The message was more "don't let dicks get to you" more than "don't listen to haters"

Which is precisely the wrong message for this generation to hear.

What? I would have thought a healthy turn towards stoicism would be welcome nowadays

What the fuck does "being le cis white male" have to do with anything, seriously you people have your heads stuck so deep up your asses with the whole "everything ever is sjw" bullshit it's unbelievable.

Kevin is supposed to be a narcisstic, machiavellian douchebag who takes people for granted and has no real regard for how his quest for prestige and satisfying his overblown ego affects them. It has nothing to do with him being a "cis white male".

SU isn't some kind of sjw propaganda tool just because the cartoon's message is centered around mutual respect (live and let live) within themes that are often associated with the stereotypical tumblrina, what with the gay space rocks et al.

While some of the more batshit insane feminazi tumblrites are pretty fucking messed up, people who instantly jump the "OMG LE SJW" gun whenever they can are the most fucking annoying thing in existence at this point.

The whole point of the episode is that if someone's rustling your willies to no end, you should just be sensible about it and realize that there are many better things to do in life than obsessing over getting back at assholes. Not sure about you, but to me it sounds like a great and much needed lesson to teach kids nowadays AND the exact opposite of "hey kids, you should like, totally be militant SJW's!"

You're retarded.

Mutual respect is a meme, there is only superiority and inferiority.

Even then its fruitless to pay attention to jerks wasting their talents on jerking. You can do more productive stuff with your time.

It relates to what Amethist said a couole episodes before about stop focusing on wnat you can't do and enjoy the stuff that you can.

Lars says hi.

kevin is a fucking dream boat

He's TV tropes "jerk with a heart of jerk".

Ignore dicks is an entirely different message from something like "assholes can be right, but ignore the asshole part". There's nothing stoic about just ignoring dicks/assholes because the tone of the message does not affect the truth of the message.

Being a dick does not automatically make you right.

>Ignore dicks is an entirely different message from something like "assholes can be right, but ignore the asshole part".
Right about what? Christ, fuck off if you don't actually watch the show.

What message was Kevin delivering ? The episode wasn't about Stevonnie debating Kevin on an imageboard, it was about Steven not moving on and trying to vent his anger via street race. There's nothing about messages.

i cant wait for the next episode so you folks stop talking about this one

If someone constantly antagonizes you, you should ignore them. That was the lesson.
In real life, it's socially acceptable to tell them to fuck off, depending on the circumstances it's even "legal" to assault them if the harassment is continuous.

Actually, they did realize Kevin was right, in the sense that they admitted that they WERE obsessed with him. So the lesson you're suggesting is actually the one they conveyed.

That wasn't the point at all, though.

In Alone Together, Kevin's supposedly horrible sin was persistently trying to get Stevonnie to dance with him. Rather than firmly set her foot down on not dancing, she instead decided to try and embarrass him on the dance floor instead, striking back at him.

And it seemed to work, and they unfused and he ran off and they seemed fine. But we learned in this episode that they weren't fine. That they held a grudge, probably pinning on Kevin all of the stress they had already been feeling that evening because of Connie's social issues. So they try to strike out at Kevin once more, try to punish him, but instead his smack talk aggravates them even more, and they become more and more obsessed.

The point, the moral, was that they needed closure, not vengeance. That ultimately they are responsible for how they feel, not someone else. And after they released their need to strike back at Kevin, they were able to start feeling better, and able to enjoy themselves again.

nose isn't big enough, not enough "che"s in his speech either.

>steal Greg's car
>drive it without license
>no repercussions
>implying anything about this is natural

except they still had this triumphant bullshit where they beat him and HE became the one acting immaturely

well he is funny

so basically the lesson is
You can blame your short comings on someone else, and even hate them instead of realizing your own problems?
SJW Universe strikes again!

why does Kevin have the same color scheme as Stevonnie?
is he representing Steven's hidden masculine (but bad!) side?
and him overcoming Kevin is symbolic of Steven learning to not be a man? rather embrace his full femininity as Stevonnie?

He was a douche, then they stopped letting him get to them; then he kept trying. So they won. Don't know what else to tell you.

Connie - Steven
C - Even

Assholes are often funny.

It's funny they keep banging the 'evil SJW' card when the most level headed and all around decent character in the show is one of those evil 'CIS white males'.

it makes perfect sense now
Kevin also has the ability to get in someone's head (but not literally, only because he knows how to fuck with people and the people he fucks with obsess over him)
Steven however has the literal ability to do so
they both use this skill to manipulate people for their own game
Kevin is just like Steven, but also so opposite

up until now all of Steven's battles have been up against simple problems in life, corrupted gems, and some home world gems

Kevin has been the only problem that has caused Steven to think differently, someone that bent his will, not someone like Peridot he thought he could change, or someone like Jasper that was just another angry monster that wanted to punch him. Even Lars who's also a dick never caused Steven to think differently

people say its out of character that Steven acted differently with Kevin, but really its something very interesting

a bad villain is just a monster of the week, a good villain is 3 dimensional, but a great villain is thematically different but also very similar

evidence? just look at the most memorable villains in media.

