Trumpkins are just mad their overlord is losing to a girl

Trumpkins are just mad their overlord is losing to a girl.

I switched from Trump to Clinton 2 weeks ago.

Join me.


Other urls found in this thread:

Good for you. Next week you'll tell us you switched from pussy to dick too?

Actually I've been gay my entire life.

Well stick a dick in my butt and call me OP.


Hey, can I get paid to troll Sup Forums too? Hook me up. I'd love a job like this.


Is this real?

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

$0.05 USD has been credited to your account. Thank you for Correcting The Record™



Cheri pls go before we have to meme you again

Dems trying their best to lose the male vote.

>welcome to our camp Infidel

please take a burka, and a sword.
no driving for women, stoning if you get raped.

Islam is with $hilary

No camels

HRC said

Does your mom know that you are gay?

Isn't Trumpkin the name of the guy in Narnia?

Agreed, I don't support loser cucks like Trump.


That's fairly sexist. A grown woman is not a girl.

God I bet you're a fucking white male.

Haven't you been paying attention? Getting involved with the clintons and you end up murdered.

Elizabeth Warren is claiming to be native american because she can't handle the fact that she has literally no marketable skills and is completely talentless.

I honestly can't believe a legitimate muh hurritage retard like Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren hold influential positions in our country

>a gay man your whole life?
did your uncle do it to you?

how do you FEELz about you candidate
taking money from the very people that throw your kind from rooftops
and execute them with swords
Orlando is the norm there

>are you that big of a traitor?
selling out your own, shes just after your votes.
will sell you out, remember Bernie? your stolen nominee?

That horse looks depressed about being involved in that photo.

Rigged polls.

>Death threats
Hillary has murdered thousands, perhaps millions of people.

She's so fucking salty. She can't handle Trump's banter when he calls her Pocahontas

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He's a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail

that and she gets to cheat on taxes

maybe next time our taxes are due we should all list ourselves as black

>70 year old granny

Someone show me where he made a "death threat". Wanna see that.

Also, do these people not understand that they're insulting women by saying this? It's the classic "HA YOU LOST TO A GIRL!!!!!!!"

So she's improved the world a million times over by addressing overpopulation.

Always making it about women.

Honestly Pocahontas is a middle school level insult. Trump peaked at Little Marco and Lyin' Ted. Now those were some good nicknames

>"losers like trump"
he muttered from the basement, about the billionaire future president.

>SJWs natural victims for Mudslimes


anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;

anonymousFuntion2 = function( >9B3E595A37AE4682BA443FDB6595B110 ){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;


Leaf with the bantz and the get

i bet she has a penis or an oversized clit


if he calls her pocahantas his campaign is literally over. but he wont. r-right guys?


WikiLeaks Offers $20K Reward for Information in Murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich



She's doing that thing where you pretend someone said something they didn't

Moloch the Bull, this woman is not suitable for the role of President! She is a fanatic and a traitorous pig, and belongs in jail!

Ah yes I'm very surprised.

No you haven't you decided to be a fag. No one is born a homo.

I can't help but respect Warren for having bantz, even if they're shitty bantz.

>The Bull
Did somecuck mention the bull? Oy vey I gotta prep it for comrade Bernie and Hillshill

How is Illinois this time of year?

hillary is a crook but at least she isn't a reality show 'celebrity' like trumpkins. besides voting for hillary is worth it just to see this board implode.

where 2 apply for shill job? i will shill for shekels

nah i'm not gay
>trump 2016

Liberals love dead babies, have one on me, CTR faggot

If spinning Trumps comment about the second amendment meaning killing people they have gone off the rails. It's like watching a drowning man.

I keep hearing Trump fucks saying they're going to show up at Clinton rallies with strobe flashlights, air horns and other noise makers hoping they can trigger her into having a seizure.

Sick fucks.

Please mods dont ban me

It's bizarre. It's like they can't do anything but be a victim. There's no discussion, there's not retort or debate. They're objectifying Trump and treating him like he's some inhuman monster.

The 2nd amendment is entirely intended for the citizens to safeguard themselves against tyranny. It's safety switch, it isn't a call to battle the second you don't like something. Anyone that has spend any time looking at the constitution can tell you this.

And last week they accused Trump of not understanding the constitution. There is nothing that comes out of a liberal's mouth that isn't a lie.

>shill dog
>a girl

Some of my Hillaryfag friends were talking about how dishonest the media's been this time on Trump's comments. It was surprising because they usually just believe the narrative. I think this might be the lie that does it for a lot of people.