Kevin is oddly the best antagonist in all of Steven Universe

but maybe i'm jsut over thinking this, i shouldn't really think the writers of Steven Universe are this clever


>mfw all of Sup Forums wishes they could be as cool and successful as Kevin.

You REALLY shouldn't. And I would argue that SU demonstrates good writing more often than not. In the case of Kevin, though, they assume the audience sympathizes with Steven and Connie's feelings about Kevin more than actually formed their own opinion based on Kevin's direct actions.

Kevin, by and large, did nothing wrong. He was insistent about getting a pretty girl to dance with him, and then he talked trash during an illegal street race. The latter of which is COMPLETELY socially acceptable in that scenario. I'm not about to argue that he's a good person, but the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Especially in a series that also features villains bent on genocide.

Tbh this is the impression I got.
Steven's a feminine male so Stevonie becomes predominantly female. They ended up secretly craving the dick for an alpha like Kevin and that's their sense of violation.

Hes just a douchebag user they are incapable of fathoming that humans can hate them beyond being envious of them.

>dat steven berserk crossover

i love the internet sometimes

he knows people hate him, he just thinks it's funny
he probably doesn't even live in Beach City but likes to come to small towns to fuck with the locals


IRL it doesn't work like that, but it's cute anyway


Fuck haters. I was not expecting them actually showing this kind of shit in a racing episode and I loved it. I also loved the music and the unique shots we got.

loved the initial d stuff. this show man

>Kevin, by and large, did nothing wrong.

Bullshit. They made it pretty obvious that the guy is a condescending prick 100% of the time. He insults Greg multiple times, causing Steven to get pissed, then drives off without paying for the service.

>the punishment doesn't fit the crime

Which is the completely obvious point of the episode. Dude's a total jerk but raging about it is not the right response. Steven is being a chump for letting a guy get under his skin like that, he needs to learn to keep his emotions in check like Greg does when Kevin commits petty theft.

he's charming, everyone knows if you're charming its okay to be a dick

I feel like he's some sort of South Asian. Either way he's fucking hot.

If he's so charming how come nobody is charmed by him??

His dad was a rockstar that lived in his van since he was 21 years old. Greg probably did shit like this on the regular growing up.

If Greg found out he'd just ask if anyone got hurt.

>So, if people doesn't like you/better than you at something, that mean they're just haters who you should ignore?
Then what the fuck would you do in Stevonie's position?

To remind us that the show has more important side characters to focus on rather than feature more on the mystical cyborg alien invading amazons led by Galactus sized bitches that the show could be building up towards, but no, we had to be reminded that Kevin exists.

Steven fused with Connie for the same reasons Jasper fused with Lapis. I think the narrative function of this episode is to show Steven realizing that's not an appropriate reason to fuse.

>co whining that the message is too she
>Tumblr whining that it's putting the responsibility of avoiding abuse on the victim

They really can't win, huh


>white cis
>he's brown and the only "actually gay" character on the show.

Is there any futa Stevonnie on Kevin porn yet?

That is literally the exact opposite of the lesson they learned.
They became fixated on how much they hated Kevin until they realized it was making their lives worse, so instead they decided to let it go.
It's a lesson about understanding that sometimes you just need to cut toxic people out of your life instead of "beating them".

You really can't expect a 24-hour troll buffet like Sup Forums to catch on to a lesson like that.

Your headcanon isn't all that clever to begin with.



Honestly why do you people watch this

The "punishment" was originally going to be "beat him at a race to knock his ego down a peg" and eventually became "just ignore him" when they realized he wasn't worth the effort.
It is exactly appropriate for the "crime" of being a huge douche.

Maybe because of the drama? I watched some episodes and found it utterly boring.

its meme magic
tumblr thought the show was pandering to them and they got so deep into there delusions they became real.

or maybe the writers just decided to start pandering because they wanted to please tumblr

Meme Magic isn't real

well sure that was theoretically the point
they just fucked it up massively

No wonder Sup Forums hates it so much.

but he did not ruin a good time before this episode it seems like they just brushed what happened off and went on with there lives

and they weren't content with just having kevin have problems of being to pushy during courtship they went out of there way to try and make him an arsehole in every conceivable way